Love to the Extreme Becomes Hate

"Ah!" The police officer walked over. When he moved the painting away, everyone's eyes widened in shock.

There was a dark secret door hidden behind them, and a staircase led straight down.

"Everyone, be on alert. Be careful."

Willie immediately pulled out his pistol and led his men down. A fishy smell came from the front, making it hard for them to open their eyes.

The light here was dim. There was only a chandelier on the top that was emitting a soft pink light. In a corner of the wall, the moment those human-shaped products and human bone tools appeared, everyone was shocked.


"This guy is really sick."

"Those aren't the five missing celebrities.He turned them into human-skinned puppets."

Everyone looked around. There were human skin masks, human skin lanterns, human skin belts... It was too disgusting...too perverted.