Does it hurt, Ella?

Ella was busy piling up some of the hay that had started to pile up high, and Ella had just finished feeding the horse belonging to the Huxley Family.

"Ella, aren't you going to have a school exam next month?" Said Jason who was sitting on a haystack, as he wiped the sweat off his face.

"Jason, you should rest, watch your wrinkles grow more and more," Ella said but didn't answer Jason's question before.

"It's because I'm too old Ella, oh yeah ... are you going to continue your schooling?" Jason asked back.

Ella stuck her long shovel into one of the haystacks and wiped the sweat off with the small towel she kept in her shirt pocket.

"I don't know... I just want to make a lot of money. Then get out of this place. And for what I dream of, I have to have a lot of savings. So that my life with my mother is better." Ella answered.

"Doesn't your mother want you to continue Ella's school? I guarantee Laras will refuse your request." Jason said.

Ella walked over to Jason, then she sat beside him, even though she was just sitting on the hard ground. Ella supported her hands between her legs.

"I just want my mother to enjoy her old age. Do you know Jason? Before we worked with the Huxleys, our life was very difficult. In fact, I often endured my hunger, because I know my mother also endured hunger." Ella said sadly.

"Hmmm, I can't wait for my graduation, and get to work," Ella said again, grinning with a burning spirit.

Meanwhile, Jason looked with concern and sympathy at the little girl who had become an adult.

Ella finished with her work, she just arrived in the kitchen room and saw Bobby who was chatting with Laras.

"Hey Ella, you really look dirty." Bobby Making fun of himself.

"Thanks, Bobby. I suspect you're starting to like me."

"Mom, have you seen Alvin? Mrs. Huxley is looking for him, "said Ella, not caring about Bobby laughing at her.

Laras suddenly coughed violently, her eyes looked watery because she kept coughing.

"Wait a minute, looks like I should step aside for a moment ... huk ... huk ..." she stepped back and ran towards the cleaning room.

Laras took a handkerchief that was in her apron pocket and tried to cover her own cough. But surprisingly, there was a bloodstain left on her handkerchief.

"Mom? Are you all right?" Ella who was worried approached Laras who immediately put her handkerchief back into the pocket of the apron he was wearing.

"Have you taken any medication?" Ella asked again, Laras immediately closed the janitor's door quickly.

"Yes, I drank it earlier .." Laras replied in a hurry.

"Alvin is with Floretta. Looks like he's going to go to the market." Laras answered.


Middle Room - Huxley's Mansion

"Ahh ... Clarissa, this isn't for a five-year-old. It's even better for a twelve-year-old." Mrs. Huxley seemed irritated by Clarissa who didn't help her much.

That afternoon Mrs. Huxley was busy preparing a generous gift to give to one of the orphanages.

This is a routine activity, at least once a month The Huxley family will be busy giving out clothes, toys, canned goods, blankets, and more.

"Mom ..... it's their fault. Why are they mixing things up? Look, our work, it's become a lot more." Clarissa was getting tired and looked at all the things in the living room.

"There's no time, Clarissa, and hurry up! help me and stop yelling! you're just slowing down. I forgot that Floretta and Alvin are out. At least if there their in here, they can get the job done faster than us." Mrs. Huxley was still picking out clothes while looking at the list made up by herself.

Clarissa lowered her face, even more, she was annoyed that she had to delay her beauty treatment.

"Ck... I forgot, today I have an important appointment to attend." Mrs. Huxley is awake.

"You better call a few servants to help you, and make sure today is finished neatly," demanded the Mrs. Huxley

"But... Mom ... you can't leave me alone in here!"

"Yes, I can Clarissa!"

Ella was already in the living room, the room was full of various items. Clarissa was still complaining, not helping Ella.

Ella looked at a fairly long list of children's names, complete with their names, genders, and ages.

"Ella, hurry up. Today's my schedule going to the salon." Clarissa was already starting to complain.

"Miss Clarissa, maybe if you hadn't messed up earlier. It would have been a lot easier, and I could have done it faster." Ella quipped.

"Ah .. whatever. I'm really dizzy with all that list. I want all of today to be finished because tomorrow you will personally deliver it." Said Clarissa.

Ella had been almost half an hour in the living room, Clarissa not helping her at all. He just sat monitoring and was busy commanding.

Edward Huxley entered the living room, looking like he had just come home. Secretly he stared at Ella who was oblivious to his presence.

Ella was sitting opposite Clarissa, she was unfolding a long blue dress. Still busy matching, with the list Mrs. Huxley.

"Edward, are you home?" Said Clarissa looking at her brother, Ella immediately looked behind her. Edward Huxley had a flat face, even though his eyes were still staring straight at Ella.

