The Dark Waters

"Oh, I'm sure that won't be a problem. I had planned on killing you from the start. I had thought to steal that little blind seakin you adore to lure you out of the shining cage you've built. But to my pleasant surprise, you have decided to come here all on your own.

But you; Crimson Princess, were unexpected. To think that such a famous beastkin, granddaughter of the Strongest beastkin of Sol would be here to grace lil ol' me. I would bow, but as you can see...

*the mindflayer's tentacles move and splay out slightly as if displaying his current state inside the circle of sigils*

I am a bit occupied at the moment. My apologies.

27, get me those barrier keys. They should be on the Pink-haired one. Focus on that one. Kill her if you can, but I doubt you will be able to with the extent of your enhancements."

Instead of a response, the masked Octokin just groaned without any understood legibility in its words.