The End of the Family

Monica panted slightly. She could not imagine it, and she did not dare to imagine it. She was afraid that any of her deductions or mental images would destroy the god-like image of the Death Inquisitor in her mind.

Willie, who was beside her, angrily said, "If that's the case, then no matter what Loggins does now, nothing will change? Everything he does will be useless?"

Hart said, "If he can hold on, he can still save Zangwei."

"It's impossible. From his current condition, we know that he won't be able to hold on," Bowman said.

Ross sighed and said, "Keep watching. Hopefully, a miracle will happen."

Although he comforted everyone, he knew very well that miracles did not exist.

Buzz buzz buzz...

Eight minutes had passed. There were only two minutes left before the game ended. However, the sharp steel pipe had already touched Zangwei's clothes.

"F*ck! Hurry up! Hurry up and lift it up!"