Am I Look Funny?


Suddenly Ella kicked off the table, the food and drink in front of her also shook.

Kristy and Calvin were stunned and glared at her.

The students, who were enjoying their lunch, glanced at Ella with astonished eyes

"What's wrong with you, Ella?" Finally, Kristy dared to ask, while Calvin sneered at his own face as if the temperature in the school cafeteria was getting hotter.

"Looks like the last day of this exam has made her brain explode." Calvin snorted.

Ella didn't care about Calvin's taunts, because it had been almost a week since Ella held back her irritation.

Edward Huxley was getting further away from her, it was actually okay if he stepped away or left this world.

But why on that night? Edward seemed to give hope to Ella again?

If nothing had happened between them, Ella would have been very happy to know that Edward Huxley was staying away from her.

But this time it was different, Ella felt as if she had been dropped from a tall building. Then dumped, or maybe the fate will be the same as the woman who was with Edward Huxley.

"ELLA?!" Kristy started screaming and broke Ella's reverie who was still drinking the juice from her straw.

"Besides George, is there one person who could piss you off like this?" said Kristy

(Ella starts paying attention to her friend)

"What's going on between you and Edward Huxley? "Kristy guessed.

Ella immediately choked on her friend's words, she patted her chest hard and repeatedly. Calvin started to say "wooooaaa" in silence, surprised to hear his girlfriend's compelling conclusion.

"Are you kidding, Kristy? I have nothing to do with Edward," Ella answered.

"I didn't say you had a relationship with Edward Huxley?" Kristy grinned and brought her face closer to Ella.

"Tell me and let me know it, or I'll continue to haunt you. And also with Calvin." Kristy threatens to glance at her boyfriend.

"Am I look like a ghost? Honey, are you well? I'm not a ghost, I'm too handsome for being a ghost." Calvin asked with a chuckle.

"Errghh .... you guys!"

Ella is confused about how to start her story with her friends. Slowly she began to explain. Kristy and Calvin are still taking all of Ella's stories seriously.

"Wow ... well ... I'm not leaving any comments for your complicated love, this is so crazy!" Calvin said.

"Calvin, you're a man, aren't you? Can you give me some advice for my friend who is clearly in love?!" Kristy nudged Calvin in annoyance.

"I think you better stay away from him, Ella. You know what Edward Huxley's habit is related to LOVE. The proof, after what he did for you. He dumped you, right?" Kristy started giving advice.

"Or maybe, he just wants to treat you differently, Ella. Maybe he doesn't want to think, that he's just playing with you as he did with many women before you Ella." Calvin said.

"It's so unusual ... is it really a Calvin talk? Talking about love? Your words sound wiser," said Kristy incredulously seeing her lover - Calvin.

George suddenly appeared before them.

"Hi, Ella. Can I sit here?"

Calvin began to clench his fists with evil eyes. He waited for Ella to give orders, that he was allowed to be able to give George a punch in the face in retaliation, for what he had done to Ella.

"Calvin, I'm not in the mood to make a fuss. Trust me." Geroge said.

Kristy and Calvin were eventually forced to leave the two of them, even after George begged and promised not to do anything strange to Ella.

Ella was of course still cold, she even looked fierce and scary. Ella folded her arms tightly.

"I know it's too late, but I want to apologize for what I did to you, Ella." Said, George.

Ella stared suspiciously, this time the two men in front of her apologized to her. Ella just sighed and let out a heavy sigh. George looked back at Ella's face.

"I know, you won't just believe it. My mistakes are too many, at first I thought I didn't have any contact with you anymore. Everything will return to normal." Said, George.

"What do you mean, George?" Asked Ella.

"But somehow the more I want to forget you, the more I remember you. If I didn't, maybe ...." Geroge looked down and looked embarrassed.

"Maybe ... we're lovers now." George continued his words.

Ella was immediately taken aback by George's words, "Are you serious about what you are saying, George Sebastian? Are you trying to tease me again?"

"No, this time I'm really serious about what I'm saying. I'm stupid for taking so long to realize, but I guess I do love you, Ella." Said, George.

Ella could only remain silent, her mouth was about to open to speaking. But she closed it quickly again. Still thinking about what sentence is appropriate, for the man in front of her.

"Maybe this is too hasty." George had started talking again and didn't give Ella a chance to speak.

"How about you be my partner at the prompt tonight?" George asked and gave him a very big smile.

