
The next day at work everyone felt uneasy as if something was gonna happen I told them about Melanie and it to be on the lookout for her. It wasn't long enough before someone said breeds at checkpoint see and then I knew it was Melanie I want to check just to be sure and when I saw the face and recognize it from the Facebook profile I told her to step aside please. All the while third and I was looking at her adoptive mother with sheer fear and fright.

"What the fuck!" Melaby said in hateful tone.

"Ma'am may I see your ID and your passport and boarding pass and do you have anything that might hurt or stick anyone. I gave her a quick pat down and she was not clean she actually had a box cutter and I still remember the night that for tomorrow try to kill her self with a box cutter and it just gave me the damn willies so I said to the old day that she was being held on suspected terrorism and links to terrorism.

The woman belted what the fuck

And I told her to go check her Facebook and her friend list on Facebook that would be a garden Mohamady Stefani, and she said what the fuck again I said go and check your phone you stupid bitch I was very un professional but I was really getting mad. She looked up her Facebook and she thought it was a Mohamady Stefani and she said "OK I see him what the fuck"

Fatima decided she was going to tackle the woman herself and she found more than just a box cutter she found wires another disturbing things that would make an IED. I said "ma'am you're going to have to come with me to Melanie Jones and I said Melanie you're going to come with me and we're going to have to charge you on terrorism charges.


"You heard me"

"Was that slut who attacked my daughter!" She scream.

"Why yes, and she goes by her real name name now Fatima Faisal."

Melanie tried to attack me with a box cutter and saying that she was going to have to do the F-infg jihad and wanted for the sake of the sake of isis do for fixing anything for them.

Fatima got really annoyed got out a Tayser and zapped Melanie rendering her on conscious turn on mother. She had no qualms of taysing her mother. And everyone saw a horror is this unfolded and some of them had to go back to their homes and plan their vacations later on and I told them that they should do that. I had that particular terminal close down for a few days for investigation and for searching of possible other devices. I want us I didn't know what happened to Melany but I really did give a shit.

I soon got a call from the hospital that one Melanie was dead on arrival from a confrontation at the airport. I had to explain to them that Melanie was a terrorist tour is going to hijack an airplane for the score of the Mohamady and who is an Isis member prominent isis member in Brokina Faso.

Doctor and my in the hospital said that I was a torture for lighting for tomorrow to go attack her mother in such a manner and four and was demeaning me in every way for my actions and abilities. I want as far to say "lesson you flip quack you should know if that woman was a terrorist and only that. If you would look at her face go on her phone and look at her Facebook you would see that she had jihadist shit on her Facebook."

I hung up angrily and I was getting on my high horse but I knew what we did at the checkpoint what is right even though it resulted in the death of some terrorist because Fatima with her overwhelming emotions had to put an end to.

The doctor was the only one who was Pouncey about the way I treated or we traded Melanie and kill their justifiably of course and we were hailed as heroes at the airport for incepting a terrorist attack.

Rosso hailed as heroes in the city of Ottawa and it was recognized nationally as zeros for shopping a major terrorist attack.

When I saw Fatima that next day I asked her if everything was OK and if she was fine she said she was satisfied with what she did. She did not have blank expression on her face or an angry expression on her face she actually look happy and content with what she did.

You were in the hotel room because the terminal is still under scrutiny for any other devices or anything else that might be of disturbing value. So we stayed in our hotel room we didn't go anywhere and we made love. She didn't cry or anything at the thought of her mother being dead and I don't blame her on that one. She was pretty wild that night when it came to our lovemaking and she was happy.