Are You Willing To be my Life Partner, Happy Or Sad?

"Attention, everyone!"

Nancy's scream instantly made everyone in the dressing room look at her.

"Today, Ella officially joins. And Ella, welcome to my team. I hope you guys don't scratch each other, okay." Nancy burst out laughing at a joke that no one laughed.

Ella has signed a partnership agreement with Nancy. As a beginner, she has learned a lot from her new friends.

Lucy and Liu were seniors at the time. And it turns out they warmly welcome Ella's arrival.

Day after day. Week after week passed, and Ella learned a lot from her new job.

Nancy was still yelling at Ella. Tell her how she should stride, walk small and fast.

How should she look and turn around? And many more.

Meanwhile, Calvin is busy with routine activities taking care of his small business.

Another good news, Alfred has even returned to work in London. And the intensity of his encounters with Ella is getting more frequent.