past part 1

This chapter is centered on jimins past so dont get confused by it lmao i hope your enjoying the story this far. even though the umm .. weird story.


"Jimin! your friend is coming over!" She shouted from the kitchen.

" Okay ill come down!"

The loud shout echoed trough the hallway and the empty rooms as they had just moved in. Jimin ran downstairs as fast as he could. He was always a very happy and extroverted kid he especially loved playing with his bestfriend as he has always been like an brother to him. He was very exited to see him as it was the summer break and they hadnt seen in a while.

He panted as he ran down barely waiting for all the fun games they would play again with him

"Hey taehyung!" he barely jumped on him "i misseed you taetaee!" he was almost laying on top of him but he hugged him tightly

"Ugh Jimin p-please get awa--" tae said as he was squashed between the floor and jimins tight hug.

"oh haha sorry im just exited that youll be here" he squiled exitedly

"i was barely squashed" taehyung said while facepalming but you could tell he smirked a bit at jimins stupidness

Jimin felt good about getting taehyung to smile.

trough the house there came a plesentfull smell of cristhmas dishes. The smell reminded jimin of his last christmas with taehyung. He was always like an other brother for the whole family so they always got him gifts when he came over.

" boys come on and set the table or you wont get any steak" jimins mom said chuckling.

They both were presented with a nice smell of a turkey right from the oven and the table was full of yummy foods. They both already got very exited about it. Jimin found himself drooling for all the good foods on the table. how was he supposed to resist that. Taehyung already started reaching for the plates and dishes as he prepared the table. but Jimin was left standing there.

He just didnt feel like moving at all.

he was lost in hes thoughts for a moment

"Hey jimin come and eat " oh yeah sure sorry

jimin was cought in his own thoughts just standing there. he finally put an apron on and hopped on the rather tall chair. He couldnt wait for the food he got to taste. He started taking ham and other ingredients on his plate. Hes plate had a pile of yummy smelling and looking food on it that he couldnt wait to try.

As he picked the fork and knife he realised that taehyung beside him didnt really eat that much. maeby he isnt alright should i ask him? .... sure why not.

"Hey tae is that all your going to eat?"

"oh this? yeah why do you ask?"

"oh its just its a small amount will you really be full with that?" Jimin said with a worried expression his face.

"Actually uh i dont really need more than this... ll be satisfied you know?" Taehyung said with an akward face slightly laughing as he didnt want to offend jimin.

"oh okay cool i understand!" Jimin didnt seem to take it that seriously

He continued to taste the amazing food he had on his plate. he tasted some of the toasted potato. his mouth filled with a very plesent taste. it was sweet and salty at the same time. Jimin hoped he could cook this good food sometimes too.

He enjoyed the delishious dinner. The adults conversations were just playing on the backround until something cought his ear.

His mom and aunt were having a conversation

" you know jimin could probably lose some weight hell be bullied in school soon if he doesnt"

Jimin was shocked at those simple words. He felt the comforting feeling of cristhmas dissapear from his chest.

" yeah well you know auntie he shouldnt worry about that yet well just put him on a diet before 3th grade so he wont get more chubby."

"Yeah well whatever you say. The kids are just really mean these days." Jimins aunt said with a annoyed expression " afterall i dont want to be ashamed of my grand son.

Jimin felt his heart drop at those words. The comforting feeling insdde him was now just replaced with a cold place in his heart

He looked at taehyung. He looked very worried and embaressed for jimin. He didnt know what to say as he took his gaze away from tae. he just stared at his full plate of food while not listening to the conversation too much.

maybe i shouldnt worry about it thats what mom said right? ill still have many years till ill go on a diet right? Yeah ! he assured himself but that lurking feeling inside him was still there but he just ignored it.

everyone was done eating. jimin was not suprisingly the last one eating.

He sighed as he was full of the comforting feeling food gave him. Jimin had always used it as a comfort to escape the world. It was like a drug.

"Hey should we open the gifts!?" Taehyung said braking the tension in the table.

everyone agreed and stepped in living room witch was decorated with beattifull cristhmas lights and plushies. on the center there was a mood giving cristhmas tree that was decorated by litlle shiny bits of candy and hanging balls. it was mostly golden.

You could see lots of presents under it. There was one for everyone.

Jimin and taehyung quickly ran over the presents and started investigating them.

"Hey kids it should be a suprise!"

oh yeah haha we forgot sorryy" tae sai sarcastically.

"mm sure" jimins dad muffled out of his mouth.

everyone threw a pillow on the floor in a circle around the tree. The athmosphere was full of anticipation and exited faces. After all what was more fun than receiving suprise gifts on cristhmas.

"taehyung would you like to starts?" the grownups asked

Tae looked at jimin in an guestioning stare. He wasnt sure if it was okay anyway it was jimins

house so his rules. Jimin slitghly laughed in disbeleaf that he asked him that he could just open it.

Jimin nodded in approval for tae.

Tae started shaking the gift it felt like a toy. he touched it and finally decided to rip it open in anticipation. He threw the paper what came from the gift to the floor and looked inside.

" No way.... Thank you so much!!" It was a transformers toy tae had wanted for centuries. Jimin felt really jealous of tae gift since he wanted it too. Tae hadd the happiest expression in the room he really seemed to like the gift. no wonder.

"Jimin should you open it now?"

"Its from your beloved auntie" she gave a warm smile for jimin

okay" jimin answered

Everyone was very anxious and staring right in to the package. But the most afraid was jimin he didnt know what would be hidden inside it. and As good taes gift was his possibly couldnt be better. or could it?

he finally ripped it open everyonew stared righ on it.

"So what do you think jiminie sweetie?"

everyone let a small gasp escape their mouths exept from jimins aunt.

Jimin felt his heart brake.

anyway he decided to ask what it was since it could be something else. everyone looked at him very sadly but on of them had their eyes on jimins aunt she didnt look that happy.

"so hah... umm whats this?"

" jiminie sweetie thats an scale"


You can also read my story on wattpadd my account is bearmon cave!

also im not sure if it sounds kind of weird? i read it myself .

is it emotional or does it sound kind of robotic?