Who is the Bait?

Meanwhile, at the NYPD, Ross looked excited. His hands trembled as he pointed at the screen and said, "Look at the structure of this room."

"The ceiling is made of steel beams. This height is at least five meters. It must be a factory!" Anthony said.

Ross nodded and said to Willie, "Immediately inform the Shitan City police to search for a dilapidated abandoned factory. As soon as there is any news, let them report to us immediately."

At this moment, Loggins was feeling quite joyful. "There aren't many factories in Shitan City to begin with, and there are even fewer such dilapidated factories. I feel like I'm going to meet the Death Inquisitor soon."

Hearing this, everyone was very excited. They felt that the resentment in their hearts was finally about to be released. As long as they caught the Death Inquisitor, they would be able to stand in front of the media confidently, and they would no longer be timid. They would have nothing to be ashamed of.