How Did You Know My Number?


"Ella . . . Nice to hear your voice, how hard is it to contact an unemployed person? Where have you been these past few days?" a woman's voice sounded loud, giving the impression of insinuating Ella who had not yet worked.

"I hope you don't forget someone quickly. And Ella, I'm sorry that you are no longer working at Fogue," the woman said.

"You..? Have we met?" Ella asked confused, holding her cell phone getting tighter.

"Ella, have you forgotten this woman, the middle-aged beauty?"

"Nancy? You?! How did you know my number? And why did you call me?" Ask Ella more.

"Oh... my dear... Save all your questions. I'll answer if you accept the offer to work with me as my model. Anyway, you're still unemployed, aren't you?" Nancy sarcastically, and Ella increasingly disliked Nancy's statement just now.

"Why should I work with you, Nancy? I'm not at all cut out to be a model Nancy. You'd better find someone else," said Ella.