I’ll Fight You to the Death

At the NYPD...

Seeing the two of them come to an agreement, it was beyond everyone's expectations.

"I didn't expect Peter to agree so readily."

"Yeah, I thought they would give in to each other and take turns to be bait. I didn't expect Peter to stop fooling around so quickly."

"It's not fooling, but Peter has a sense of the big picture. He wants to leave this place alive. This is also the best way for them to preserve their strength. Maybe they can really leave this place alive."

In the darkness, Jack looked at the two people who had come to an agreement, and a sarcastic smile curled up on his lips.

"You thought of it so quickly. Not bad, not bad. It's a pity that it's still not enough."

The two people were ready. Peter looked at the sharp iron hook for the whole day, and his face was full of regret.