Chapter 6.1: Five, One

Waking up from a small nap, the female pilot checks in on the woman, only to find her still struggling.

She sits up with her back against the glass enclosure, putting her hands on her head, she starts to think.

What would she do? What else can I offer? Aside from following the lines from the booklet guide for certain situations . . . I have no idea what else to do . . .

She sighs, "Well, here goes nothing," she murmurs to herself.

Turning to the woman inside the glass enclosure, she starts, "So . . . what is your favorite food?"

"Huh? Sorry, what was that?" breathing heavily, the woman turns her attention toward the female pilot.

The female pilot lowers her head, "I was just asking, what would you say your favorite food is?" she repeats.

"Um . . . that would be pasta in general, I suppose. I love almost every kind of pasta and with some favorites" replies the woman, her heart heavy.

"Oh! If that's the case, when we reach the Rope, you must try my mother's spaghetti and meatballs! I don't know what she does to them, but they are magical, and she never tells me the secret either! I recommend it with a fizzy drink because then you would be in heaven,"

"That sounds very tempting! I'll take your word for it!" says the woman and as they both share a laugh, she feels a weight lift off her heart.

"But when we get there, the first thing I need to have is some strawberry milk," she continues.

"That's a nice one. My personal favorite would be a diluted yogurt concoction with salt. It has a tangy flavor too," says the female pilot.

"I've never tried that! Is it good?" asks the woman.

"Oh, it's the best! I'll have you try it as well when we go get you the milk! I'm sure you will love it,"

"Nice, I'll look forward to it. Oh, by the way . . ." says the woman as she feels her heart getting lighter by the moment.

The female pilot smiles as she feels a rush of happiness wash over her . . . holding a conversation with a passenger like this feels nice.