Clarissa & Wade

Luxury Bag Shop

"You've heard, haven't you." Clarissa had just ended the conversation on her cell phone, her eyes still looking annoyed at the saleswoman standing right in front of her.

"So do it now!! Don't let other people take it unless you want to see me making a fuss here." Threatening Clarissa seriously.

The saleswoman glanced at the man beside her, and he replied with a glance. The saleswoman left and immediately did what Clarissa and the manager told her to do.

"Miss Clarissa?" Greeted the manager politely after noticing that there was a Huxley name attached to the woman.

Clarissa straightened her face, even more, lifting her chin as high as she could. Her face looked a little arrogant because her current state was victorious.

"What else do you want to hear? Didn't you hear earlier? Wade Huxley is my uncle. He will come here and pay for all my groceries!"