Chapter 26: Day?

"Damn, this is taking really long. Two days later, Kayn captured his second property. Still salty you cucked me from seeing what happened inside that dome and I didn't even get to see them leave but it's okay. I forgive you, buddy," says Orbit.

"And the other three seem to be making their move too," he says, switching screens.

. . .

"Purchase," says Adora, and a small sculpture of a man similar to the pieces on other monopoly boards turns into a fully grown man-like statue that obeys commands.

"At your service," bows the statue-like man.

"Go and take your orders from the Queen piece. She will tell you what to do for now until I say otherwise," orders Adora, pointing towards the Queen statue, who is overseeing everyone's work.

"Yes, ma'am," says the statue as it walks away.

Adora claps her hands once, "Alright, so since the efficiency of this place is maximized and we have good defenses set up, for now, let's get to it," she looks at Neo and Charlotte.

"Do we have ourselves an agreement, that we all sign this contract and share our points and properties? And if anyone wants to consume more than 30 pts in a day, they will have to send a request stating the reason for use and the amount to be used. If they get a majority vote for the proposition, then it goes through. If it's a tie or loss, then it doesn't go through. Additionally, we have one emergency allowance that we get to use only once and get to increase the cap up to 200 pts, for one purchase. After using it, the other party members would have to give a unanimous acceptance to give the person another one," she lays out the terms, "Agreed?"

"Agreed," chime Neo and Charlotte in agreement.

"Great! And I think it's pretty clear that we should try to be conservative about using our points. Just because there is a cap of 30 pts per day, doesn't mean we should use all of them. You can spend it on leisure but don't spam," says Adora, "Abuse the system and . . . Haco," she looks at Haco on her shoulders.

Haco meows happily.

Adora smiles, "We clear?"

"Uh, yes ma'am," say the both of them, gulping nervously as they stand up straight.

They sign the contract and now all three players are in a partnership where they share properties and points under the stated conditions and some others.

"Alright, it took a day, but we amassed a good amount of points and should move to grab another property," announces Adora, "I'll head there with Haco and you two stay here to defend this property. How does that sound?"

"Um, actually, don't you think that it's better for me to come along with you?" suggests Charlotte, "If Neo defends this property and we go to the other one, you can leave me on that one and go to a third, being assured that both properties are defended,"

Adora looks at her focused expression and then at Neo who seems unamused by the idea.

"Hm, seems like a good idea. Anyone would like to suggest anything else?" she asks, looking at the ground and tapping it lightly with her foot.

. . .

"Alright, I'll take this silence as a yes," concludes Adora.

"Lastly, here are the communication devices," she hands them devices with numbers on them, "Just press this button," A hologram showing a list of numbers on it appears, "And then select the number that you want to call," she selects a number and a ringing sounds as Charlotte's device vibrates, and a hologram appears asking her to accept or reject the call, Charlotte clicks accept, "And you can talk to the other person through the device," explains Adora, her voice echoing.

"The call will consume points at a low rate so use them conservatively," she advises, "That's all. Charlotte, meet me at the center of the property in twenty minutes. Make whatever preparations you need to," says Adora over her shoulder as she walks away with Haco, leaving the two behind.

. . .

Being done with her own preparations, Adora jumps on top of Haco.

"Oh! There you are!" she exclaims, noticing a blushing and flustered Charlotte walking towards them with two pistols strapped to her sides.

Adora grins, "You told him, didn't you?"

Charlotte looks down, her cheeks on fire.

"Oh, the money I would pay to see the look on his face right now! But anyway, we need to get going, so hop on,"

"Let's go, Haco," says Adora after Charlotte gets on.

Haco jumps towards the next property.

. . .

"What is it that you want to ask?" asks Adora as they travel towards the next property.

". . . How did you know?" questions Charlotte.

"You are riding a huge panther in the middle of who knows where. How would I not know that you have questions?"

". . . Neo is new to all of this, so I don't see it striking him how everything around him is unfolding like me. I didn't want to freak him out, so I didn't ask this around him but. . ."

"What the fuck is happening, Adora?!" shouts Charlotte.

"Are you like, a pilot in disguise, and is your 'colleague' a pilot as well? And who were those two that launched Neo off the stage? What are we even in right now?" she rambles on.

. . .

"Well?" she demands as Adora sits in silence.

"I am not a pilot, no. As for my colleague, I can't answer in his place," says Adora.

"Why not? I think I deserve an answer since it was him who went in first without talking to any of us about it. It's his fau—"

"Stop it," Adora says as she looks back at Charlotte, her gaze cold.

Charlotte freezes in place.

"He didn't force any of you to come in here. You were free to leave all of us behind and not take my hand but decided to come in all by yourself. Don't you dare put the weight and responsibility of your choice on his back,"

Charlotte goes quiet, "Sorry," she mumbles.

Adora sighs, "I was too harsh. I understand how you might feel like you were forced into this, but that's a false frame of mind,"

. . .

"Originally, my colleague and I are on a special mission to save a pilot that was kidnapped by Zahtan. Though what he said before he disappeared made me even more confused right now. Aside from one thing. I can never figure out what's going on in his head,"

"Did you see Sharara?" asks Charlotte.

". . . Ye—" before Adora can finish her sentence, Haco flips over.

"Huh?" Charlotte says in surprise as she finds herself upside down.

"LET GO!" screams Adora as they both fall, and Charlotte lets go of the leash.

Adora grabs Charlotte, covering her.


Explodes a missile inside Haco as she devours it.