A Plan

Ella tried to enjoy her lunch hour. Although the middle-aged man in front of her often looked at her with sympathy.

Make Ella felt all the expensive food tasted bland when touched on her tongue.

Alan Smith also stopped from her eating, carefully placing the knife and fork on the side of the plate. Again, he looked at Ella's face. It was difficult for him that day to persuade Ella to allow him to meet him at lunchtime.

"What about your job, Ella?" Alan asked, and Ella stopped eating too. She placed her knife and fork on the side of her wide white plate.

"Everything is alright," Ella answered briefly. She wiped the corners of his lips with the napkin in his lap.

"I want you to consider my offer Ella. And ... Aren't you going to leave the Lewis house. Didn't I say to you if ..."

"Mr. Alan. I told you many times. I don't need your help. You don't have to sympathize with what's happening to me right now." Ella interrupted Alan Smith's words.