"You guys look very busy?" Said Edward, who started to walk carefully, avoiding the few things that were still lying around.

"We have to tidy up this, Mother changes the suppliers. They send the goods randomly. Aaaahhhh... I have to hurry to the salon today." Clarissa had started again with her complaints.

"It must be quite a difficult job, isn't it," Edward said that he was still walking, but he deliberately dragged his right hand gently over Ella's back.

Ella immediately looked up, she knew that Edward who was behind her back was deliberately doing it.

Edward walked around Ella and was already standing in front of her.

"Nice dress," Edward said, this time he deliberately held Ella's hand who was holding the dress.

Ella glared, even more, she quickly took her hand away. Of course, Clarissa didn't realize what her brother had done, she was still busy looking at her nails which needed re-treatment.

"Hey Clarissa, if you want to go to the salon. Go there, instead of you just sitting here and not helping much," said Edward.

Clarissa's eyes immediately looked strange and did not believe, "How unusual ??" Clarissa said suspiciously.

"If you don't want to, then fine. I can do other assignments." Edward began to threaten a little.

Clarissa immediately got up, "Of course I want to, my schedule for today is a mess." Clarissa said and started walking away.

She don't know what Edward was planning, but Ella was really awkward with Edward just sitting and staring at her.

Ella also pretended not to care, she still kept tidying and matching all the lists that had been made by Mrs. Huxley.

"Mr. Edward? If you do not wish to help, my suggestion is that you may be able to do something more important." Ella couldn't hold back her annoyance.

Edward only smiled slightly, and he was pleased that Ella finally spoke to him.

"What other thing? What do you think I should do?" Edward asked.

"How do I know Mr. Edward," Ella replied more curtly, Ella was almost done with all the list of items.

She had put everything in the gift boxes which she had stacked neatly.

Edward was still watching it and did not care about Ella's harsh attitude towards him.

Ella was already carrying three piles of boxes in her hand, closing the scene in front of her.

Edward grinned at the sight of Ella who was pushing herself too much. Ella was too reckless, her intention was to finish the task quickly, and avoided Edward. But she was too hasty and did not look at the table in front of her.

She could feel the side of the table hard against the front of her calfbone, she was also starting to lose balance with the boxes she was carrying.

Edward quickly grabbed Ella from behind. Ella's body leaned against Edward's broad chest, while Edward's hand immediately hugged Ella along with the gift boxes from behind.

Edward helped maintain the balance, "You need to be more careful." Edward whispered into Ella's ear, and he placed his face on her shoulder.

"Mr. Edward?" Ella said, confused because Edward still didn't let go of her hug.

Edward turned Ella around, he took the box Ella was holding and placed it carefully on the table.

"Sit." At his command, Ella was still silent and staring in confusion.

"I said sit down." Edward began to insist, and Ella complied.

Ella was already seated, while Edward knelt in front of her. He grabbed one of Ella's legs and straightened it.

At that time Ella was already wearing long black pants, Edward slowly rolled Ella's pants up to her knees.

"Mr. Edward, what are you doing?" Ella asked again.

Edward noticed that there was a red bruise on Ella's leg. "Does it hurt?" Edward asked attentively, Ella staring incredulously at him.

An Edward Huxley suddenly cares about his little wound. Even though Ella often received more than that.

Ella quickly stood up, but Edward was already pulling her arm tight. Make Ella flung and returned to sit in her chair.

Edward's legs he put on the side of the chair between Ella's legs, his arms stretched out a long way toward the back of the chair.

Edward had already fortified Ella, he was sure Ella would not be able to leave him just like that. Edward's face was bowed, staring at the cornered Ella.

"Mr. Edward, I'm sure there will be some misunderstanding if anyone sees us like this." Said Ella who also looked up to look at Edward who was above her.

Edward very clearly saw Ella's face, Ella was no longer a little girl.

He seemed to have just realized, that Ella had grown into a very attractive woman.

Edward touched Ella's hair slowly, he also touched each side of Ella's face with his fingers. As if studying Ella's face.

Her facial skin is smooth without freckles like the people of Britain in general.

Her skin colour is also not too dark, but the light brown colour makes Ella look very cute and beautiful.

Coupled with the shape of his round, black eyes. As well as her pointed chin, with a thin face.

Ella also has natural and thick eyebrows, her sharp nose and thick, shaped lips make Edward tempted.

Instantly Edward thought, he really wanted to pounce on the girl in front of him.

"Mr. Edward?" Ella said, breaking Edward's reverie.

Edward immediately stopped his fingers that had been fondling Ella's face.

Edward was standing tall, this time he had not fortified Ella. Edward's face began to show a disappointed expression.

He didn't speak at all, instead of leaving Ella in the room. But Ella herself felt something stuck in her heart, seeing Edward treat her like that.