Chapter 29: A Question

"It's Arcat!" announces Charlotte, "How did you reach us?" she asks as she carries Adora down to the ground while riding Haco in her panther form.

"Well, I was close enough to hear the explosions and when I jumped to check it out, I saw a giant panther in the distance, which I guess you know about Haco now, so I decided to come to you guys," he explains, looking at the body dead Adora.

"What happened to you?"

"I'll fill you up on everything," says Adora.

"Oh well, how about you do that when we reach the new property?" suggests Arcat, grabbing his spear.

"No, we shouldn't yet. Just listen,"

Arcat looks at Adora, then plants his spear into the ground and snaps his fingers, making the same dome with a table, chairs and drinks appear.

He gestures towards it, "Let's get inside the dome and I am all ears,"

. . .

"No . . . no, no, NO!" shouts Orbit as the signal gets cut off again.

"Damn it! Not this again!" he shakes the screen and then lets it go, falling back on his chair and spinning around.

Sighing, he rubs his eyes, "Damn it, I need more to have a full circle,"

He looks towards the popcorn soda dispensers, "Better not eat more for a bit, I need to keep this physique, baby," he says, gesturing towards his body.

He slides down in his seat, his back touching the bottom of the seat and he moves his eyes to the side, observing one of the screens.

"Let's see what he is up to, I guess," he says, using his legs to drag himself back and then sitting up straight to observe.

. . .

Neo is sitting on a comfortable chair with a table, a small booklet resting on it. He's doodling with what looks like hologram paint.

So, if more than one person is holding all four of the properties in a category, they would have to compete to grab the other person's property and gain complete control over that part of the market . . . physical violence or sabotage are options to cause the other person to reach bankruptcy and have to sell their property. Or you can maybe make a product so good that the consumers get attracted to buy from only you, causing the other person to go bankrupt through an economic war, muses Neo, grabbing some milk and drinking it.

He gets up, grabs his milk cup and the book, and goes for a walk as he contemplates the two options.

The second option will take more time and there is too much unknown. I have no idea what the mobs think like nor what they would look like. Also, it feels as if I am handing the power of my future over to the said mobs. I dislike the framework of that for some reason, so the first option is a better method as long as one is stronger.

But once one holds all the power, what then?

Neo remembers the moment when Charlotte gave him half of her points.

He hums.

Maybe not half but, if the properties can't coexist and there will always be a hierarchy since it seems inevitable, what if the people at the top feed into a constant loopback . . . but why? Something is missing.

He pauses, finishing the rest of his milk.

Hierarchy? How do I even know such a word? Why did it come to mind?

Damn, I gotta thank Charlotte for having me try different drinks, this is really good, he blushes as he thinks about her.

Neo looks at the different collection of arcade games close by in the property, one of them having his favorite theme.

He takes one step closer and stops.

Hm, maybe later, he shakes his head, walking away. He loops around the property once, looking around while contemplating.

He comes back to his seat and sits down.

He glances down at the book in his hands, Adora gave me this book as a gift before she left.

Sheesh, what was she thinking?

He turns it over, reads the cover, and finds 'Some Tips' written in bold letters. He opens the book to continue reading its contents where he paused.

Something catches Neo's attention as he reads and he's more engaged than usual.

"Personal hygiene and a haircut can go a long way for guys. Guys really undermine it, but most guys are usually one haircut, a shower and nice clothing away from looking physically attractive to the other sex, having a good physique and cologne are plus points. Here are some recommendations for some products and clothes . . ." he continues reading, completely absorbed into the book.

"I'll keep these in mind, I hope they work,"

"They shouldst. Whoever wrote such words is most wondrous at giving general counsel. Wast it the Fragment of Light?" questions the Female One, leaning on his chair as she looks over his shoulder.

Neo screams, flying forward. He covers some distance as he turns around swiftly and unsheathes his sword. He looks at the Female and Male One still leaning on his chair on opposite ends.