Fatima’s nightmare

One night I woke up to Fatima screaming bloody murder and I was wondering what was going on with her. She didn't want to say she was too shook up. I tried to shake her out of her night terror but it was too much for her to bear and I tried everything to wake her up then she finally woke up nearly punching me. I asked her what was wrong and she said that she didn't want to really talk about it at first. I couldn't even go as far as the cashier because I was afraid she was gonna punch me out. She was in a wild stay I think she was in a state of psychosis I don't know what the hell but she was not in the right frame of mind. I have been there many times with nightmares And trying to help her out with her nightmare.

Fatima that started talking about her adoptive mother talking to an wahabbist Another words a Muslim friend of mine her list and she was really going out for Fatima or a nerve that time was Annie and kicked her out of the house according to the guys ideology. She said that her mother was brainwashed by the wahabbist and never hear from her mother ever again, disowning her.

"He was from Burkina Faso and he was very controlling he wasn't a good friend and he brainwashed her she threaten me with torture and slowly beheading me at one point before kicking me out of the house. Once you kick me out of the house was the day I called the police on her for terroristic threats.

" then the man himself threaten me on Facebook a year ago saying that he was going to do the exact same thing if he didn't if I didn't leave my mother alone. I lost my mother not just my own self but my mother to this problem as well this global disease. And the nightmare was about her taking a knife to my throat." It was a good thing that Fatima mentioned as part of her past to me she didn't realize how upset she was but she was I told her that she was OK and that her emotions are very valid.

"Did this really happen and why," I ask.

"I was gay and my mother hated gays even before she brainwashed but the bastard," She broke down crying. I couldn't believe what I was hearing about an adoptive mother treating her like shit and then having to live with dad and the threats from the Wahabbist. I can imagine that this was adding to her traumatic life. And she said she wouldn't be too surprised if she saw that bitch at the checkpoint to go hijacking an airplane. She had nightmares of her mother hijacking airplanes many times I guess this was one of those nightmares.

" describe the woman to me in case I have to look out for her," I asked

"In her 60s I believe should be in her 60s she has blonde hair blue eyes she is slender and figure and is nerdy looking worse than I am. She was not a very nice lady to me to begin with I don't know why she adopted me."


"Melanie." She ended up crying and collapsing in my arms. I stroked her silky endless hair and told her everything was gonna be OK that I will be on the lookout for Melanie Jones. I asked her if she could look her up on her Facebook to get a picture of her so I can paste it on then on the most wanted list. Or to be on the watchlist. She said she would do that after she would calm down.

I reached for my phone it had Facebook on and I looked up Melanie Jones and found out that she was on Facebook I screenshot it her photo and said to the person in charge at the Night Shift that this is a person you are a watch out for and I brought out the screenshot as well because obviously for Fatima was too traumatized to do so she would be traumatized to see the face of her mother. Where is wanted to call the police and send in the screenshot of the Facebook profile of Melanie Jones. Telling them to be on the lookout for that woman.

Are those quick messages to the night supervisor and to the police I was able to cuddle with Fatima and comfort her. Her body was shaking still I kiss the top of her head and pull it would be OK. Something tells me that something wasn't going to be OK that day that this was more than just a nightmare or PTSD it was a vision or some sort of production of some sort that her mother was going to be around her adoptive mother I mean.

I wiped every tear from her creek and from eyes.

When she finally calm down I was able to kisser and We made love it was a sad kind of love making. She awkwardly kissed me again and said that she loved me kiss me again in awkward fashion and then started to yet again get the hang of her kisses. She made love to me she said that I brought her comfort. I was lucky to have her I thought you know she had her own problems and just functions so the door the same problems in this functions I Kissed her gently and deeply, muttering that I loved her.

Little did I know what was gonna happen the next day.