"What ... your partner? At the prompt night? I can't, George ..." Ella replied very quickly.

"Why can't you? What do you mean you already have another partner?" Asked George suspiciously.

(Hey that's a good idea, maybe he will stop and give up on asking me as his partner) Ella's thoughts.

Ella saw Ron who had just arrived in the distance, he brought his food tray. And Ron looked confused as to which table he would occupy.

"Ron ...!" Ella shouted loudly, George showed a puzzled expression and looked behind him.

Ron pointed to himself, wondering if Ella was really calling him?

"Yes ... you ... Come here ..!" Said Ella again.

"Ella, why do you call that bookworm?" George seemed displeased with Ron as he walked over to their table.

Ella immediately took Ron's tray, and he placed it next to his food tray. Not only that, but Ella also hooked her arm around Ron's.

"This is my partner, Ron. And sorry George I can't go with you." Ella said with a smile.

George looked alternately at Ella and Ron, still in disbelief. "Are you kidding, Ella? You and Ron?"

"No. I'm very serious, Ron will be my partner at the prompt night." Said Ella confidently.

Finally, George left annoyed, although he still did not accept Ella who rejected him outright.

Ron and Ella sat together, Ella could breathe a sigh of relief because she did not have any feelings for George. But Ron was surprised by Ella's statement, he looked at her in amazement.

"Ron, I'm sorry. I hope you're not mad at me." Ella was starting to feel guilty.

"Because he kept bothering me, he even asked me to be his partner." Ella showed her displeasure.

"You don't want to go with him, Ella? A George asked you, and you refused?" Asked Ron even more incredulously. Ella looked at Ron and chuckled.

"Is there something wrong if I refuse his offer? Because I really don't want to come with him." Ella asked in return.

"Nothing's wrong, but ... if you want ... I can accompany you to prom night." Said Ron haltingly.


"Ahh .. sorry. I mean as a friend, I can help you at the graduation night event. But ... if you don't want to, for me it's fine too." Ron was still bowed shyly as he explained.

"You're very funny, Ron." Said Ella smiling sweetly.

"Ah ... am I look funny?" Ron was confused as to whether it was sarcasm or compliment.

"Sorry, I mean you're really funny. Not funny silly. Ummm ... okay, I agree with your invitation." Ella's words immediately made Ron straighten his face, and he could not believe what he was hearing.

Kristy and Calvin already thought that Ella's mind was really messed up. How could the nerdy Ron be her partner at this week's event - prom night?

But Ella doesn't care either, because first: Ron is not a bastard like George, second Ella considers Ron only as her best friend.

And Ella thought that it would be better for her to be with Ron at the event, than with George - a shitty man.

That afternoon Ella had returned to the Huxley family's house, she was getting ready to help Jason.

Her feelings became upset again when she meets Edward in the hall. The man just silenced.

Even when Ella was purposely screaming in front of the reading room, Edward was also there.

She said aloud, that she was going to see Hercules. Edward only glanced slightly and seemed indifferent.


Backyard - Horse Riding

"You better not go near him, Ella." Jason was already chattering, by the time Ella had started rubbing Hercules.

"Why?" Said Ella.

"He is in a bad mood. Better not to ask Hercules to play, it looks like it is already mating season." Jason explained.

Ella looked at Hercules, "He's been very tame with me, Jason. You don't have to worry."

Ella didn't really care what Jason said, even though she was also in a bad mood herself.

Thinking ... maybe, if together with Hercules, Ella will feel much better and calmer.

Ella is already on Hercules' back, the horse has started running but is still within safe limits.

"You know, Hercules, I wanted so badly to shout in his face and say harshly," Said Ella, thinking about Edward.

"He's been quieting me for a long time. What does he mean? I'll show him if I'm okay too... Hhhh!!!"

Ella began to clap her feet hard, and Hercules started to speed up even more on the wide backyard.

"Hercules ?!" Ella shouted in panic, "Hercules ?!" Ella shouted again.

She felt something strange about the horse, the speed was too fast and could not be restrained.

"Hercules! Don't joke! You're too fast." Shouted Ella

Ella also pulled the reins that were around Hercules's neck, with all his might hoping that the horse could slow down.

But instead of slowing down as Ella wanted, Hercules did the brakes suddenly. The horse took a high dive, and Ella was knocked off hard.

Her body rolled quickly and hit the hard ground. She didn't feel any pain, in fact, she didn't feel anything. Because Ella was already unconscious.