Chapter 30: Dinner

The Male One's eyes glow with light. But it isn't in preparation, it is as if in a warning. Neo points his sword towards him, gulping as he tightens his hold on the sword.

"At ease, the both of thee," the Female One's words vibrate through the air and deep into their bones. The Male One's eyes go back to normal, and they both calm down.

How did she do that?

Neo puts his sword down, feeling very calm.

"Apologies for the sudden appearance, Sh Neo, the lady called thee, if I recall correctly," says the Female One.

"How did you get past the defenses we set up?" asks Neo.

"We just walked right in, and no one ceased us,"

"What do you mean? Don't mess with me,"

"I am not. That is the truth. Do not worry, however. We has't no intention of causing trouble. In fact, we came here to make amends," explains the Female One.

"Why would you bother making amends with me?"

"We has't our own reasons and interests. We would like to invite thee to dinner, actually," says the Female One, smiling sincerely.

Neo looks at the Male One.

"Do not worry about myself, he only ever fights back in protection or in a spar. As long as thee do nothing, neither shall he," she says, looking at the Male One.

As if he understands something naturally, he walks away from the chair around the table to the other side. Suddenly, two seats appear opposing each other on the sides and a feast appears on the table. They both sit on the opposing seats.

The Female One gestures her hand towards the seat Neo abandoned earlier.

Neo looks down at his sword in contemplation and takes a deep breath, "Alright, fine," he says, sheathing his sword.

"Do you mind if I make a call real quick though?" he asks.

"Yes, thou art free to," allows the Female One.

Neo uses the device given by Adora and tries to call her.

A beep sounds and he looks at the screen, only to find a signal error displayed on it.

Neo is taken aback and looks at One in surprise.

"Problem?" asks the Female One.

"N─no. Everything is okay. Let's eat," he says, walking slowly behind the Female One, his gaze locked with the Male One's. Even after reaching his seat and sitting down, their gazes are locked.

The Female One laughs gently, and they both look at her.

"Pardon. I found thy actions comical. Please, feel free to begin the meal," she says, then reaches out to the knife and cuts out a chicken leg, putting it on her plate.

"In the nameth of the master," she begins, slicing into the chicken and eating it.

Her words bring a strange mix of nostalgia and a tiny sting to Neo for some reason. But seeing her eating the food and still being fine makes him feel much more comfortable that there is probably nothing wrong with it. Looking around the table, he reaches out for a bowl of pale yellow paste, not knowing what it is and interested in tasting it.

The Male One starts eating right after him.

. . .

Tasting new foods for the first time ever, there is a happy expression on his face subconsciously, lighting his face up.

"I am glad the food is to thy liking," says the Female One.

Neo realizes that he let his guard down for a moment and looks away shyly. The Female One chuckles quietly, finding his behavior adorable in a childish manner.

The Male One is enjoying his steak quietly.

"By the by, who is it that thou art interested in?" she asks.

"Huh?" responds Neo, his mouth slightly open and his eyes wide.

"The book thee were reading and the notes thee were taking, were for someone thou art interested in, no? Is it the Striver?"

"You saw that? How long were you there? Why didn't you say anything?"

"We tried many times, but thee weren't responding at all, as if thee couldn't hear anything. And then we did get interested in what t'wast that thee were reading, t'wast surprising at first. But afterward, I became absorbed into reading it with thee as I found its contents useful, and t'wast amusing to gaze at thee reading it, "

Neo looks down, feeling embarrassed.

"Well? Is't her?" she asks again.

Neo nods his head, blushing furiously,

"But all of this is new to me. And I have no idea what to do or how to behave around her. She told me she feels the same about me before she left. But all I did back then in response was freeze, not knowing what to say back. She told me that I didn't have to say anything at the time and left. But I find it frustrating now that I said nothing in response to her back then," he shakes his head.

"T'is fine," says the Male One.

Neo looks up at him.

"Things like that art bound to befall. In fact, if the both of thee even got together, thee might disagree and has't conflict from time to time over things far more important than this trivial issue," he continues.

"What matters is the core. If the core is strong enough, both of thee can go past and over anything. And the core is only strong as long as both sides are holding it. Even the type of core can be different with different properties. I personally find the most beautiful one to be the one where thee both are clothing for one another and act as one," he says, looking at Neo in the eyes.

"We shall give thee some counsel. That along with what's in the book, thee shouldst be prepared enough to know how to act the next time thee meet her,"

The three of them continue to talk.

Neo thinks to himself at first, why did these two even bother caring about his own affairs?

But after a while of laughter and advice, he feels a new sensation . . . it . . . it almost feels like he's talking to a brother and sister.

. . .

"What in the fuck is happening?! Why is he not attacking them?! DAMN IT! It was a waste!" whines Orbit in frustration.

He takes a deep breath, "Calm down, Orbit. Sometimes the full circle is in a direction you didn't want, it happens. Let's just keep watching it,"

"Things should get back to action soon anyway. Right, Zahtan?" says Orbit, as he looks at Zahtan's screen with a smirk.