Chapter 37: Test

System, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system, system─

Is the only word that every fiber of Neo's body urges, nae, begs for him to utter. His human instincts at peak, and like a cat, the hair on his body rise at what he's witnessing. The word is in his throat, making its way to his mouth for him to utter it. He would say it had it not been for his brain stopping his mouth from saying it last second. Instead, it's as if it makes Neo gag to stop him from saying it.


"Aw, really? I think it came out good and looks pretty tasty, though. I hoped you would like medium rare," says Aayn, walking towards a large knife and its sharpener.

Neo's face is full of disgust, horror, and spite.

"Wh─ why did you do this?!" he screams after he stops gagging and begins shaking.

". . . I just want to enjoy a good meal, and this one is of the highest quality," remarks Aayn, grabbing the knife and starting to sharpen it.

"And the most entertaining as well, she should wake up any minute now," he continues.

"What? What do you mean?" asks Neo.

". . . Remember when I told you about the head and that everything goes dark because of the shock? Well, what do you think would happen if you seal the head in a container after you behead the person? Especially a normal person,"

Neo doesn't respond.

"Well, if the container is completely sealed and is made of something strong like glass or stronger, turns out the head will be unable to reach the body and reattach, so it's stuck. But, here is the best part─ " explains Aayn, checking out his knife.

" ─Wait long enough and the brain will regain consciousness. And when it does─ " he says as he walks towards the table.

" ─You get to see them experience the shock and pain of having a severed head. And in this case, even cooked!" he exclaims, reaching the table and planting the knife into the wood right next to Charlotte's severed head contained in a glass case.

"And then you show them the knife and let them know they are about to get eaten. And if you are lucky, they may not faint again, and you get to eat them while they are conscious! Instead of their subconscious saving the experience for them to remember later on, they get to witness it live!"

"How sublime, how beautiful indeed~ So fascinating~ HAHAHAHAHAHA," cackles Aayn.

"Yo─ you are mad . . ." says Neo, unable to muster up a scream because there was just . . . too much! Too much of everything!

"Mad? Oh why, yes of course! Art and beauty can drive madness out of you, I understand. All those who admire art are mad!"

The head suddenly opens its eyes, and the pupils of the severed medium-rare cooked head start to move and look around frantically before locking in on Neo.

"Ah, yes, there it is! She is back with us!" exclaims Aayn, picking up his knife, "She must want to scream so badly but can't cause I sew her mouth shut," he muses, opening the glass case and stabbing the knife right into her head.

Charlotte's eyes widen.

"Don't worry. You will be on an experience soon, you will be beautiful," he coos, licking her.

Aayn hums, "Salty," he looks at Neo, "So, what part of her do you want, partner? Right hemisphere or left hemisphere?"

Neo remains silent, looking at Charlotte, he's completely frozen.

Was he dead? Nae, but he might as well be. No shaking . . . no gagging . . . nothing. Just frozen in time.

Aayn tsks, "I'll choose for you then, if you don't mind," he thrusts the rest of his blade down, splitting her head in two. He then grabs a fork and thrusts it into her brain, cutting a good-sized piece.

"One for me," he says as he puts it in his mouth, chews, and swallows.

He hums, "Needs some lime on it, one second," he says walking to the side table and grabbing a lime. He cuts it and then squirts it all over the inside of her brain.

He cuts another piece.

"This is supposed to be yours, but I would like to taste test," he says, trying the taste, again.

He groans, "Yes, much better!"

Neo's eyes are still locked in on Charlotte, her pupils moving around in panic.

"And even better she is still conscious! Here, you gotta try fast! I don't know when she will black out again,"

"But after I eat a few more bites," he says.















"Okay, okay, this one is actually yours. But let me just have a drink real quick," Aayn finally says, walking back to the other side, grabbing a drink and himself one in a glass cup.

He gulps it down, "Ah, nothing better to add to the flavor than this indeed. I'll pour you one to drink while trying her out as well," he says, pouring another drink and approaching Neo with the fork that has the piece of her brain and the drink, "The drink will also help you later on in the restroom!"

"Truly, what a beautiful luxury food is! Now say aaahh!" he says, moving the fork towards Neo's mouth.

. . .

"System," he says.