Testing Begins

Fricka: "Seems like no one else is in here."

Wolfang: "Yes, but she is watching us."

We look up at a security camera facing us. It made us feel uncomfortable.

Fricka: "Hey could you uh, turn the camera away, I know you need to build your porn folder-"

Wolfang: "Shut up you'll get us killed, the testing begins that way."

We go through a door and enter. The room was small, and so the door closed behind us.

Glados: "Hello, Wolfang, what brings you back here?"

Wolfang: "[Shit] I came here by accident."

Glados: "Well, that's very unfortunate for you. An accident you will regret."

Fricka: "What are you going to do to us?"

Glados: "Oh no, you two can't be together in the testing course, too bad for your deactivation plan."


Glados: "When Knight escaped, that was a mockery against the system I have put in place, so I think you should become part of it. For Science."

Wolfang: "For Science? You know truly well this is revenge."

Glados: "Ah the hypocrisy."

Two robot arms take hold of us and pull us to opposite ends of the room, and drop us down this hole.

I wake up in a room, feeling extremely tired and weak.

Fricka: "I guess this is the afterlife, huh? Well, I'm fucked when it comes to purgatory."

Glados: "Don't worry, you are Still Alive, we attached special boots during your fall so you wouldn't die."

Fricka: "How the fuck?"

Glados: "There is a gun in the room ahead of you, as we do not know each other, this'll be fun."

Fricka: "Are you serious? A cube and a button for the first test? I'm not autistic."

Glados: "According to you and Wolfang, you are."

Fricka: "Have you been surveilling that rebellion shit?"

Glados: "Yes."

Fricka: "Good, they're delusional anyways, not surprised at all, with all that fucking secret base shit and secret plans, Jesus Christ."

Glados: "I'm glad you think alike with me, but that will not let you out of this testing course."

Fricka: "Was not my aim, but sure."

I place the cube on the button.

Fricka: "Absolutely shocking, I completed the impossible test, you happy now?"

Glados: "Just... go into the other room."

In the other room, there was a gun that looked like the Portal gun, but it was coated in black and looked more thick and protected.

I take the gun in my hand.

Glados: "That is the Reality gun, it is powered by a single atom of a black hole. Anymore and that thing would bust, and also the Earth would be evaporated, so there's that."

Fricka: "Blackholes, eh? Moving with the times I see, so what in the fuck does this do?"

Glados: "Left click."

Fricka: "Bro I'm not playing this shit on Steam am I?"

Glados: "Click the left button on the device."

Fricka: "Oh right, sorry, my autism is going to another stage."

I pull the left button, and the room goes upside down.

Fricka: "Oh great, so this just breaks the laws of physics, huh?"

Glados: "Only in this room, the flipping only works inside test chambers."

Fricka: "So then, what's the fucking point of this?"

Glados: "We are developing it to make it so it can rotate/reverse the gravity of a specific object shot on. There is also another use. See that red wall over there? Press the right button onto it."

I press the right button, and it shoots some energy from the black hole and it disintegrates the red wall.

Oh, great, she's just fucking giving me the literal device to escape with.

I go through the wall to the next chamber. The door was upside down, so I rotated the room to go through it.

Fricka: "Ok I'm actually going to get fucking sick from this shit."

Glados: "Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

I go to the elevator, as it takes me up to the next chamber, and so the Testing Begins.