I Will Do DNA Test!

Luna and Calvin sat quite, far across from the table that was already occupied by Ella. They were seriously observing Ella and Nancy was talking for a long time.

"Calvin, your head is obscuring my vision! Can you lower your head a little!" Luna said while pressing Calvin's head with the palm of her right hand to get a good view.

"What are they talking about, huh?" Calvin asked curiously.

"If I had known, maybe we didn't need to be like this, Calvin! Luckily you have a handsome face! So you can cover up your shortcomings, Calvin," Luna quipped with an even facial expression.

"Why are you mad at me, huh... how strange women are, sometimes they look cute, and sometimes they look like demons," Calvin replied in a low voice.

Luna gave him a vicious look, causing Calvin to turn his face back.

"Look at them...!" Point to Calvin in a loud voice.

"They shook hands! What did they agree on?" Calvin asked again with more enthusiasm.