Nightmare & Kiss From Edward

Next day - Restaurant in the city center.

Edward stared coldly at the blonde woman in front of him. But the woman's attitude actually enjoyed Edward's behavior which seemed mysterious to her.

"Thank you, Edward, for coming to dinner with me," said Abigail, who was wearing a silver dress, quite short but not too tight.

And slightly stuck to her chest, two small straps caught her shoulders to hold her very thin and short dress. Abigail also wears a thick fur coat.

"It's all because you said there would be important things you wanted to talk about," Edward answered dryly.

Abigail deliberately took off her fur coat, she put it on the side of the chair next to her. She tries to flirt with the man in front of her.

"Regarding our engagement plans ...."

"It's just a plan, Abigail." Edward cut off the conversation.

"And I already said, if I had rejected it." Edward could already guess where Abigail's conversation was going.

Abigail drank some of her red wine, her lipstick which was too thick and red immediately left a smudge on the lips at the end of the wine glass.

"Am I not enough, to make you interested with me, Edward?" Abigail's words were still a little teasing.

"An Edward Huxley, you are very famous with many women who always surround you," Abigail said again.

"Do you know what kind of seductive woman is around me?" Edward asked with a grin.

"And when I saw you started looking ... like the women are around me." Edward quipped, Abigail was immediately offended, he stopped teasing her.

"You!!?" Abigail said irritably.

"Come on, Abigail, you don't have to push yourself. My father wants me to be engaged, so I don't keep doing stupid things with the woman who always teases me." Edward gave a disapproving look.

"I hope you know, that I will not stop to keep refusing. Even though I am engaged to you. But I need to remind you, no one can force me, including my own father." Edward said arrogantly.

Edward had risen from his chair, straightened his jacket, but his eyes were still cold on Abigail.

"I hope you stop chasing me and stop teasing me like that. You really look inferior to all the women I've slept with."

Abigail gripped her hand in annoyance, Edward had already stepped out of the table but was still standing beside Abigail.

"A smart girl like you is not suitable for the role of a seductive woman," Edward said again and immediately left Abigail.

Abigail kicked off her own desk, she was very annoyed by Edward's attitude. Feeling so humiliated,

"Just watch Edward Huxley!you'll fall on my lap... I'm serious if you'll regret it, Edward Huxley!"


The Huxley Family Kitchen.

Late at night, Ella could not sleep, she had just finished her night study time. But strangely, even though she had studied long enough to face her exams. Her eyes were still fresh and awake.

Ella accidentally overheard Mrs. Huxley's conversation with Clarissa that afternoon, when Mr. & Mrs. Huxley said goodbye as they were about to travel out of town.

They said that Edward was going out to dinner with Abigail, and it really got Mr & Mrs. Huxley was delighted.

That midnight Ella was still daydreaming, thinking back to Edward Huxley. Ella felt that for the past few weeks this man had been avoiding her, she should be able to feel good about it. But why is there a sense of disappointment she feels.

Edward never barely reprimanded her, didn't tease her anymore. Even worst, Ella wasn't given any more punishment.

Ella let out a long sigh, she started drinking her warm tea.

"Ahh ... why is the situation getting awkward. Mr. Edward, why are you acting like that. You better give me a harsh punishment ... Hhhhh ...." Ella looked desperate by speaking to herself.

Edward didn't seem home yet, what a fool for Ella to have to wait anxiously. She also decided to return to her room to rest.

Just when she stepped into the living room, sshe already heard a voice screaming on the second floor.

At first Ella thought what was a ghost?

But as he climbed the stairs, the voice came from Clarissa's room.

"Miss Clarissa?" Ella still said and knocked hard on the door.

"Miss Clarissa, are you all right?"

Clarissa didn't answer at all, it was heard that she was still screaming. Although the sound of screams was faint.

Ella entered Clarissa's room, without any permission from the owner of the room.

She walked over to Clarissa's bed, her eyes still closed. But it was clear that she was delirious or having nightmares.

"Miss Clarissa, are you okay?" Ella tried to wake Clarissa who started to rampage in her sleep.

"CLARISSA !!" Ella called her louder.

Clarissa's eyes opened, but tears began to flow. Clarissa seemed to still be unconscious. Her gaze was blank.

"Clarissa, are you okay?" Ella started to worry and sat by Clarissa's side.

"Aaahhh ..... blood ... blood .... mother ..... mother ....." Clarissa was still delirious, "Miss Clarissa, are you start again..?" Said Ella who knew whats going on with Clarissa, looke to her and seem began to speak incoherently.

"I'll wake Mom or Alvin." Said Ella who was about to leave, but Clarissa grabbed her arm. Her eyes began to bulge angrily.

"Mother ... mother .... wake up .... mother ...." said Clarissa angrily and started shaking Ella's body.

"Miss Clarissa... watch out ... You must have forgotten to take your medicine." Ella said.

"What's going on this?" Edward was already into the room, and was looking at Ella and Clarissa.

Edward approached Clarissa who was still gripping Ella's arm, "Clarissa?!" Edward said.

Clarissa looked at Edward, she started screaming in annoyance.

Edward hugged his sister tightly, "Ella, look in the drawer, there's a Clarissa medicine in there." Edward orders.

Ella started looking quickly, and began to search. And she found a small tube filled with liquid.

"Is this what you mean, Mr. Edward?" Ella asked to show Edward who was still hugging his sister tightly.

"You see the injection, quickly bring it here." Tell Edward again.

And sure enough Ella had found a syringe that was still neatly sealed in the blue box. Ella quickly gave it to Edward.

Edward swiftly took the syringe Ella gave him. His hand was still busy inserting the syringe into the fluid tube, and Edward was carefully injecting it into his younger sister's arm.

No need to wait long, the sedative has started to react. Clarissa wasn't struggling anymore, she immediately closed her eyelids and went back to sleep.

It seemed that Edward was very worried about his sister, the first time Ella saw Edward who showed concern for Clarissa.

Edward had already protected Clarissa, they both left Clarissa's room.

"Hh ... surely she missed his scheduled visit to the doctor." Edward sighed while massaging the back of his own neck.

But Edward looked directly at Ella, who was standing quietly beside him.

"Poor Miss Clarissa, tomorrow I will confirm and remind to her routine schedule with Doctor Mike." Ella said.

"Excuse me Mr. Edward, I will go back to my room, and you may take a rest also." Said Ella began walking past Edward.

Edward quickly grabbed Ella's hand, he pulled her towards him. His hand was already holding Ella's waist, while the other hand was holding the back of Ella's neck.

Edward pushed Ella's face towards hers, he seemed unable to hold back the urge.

Gently he started kissing Ella's lips. Edward kissed her gently, and Ella could feel it from the motion of Edward's lips, which were still fondling her lips.

Ella also seemed unable to lie to her feelings, she kissed Edward back.

Ella could feel the aroma of the drink on Edward Huxley's lips. Ella knew the man looked a little drunk.

Late at night in front of Clarissa's room, they were still busy giving each other and kissing each other back.

This is their longest kiss and this kiss is different from the previous one.

Each of them, as if not caring and still making out with each other.

Not long after Edward stopped, he pressed his forehead against Ella's. His hand touched the lips he had just kissed.

"Mr. Edward ... are you drunk?" Ella asked, holding Edward's finger which was still on her lips.

Edward lowered his hand, he take a long breath. After dinner with Abigail, Edward did decide to go to one of the night clubs. And trying to entertain himself with a lot of drink.

"I'm sorry Ella ..." said Edward, who immediately walked backwards, and left Ella just like that.

Ella just stared in disbelief at the man who had just kissed her, and just walked away saying sorry.