Bipson’s Collapse

Seeing this, the netizens were in an uproar.

"F*ck, the host is playing a game of 6. If he doesn't go crazy in silence, he will die in an explosion."

"My chemistry teacher taught me that the concentration of natural gas in an explosion is 10%. If it explodes at that time, the skin will split open and the flesh will split open. It will be a sour feeling. Hiss, it will be a direct climax."

"Haha! I'm really looking forward to the moment of the explosion. When the flames explode, it will be awesome."

"Is there anyone who can analyze how to escape from this secret chamber? I feel that there is only a lighter as a prop. How can it be broken?"

"Mine isn't small, but I don't know either. This secret chamber seems to have no other way except to detonate the natural gas. Right now, there is no other prop that can be used."

It wasn't just the netizens who felt that there was no solution. The members of the Zero Major Crimes Squad were also silent.