The Scene Was 100 Meters Away


The steel frame fell to the ground again.

Buzz buzz buzz...

The steel pipe stabbed into Zangwei's soft internal organs.


A sound was heard.

Zangwei spat out a mouthful of blood.

"F*ck! It's not like that. Keep talking! What does he look like?" Loggins shouted as he crazily pushed against the steel frame, trying to lift it up. However, he did not have any strength left. The steel frame was very stable and did not move at all.

Zangwei was lying on the metal plate without any movement. Blood kept flowing down. More than ten steel tubes had pierced through his chest. His vital organs had all been pierced through. How could he be alive? He could be declared dead on the spot.

"Good! This scumbag is screaming so loudly that my eardrums are about to explode. Oh right, what did he say at the end? What about 'the southeast coast' and 'ending your family'?"