???: "Good morning. You have been in suspension for 9999999-"

Fricka: "Where the hell am I? And who is that voice?"

???: "-99999-"

Fricka: "Oh it's just a robot voice, or proof I am going insane, perfect."

???: "-999999-"

Fricka: "We get it, I mean I get it, just shut up and tell me where I am."

???: "-999999-"

The voice glitches out and stops working.

Fricka: "I know someone is there, I didn't just teleport here."

I then heard knocking on the door.

Fricka: "Oh there you are, come in and tell me where the fuck I am."

???: "You know I can't open this door."

Fricka: "Oh right, sorry, here."

I open the door and saw some girl there.

???: "Hello, Fricka."


???: "Chill out, bro."

Fricka: "Firstly, I'm not your bro, secondly, I am not getting involved in this harem you picture in your head."

???: "I don't even like you, you're ugly."

Fricka: "Oh thank God, that's good, no I mean, not good, not at all."

Wolfang: "The name's Wolfang."

Fricka: "We fucking know each other."

Wolfang: "[And we will not act like that or we will be killed]."

WHY IS SHE WHISPERING? Are you telling me- oh shit I just realized...

Fricka: "So, do you have a clue why I'm here?"

Wolfang: "You came through a Portal."

Fricka: "Well that's not very specific, what do you mean a Portal?"

Wolfang: "Came through one myself, you're an unlucky one to come in your sleep. We're 'randomly' selected to do tests."

Fricka: "By fucking Glados, yes I'm not retarded, Portal 2 is my favourite game. Isn't she dead?"

Wolfang: "Well if Portal 2 is your favourite game you'd fucking know Chell revived her."

Fricka: "It was Wheatley, though?"

Wolfang: "You should really go fuck yourself because I don't really care what you have to say, nerd."

Fricka: "Not a nerd."

Wolfang: "Ok, nerd."

Fricka: "Ah for fucks sake, listen are you gonna take me to Glados or something?"

Wolfang: "Sure, go commit suicide, that's what I always wanted."

Fricka: "Bro I've played the original too many times I know how to fucking beat her, you just gotta place portals and aim that rocket launcher shit towards her."

Wolfang: "She discontinued the Portal experiments."

Fricka: "Well shit, I mean it isn't really a fucking experiment if she's doing the same shit every time, right?"

Wolfang: "But, we can get a hold of one, she's selling it on the black market."

Fricka: "Great! How much?"

Wolfang: "Get ready to contact that Nigerian Prince since it's about 10 million."

Fricka: "Please say Yen."

Wolfang: "Euros."

Fricka: "FUCK. Curse you fucking Europeans!"

Wolfang: "You're a European too, you do know that?"

Fricka: "Mhm, but we tend to uh, categorize out of... mmm"

Wolfang: "You're fuckin' Bri'ish, oh sorry mister I've ran out of the bloody tea bruv."

Fricka: "Please, never say that again, that is the most inaccurate bloody stereotype I've ever heard bruv."

Wolfang: "YOU JUST SAID IT!"

Fricka: "Ok can we just get the fuck out of here before we're killed?"

Wolfang: "Finally you say something that isn't totally retarded."

Fricka: "Yeah so I was with Emiro and Carlos on my own adventure on stuff before I got here."

Wolfang: "No one asked."

Fricka: "Fair point, but no one asked for you to state that fact."

Wolfang: "And no one asked for you to say that no one asked for the factual statement I gave that no one asked."

Fricka: "My IQ level is too low for this shit, hey is that Superman?"


It looked like Superman, turned out what was in the sky was a bomb, huh, that explains why it got bigger slowly. The explosion destroyed the bridge we were walking on behind us.


I could get a glimpse at what was throwing the bombs, it was Rocket Raccoon.

Wolfang: "Yeah so, Glados has kind of lost control over the facility, as she teleported too many people, and they've protested and formed alliances in this facility, it's like an underground mafia world where crime is the highest."

Fricka: "So for them, we are food?"

Wolfang: "Yup, cannibalism is the source of food down here."

Fricka: "Fucking digusting."

Wolfang: "Unfortunately, you'll have to get used to it until we get out of here."

Fricka: "And how many people have escaped this hellhole."

Wolfang: "1."

Fricka: "Who?"

Wolfang: "Knight was here, I helped him escape but I couldn't escape myself since I was cornered, thankfully I escaped from the situation, but not the facility, so now I'm one of the highest bounties in here."

Fricka: "Do you have any allies?"

Wolfang: "A few, you could say, probably will double-cross me in the end for the loot, so can't really trust them either."

Fricka: "And what's stopping me from taking the reward from you here and now."

Wolfang: "Me killing you."

Fricka: "Right, right. So how did you end up in the multiverse."

Wolfang: "Not now, there's a guard around the corner, hide."

Fricka: "Holy is that the guard from Return of the Jedi, is Palpatine in here?"

Wolfang: "Yes, but shut the fuck up."

Fricka: "Sorry, mate."

Wolfang sneaks around the corner and takes the guard from behind, making no noise.

Wolfang: "I have a quirk, called Silencer, basically I make no noise and if I focus on someone they make no noise too. Plus I can make people not be affected by my Silencer, basically any assassins dream."

Fricka: "You're not an assassin are you?"

Wolfang: "No, but it would pay well."

Fricka: "Good because there is kind of some people hiring assassins on me and my friends all the fucking time."

Wolfang: "Oh, lucky you! Doing something exciting for once, instead of spending your entire life on a google document."

Fricka: "We have passed that stage, so no mention to that google document shall ever be stated again."

Wolfang: "Google doesn't exist in the multiverse."

Fricka: "So fucking Gustavo Ping and Stan Lee exist but not Google, fucking Google?"

Wolfang: "Hey, what can I say? Get in this elevator, it'll take us to my base."

Fricka: "You're just saying it's your base to look cool."

Wolfang: "Yes, I'm basically a refugee at this point."

We get in the elevator, and it slowly takes us down. It was really awkward as we made no attempts to talk or move, else it would turn into a harem.