The Rebellion

Fricka: "That was the longest elevator ride I've ever taken."

Wolfang: "No shit, we went down 9000 floors."

Fricka: "I'm sorry, 9000 floors?"

Wolfang: "9000 floors, anyways meet my friends."

They all looked ruthless, but when they looked at me, they were like friendly Teddie bears.

Sombra: "Hello, my name is Sombra, I am the hacker of this little team."

Fricka: "Oh, you're from the Overwatch verse, yeah I was there for a bit. By the way, Widowmaker is dead."

Sombra: "Thank fuck, she was always a pain in the ass."

???: "I believe we've met before, bitch."

Fricka: "YO PROFESSOR WEED! How's life doing ya?"

Professor Weed: "Not good after I got randomly teleported here, bitch."

Fricka: "Happens to the best of us."

Professor Weed: "What???"

Wolfang: "He didn't say bitch in a sentence, a remarkable achievement, I think you should go see my second in command."

???: "Hello, who may you be?"

Fricka: "My name is Fricka, the days must have been long and hard for you here."

???: "They are."

Fricka: "Godammit I gave you the opportunity for a punchline, *cough* [that's what she said] AHEM what's your name?"

???: "..."

Wolfang: "No, Alice, it's fine, you don't have to be all serious, I know him personally."

Alice: "What, is that piece of trash your boyfriend?"

Fricka: "First of all, fuck you for saying that, second of all, never, just to make that clear, this isn't a harem."

Wolfang: "Alice I'd rather kill myself than make him my boyfriend."

Fricka: "Ok, a bit too far. Though you're looking fine today, Alice."

Alice: "Go fuck yourself."

Fricka: "Cheers, who's that edgy guy in the corner?"

Alice: "My boyfriend, he's from Persona verse, his name is Joker."

Fricka: "Is he going to come and greet me?"

Alice: "Oh no, he doesn't speak."

Fricka: "What?"

Alice: "No like, he literally can't speak, he lost the ability at a very young age."

Fricka: "And how do you know that if he can't speak?"

Wolfang: "Ok I think we should move along in the case we hurt people's feelings."

Fricka: "Oh shut up you called me ugly and disgusting several times and we met 10 minutes ago."

???: "Who the fuck is this kid and why is he acting so dickishly."

Wolfang: "Don't mind him, he's autistic."

Fricka: "Mmm, you know what, I won't disagree with that one."

Professor Weed: "Hey, uh, Fricka."

Fricka: "Hm?"

Professor Weed: "Are we good? I know we had this whole business, you kidnapped me, I kidnapped you, I just want to put things behind us for this matter."

Fricka: "You're just afraid that I killed your boss."

Professor Weed: "Nah, that's not it at all, bitch. I ain't afraid of someone like you- yes I fucking am."

Alice: "Sorry, what?"

Fricka: "Oh before I got teleported we two knew each other, not as friends, but people trying to kill each other."

Professor Weed: "We put it behind us, Alice, so don't think this will affect the rebellion, bitch."

Alice: "Don't call me a bitch."

Professor Weed: "Sorry..."

I could tell Professor Weed was a simp for Alice.

Fricka: "Ok but I might kill you AFTER we're out of here."

Wolfang: "Now, now, don't be too confident."

Alice: "No, I like that optimism, keep it up."

Sombra: "Optimism won't get us out of here, I think we should discuss our plan, Wolfang."

Wolfang: "What are you thinking of doing?"

Sombra: "Glados is connected to every test chamber, however getting into the test chambers is like a suicide mission."

Fricka: "Keyword: LIKE a suicide mission, we can pull it off, I can take a risk."

Alice: "You're staying here."

Wolfang: "I agree, you stay, you only just arrived."

Sombra: "However, the only way to get inside Glados' inner circles is through the test chambers, they don't have sensors, but the vents and any other entrance from an outside source have sensors and we will be caught."

Alice: "So whoever goes in has to solve some test chamber puzzles and then find their way in the facility."

Fricka: "Oh hell yeah, this shit was made for me, I used to do puzzles all the time as a kid, you know, those 50 piece ones."

Wolfang: "Please shut the fuck up you're not going anywhere."

Sombra: "I need to be here to track you guys and lead you to Glados, and I think everyone here should stay and protect the base."

Wolfang: "Great, so, I can go on my own."

Sombra: "No, you will need someone with you."

Fricka: "I'm still available."

Wolfang: "No, why the fuck do I need someone else."

Alice: "In the case something goes wrong."

Sombra: "You're completely wrong Alice, but also yes you're right, there has to be two people to disable Glados."

Alice: "Well then, I should go with Wolfang."

Wolfang: "You're my 2nd in command, and I think you should lead the people here and protect the base, you're integral to this team."

Fricka: "Oh hallelujah took you long enough to realise."

Wolfang: "I wouldn't if I didn't have to."

Sombra: "Ok the elevator you just took leads directly to the testing course, take it to Floor 7000."

We two go, Alice seems bitter but understanding of her responsibility. Fuck her.

Fricka: "Guess it's just me and you now."

Wolfang: "I am going to quite literally dislocate your jaw if you don't stop turning this into a harem."

We got into the elevator and began the ride to the testing course.