Wade: Do You Want To Be My Lover, Marioline?

Ella was starting to feel the heat on her face, the lighting that hit her right away, the clothes she uses that were too thick.

It made her look uncomfortable. She took deep breaths many times, hope the photoshoot is over by then.

It's been two hours Ella struggling and posing in front of the camera until finally, she can sit up with her legs stretched out that already feel sore.

Liu handed her a cold can of drink. Ella quickly grabbed it and pressed it to her cheek.

"So, Aren't you going to take your leave, Ella?"

Her boss Nancy. Suddenly appeared from the opposite direction, looked at Ella with a strange look. 

Rumors about Alfred's disappearance had already spread. How could on the third day of her marriage, Ella had appeared at her workplace. Making all her co-workers wonder mysteriously.

"Ahh ... I don't need a vacation, right now. I appreciate your offer, but no and thank you," Ella replied, opening her soda can.