thank you

"Jimin please go sit with the two dark haired boys there" The teacher pointed at the table infront of the class with a big smile on his face. Jimin started approaching the table while avoiding eye contact with the boys. He couldnt even think of talking to them. he felt like he would puke if he would even open his mouth While holding his stomach filled with nervousness and butterflies he sat next to the boys.

looking at his hands he felt all the stares on him. His mind went blank while discusing his worries with himself " what if they wont like you" "nobody ever does,thats probably why ur such a loser" "just talk to the- okay whatever i need to say something, just forget it.

Jimin finally found the little of confidence to lift his gaze up to apparently kim seokjin?judging by the name tag on his chest. With furrowed eyebrows he looked at the boys clear skin and features that fit his face perfectly. "i wish i would look like that"jimin thought to himself while staring at the boy who was reading a book. He leaned on his sweat stained hands which

shaking of nervousness. he tried to calm himself down before the lunch break

"scool bell"

Finally after the long class the bell rang. Everyone quickly grabbed there packpacks and stepped out of the classroom as jimin did too. He slowly slouched his small body trough the crowded hallways full of gossip and judging people. Nobody even noticed him, as if he would invisible. he kind of hated the lack of attention everybody was giving him.

probably nice to be popular .. unlike him

what was the missing piece to that puzzle

what did others have that he didnt. The emptyness just grew inside his chest but from the outside it was barely noticable.

jimin saw everyone showing food to their mouths. They looked like they really enjoyed socialazing and chatting with everyone. His mouth started to water. Normally he wouldnt even touch school food but for now his stomach was begging for it. There came a loud sound from his stomack he rapidly set his hand on it for the severe ache to stop. Jimin really wanted to eat but he couldnt help but think about all the calories in the food. Its not like he would be skinny enough to even think about that. His expression changed to a rather sad one. Heavily breathing he walked away from all of it.

Jimin moved some books to his locker afterall they had their last class after this.

The thought remained heavy on his chest. is it really so easy?.. to just be yourself. What do people exactly do to remain that confidence. Do they just not care? Why is it still so hard for me...

Maeby im different.. he frowned and looked down to his skinny thigs

He let out a big sigh with teary eyes while closing the locker door.

Jimins attention snapped to the loud laughter behind him. He rolled his eyes turning to the 2 boys behind him. without properly getting to react he gets quickly slammed to the green locker behind him. Jimins small frame flew in the air a little just to get slammed back to the floor.

Grunting in pain jimin tried to open his eyes slowly

"Well who do we have here. long time no see jimin"

Wait.. Jimin recodnised this voice very well. But who is it why cant i tell.

Harsh memories rapidly came back to jimins mind causing all kinds of emotions inside him.

But mainly he was just hurt. Thats the most that jimin has actually felt after the last time meeting taehyung. Jimin actually was kind of happy because he was able to finally feel something more than a blank canvas knocking on his door

oh shit tae.."Kim taehyung.... i know its you" Jimin said forcefully while feeling pain in hes bones

" Dont dare to even say my name you ugly pig. you should be ashamed of yourself" Taehyung was holding Jimins wrists to the ground while jimin was already in pain

"Why did you do that to me what the hell is wrong with you" Taehyung said with obviously a very angry voice while his friends were laughing behind him.

"Tae plea-" Jimin couldnt say more than that before being hurt again. "Im sorry what was that jimin?" Taehyung could obviously hear jimins desperate gasps for air in between the kicks in the stomach. But he didnt seem to care . Taehyung studied martial arts in his childhood while he and jimin were still friends so it mustve hurt as hell and taehyung knew it but when thinking of jimin he only felt himself fill with anger.

"Tae thats enough we should go the class is starting"

" im not ready yet wait"

Jimins fragile body was covered in bruises. He was in desperate need for help but nobody even looked at his face covered in tears. He couldnt believe that taehyung was i the same school as him . He was already bullied but this i really didnt want to see him. I kinda missed the memories with him. But it wasnt my fault that i left. It was his own. I tried to stand up but straightaway received a fist in his face.

taehyung brang his face to jimins shaking body covered in blood and pain. He buried his face close to his ears. Jimin felt taehyungs uncertain breath on his left ear while lowering hes gaze to not meet his friends stare

" Look you you shouldve never done that to me if you ever talk to me without my permission again im gonna destroy you jimin okay? you know what im capable of" taehyung whispered to jimins ear while he felt jimins body under him

"i-im sorry tae ... " Fuck what am i saying it wasnt even my fault why am i apolozising.

Jimins head was slammed back to the floor falling from taehyungs grip. His body felt like it was a punching bag and was hit by a million knifes.

But what taehyung didnt know was that as simple worlds like that could destroy someones world

Taehyung left jimin on the floor with a small smirk from his lips


Umm haha why is this so cliche i cant im very sorry for the ones who read this lmao

however Im trying to improve and find a way that fits my writing in the next chapters.

Im still not sure what to do with the relationship with jimin and taehyung and how the plot is gonna go

Feel free to leave suggestions for the story line and of course give feedback!
