Little Ella: You only lost your blood and not your brain, Jeff!

Little Ella continued to hold William's hand. They were already in the hospital hallway by noon that day. Ella accidentally skipped school today and insisted on being able to visit Jefford.

"Will..?" Called Ella.

The man beside her just cleared her throat quietly without glancing at little Ella.


"You seem very angry. What's wrong?" Little Ella asked. She realized that William had been wearing a sour face all this time.

"I am alright, Ella," William answered shortly. One of his hands, holding some of the things little Ella had prepared for Jefford.

"Earlier, I accidentally saw you and mom fighting, and was it about Dad?" asked little Ella, and William finally stopped in his tracks. 

His face showed guilt, and he bent down slightly and touched the side of Ella's cheek.