Alicia Huxley

Flashback to Quarrel, between Alicia and Thomas Huxley's.


"There's nothing to hold out of this marriage, Alicia," Thomas answered shortly before he left his private office room.

Alicia could only stay silent and cry seeing her husband's back, who had passed from behind the exit.

Alicia realized that her husband no longer cared about her.

There was the sound of Thomas's car just starting, and gradually the sound of the car roaring disappeared, along with Thomas, who had left the Huxleys' residence.

The little girl had managed to sneak in and was confused by her parents' bickering. Bracing herself, she had snuck into Thomas's room and saw her mother back and oblivious to Clarissa's presence.

"Mom?" called Clarissa in a low voice.

She approached her mother, who was on her knees, facing the side of the window. She walked slowly, and her hand was about to reach her mother's shoulder.