
The group would come upon a ledge that stretches off from their path in the mountains, the view from standing on the ledge was immense, with beautiful grasslands and lustful forests. far off was the town city of Lumis on the horizon, their long days of traveling through the region were almost finally over.

"There it is! The town city of Lumis!" Diana joyfully exclaims as she sways an arm in the town city direction.

"We should be a few hours away now, half a day at most."

Jarin was standing there with his face full of excitement, and to be able to experience new things in life, like traveling outside the city of Avadose.

"Is that really that Lumis? Is it?" He eagerly points at it.

"That's right, that's where we're going to." Duva leans over Jarin and pats his head.

"Can I explore the place when we arrive there? Can I?" He pleads to Duva.

Duva looks at everyone else before he makes a decision, though he mainly looked at Diana, awaiting her answer, and she shook her head no to this request.

"Sorry, bud maybe tomorrow or a few days later once we settle into the place?"

"Aw~ That's no fun."

"then-" Duva went ahead and grabs ahold of Jarin with both of his hands and place him on his shoulder, and uses that sidearm to hold him up there. "how about when we do get to explore Lumis, you can do so on my shoulder?"

"I'm not a baby anymore, I can walk on my own." Jarin said still not happy about it.

"Then." He puts down Jarin and points at his greatsword. "How about I show you a special move with my sword?" He smirks.

Jarin went back and forth of looking at Duva's weapon and looking away. The idea of seeing a special skill was too much of a treat for his young mind.

"Ok... But you better show me a good one." Then he runs back to the carriages that were still on the trail.

Diana stood there with her arms cross together and an eyebrow raise out of intrigue. "you really plan on doing something special for him?"

"Of course, I have no reason to lie to a kid." Duva replied.

"Do I?"

"Just make sure that whatever you're going to do." She pats him on the shoulder as she spun around and began to walk back to the carriages.

"Landis will be in a safe distance away."

"I don't plan on hurting the kid, Ma'am." He said with a grunt.

"Good, Cause I'll make sure no one else will accept you into their order if I ever see a scratch on that kid" She said back to him in the middle of her walk.

Duva limps forward of how annoyed he felt from that sentence, and how much pressure he feels laying down on him.

(" This woman is insane. ")

He turns around and walks back to the carriages. Quickly both of the carriages continue on their path until they reach the main gate of Lumis.

From early dawn to almost evening they just came out of a forest path, that connects to the main road that leads to the main gate.

"We're almost there!" Milina shouted at the back.

"Just a few more minutes!"

"Yeah, We got it!" Landis shouted back from the 2nd carriage.

Sara pokes her head out through the sheet cover and saw the stone walls surrounding the city. Other wagons and carts were lined up on the main road, each carrying their own separate cargo and supplies from the heightened activity in the region.

Fleeing peasants trying to find a safe place away from all the monsters, adventurer parties after a goods day of harvest, so many people were trying to get into the city and behind the city walls.

"Have you seen anything like this before?" Milina leans into Sara and quietly spoke to her.

"No... This may seem like a bigger problem than we expected." Said Sara.

"There's a lot of peasants trying to get in, and look at that, there's a large party right there." Milina points at three wooden carts filled with beast corpses and is escorted by a large of people.

"Seems like this region is attracting quite a lot of adventurers" Said Sara

"What kind of monsters are running rampant in these parts?" Milina question the thought of people dying under a swarm of magical beasts.

"Maybe dire wolves? Or something that could hunt in a pack?"

"You got any guesses on what could be causing this issue?"

"Nope, I got nothing" Sara said while shaking her head.

"Well, I just hope there aren't many extremely dangerous monsters around here" Milina tightens her hand as she says this.

"Would hate to see regular people here be in harm's way because of them."

"You and me" Sara pushes the sheet away and sat down beside her "Both."

"You're not going to ride in the back anymore?" Ask Milina

"I rested enough, And we're almost to the city gate, Might as well sit on the outside and see what's going on." Answered Sara.

Milina's eyes turn away from Sara and went back to the road ahead of them. The two carriages would soon be on the main road.

"Should we wait in line like everyone else, Captain?" Milina shouted back at the 2nd carriage again.

Moments Later Diana shouted back.

"No! just go past them! And once we're at the gate, Tell the guards were a knight order and on a mission from the capital!"


They would be on the main road getting closer to the gate, and eventually getting near the first carriage filled with people, and bypassing them. Others in line took notice of this as well.

"Hey! Get to the back!"

"What do you're doing!"

"Who are they?"

"I don't know but their equipment seems expensive."

"The guards better not let those cutters in."

Many people quietly spoke to each other, some shouted at the group who were bypassing them and getting further ahead. This was noticed by the gate guards who stop them as they approach the gate entrance.

"Halt, you may not enter as you please, go to the back of the line now!' One guard stated.

"You are causing a disruption of the establish line order."

Sara and Milina exchange looks with each other, and Sara hastily hopped off from the carriage and walked up to the guard.

"My name is Sara Notly." She formally bows. "I'm the daughter of the noble Notly Family, and we're a knight order sent to here from the capital to investigate the increased activity of monsters in this region, may you let us through?" She then smiles at them.

The guards didn't even budge, and silently stared at her.

"May we?"

"Even nobility are not able to freely enter as they see fit, and you are part of a knight order, show us proof." Another guard said.

"Eh.." Sara was taken back by the harsh attitude she had just received.

"I'm not lying when I said I'm part of a knight order and were here on a mission."

"Then shows us proof, why isn't your knight captain here to verify this? At least let us see the metal emblem."

Sara turns her head around at Milina and wanted her to come over and help convince the guards. Milina let out a sigh and was about to hop off the carriage, Both Duva and Landis appear from both sides of the wagon. They both walked up to the guards.

"What seems to be the issue?" Landis asks politely but in a monotone voice.

"They won't let us past." Sara said to him.

"Why not? We're here on a mission and we can't be wasting time here." Duva said to one of the guards.

"I'll repeat myself, Show us proof!"

"Our words are proof!" Duva annoyingly said.

"That's not enough, give us some form of way to identify yourself."

Metal clunking could be heard from behind the guards and a man was wearing full metal armor, compared to the guard's cloth padded with a few sheets of metal for armor.

"Is there a problem here?" The guy asks one of the guards.

"This group here bypassed everyone in line."

"For what reason?" The guy's question.

"Because they are a knight order, and came here on a mission from the capital."

"Hm." The guy in armor slowly examines the three people in front of them, and then shook his head.

"Unless you can verify, who you say you are, please go to the back of the line.' The guy said to them.

"We have no reason to lie." Said Duva, now a bit more forcefully.

"Please... go to the back of the line... you're holding up the line." The guy holds his hand out and points behind them.

"Why won't you accept our words as the truth?' Duva went ahead and reach for his weapon handled. The guards and the guy in armor also grab ahold of their weapon and prepares against Duva.

"Now you're just escalating things, Sir." The guy said.

"Hold it! Stop right there!" Diana hastily runs up to them and her eyes shot directly at the guy wearing full metal armor.

"I'm sorry, but we don't need to fight over this." She holds up both of her hands and puts it between them.

"Are the knight captain?" The guy asks.

"Yes, I am." Diana reaches into one of her pouches and pulls out a metal emblem, to verify who she said she is.

The guy in metal armor realizes this and releases his grip from his weapon handle, and signals the guards to be at ease again.

"I have verified your true identity, You may enter." Both the guy and the guards step aside, allowing them to go through.

"Sorry again for the troubles" Diana said to them while embarrassingly pushing her three subordinates back to the carriages.