A Hole in Time - Part 3

Palpatine: "Very good Alice... you have brought the culprit to me. My ears were dying from those goddamn sirens. So, shall we get this execution on the road?"

Darth Alice: "Yes..."

Palpatine: "Should we go with the classic lightning, or we can do a beheading, eject him into space, shoot him with a hundred lasers-"

Darth Alice: "I don't know."

Fricka: "Oh no no, you two continue talking about how you will kill me right in front of me."

Palpatine then shocks me with a bit of lightning.

Palpatine: "SILENCE YOU BUFFOON! Anyways, what do you mean you don't know? You always come up with creative methods, so I'm handing the torch to you for this one, especially for this lunatic."

Darth Alice: "I was thinking of an extremely painful one-"

Palpatine: "Yes, yes, good, what he deserves."

Darth Alice: "Ahem, put it in three sectors, the first two not fully killing him."

Fricka: "You know you could just say torture."

Palpatine: "Well then, shall we begin?"

Darth Alice: "I guess."

Palpatine: "Good, any last words? Before your execution? That kind of takes away the emphasis but hey ho!"

Fricka: "I'm sorry. Not for you, not for me, but I'm sorry for every person here who has to suffer. I thought I could go in here and save the world but I'm just a coward, aren't I? I won't die a coward, so just do it."

Palpatine: "Wow you're so courageous! Shame that potential will be wasted, eheheh. What first?"

Darth Alice: "Beheading."

Palpatine: "Alright- wait you dumbass that defeats the entire purpose of a three-part execution!"

Darth Alice: "I know."

Palpatine: "PLUS BEHEADING IS THE LEAST PAINFUL METHOD! Do you want him to suffer or not, decide!"

Darth Alice: "I want him to suffer."

Palpatine: "Louder."

Darth Alice: "I want him to suffer!"

Palpatine: "Louder!"

Darth Alice: "I WANT HIM TO SUFFER!"

Palpatine: "LOUDER!"

Out of nowhere, a loud noise comes from behind me... it was the Tardis!

I turn around to see the Tardis open and the Doctor walk out.

John Smith: "Hello, Fricka."


Fricka: "You came back!"

John Smith: "You know you describing his execution is evil and all, but I got an even better method."

Fricka: "Nevermind, you came back to make suffer, fantastic."

Darth Alice: "I remember you. You were the guy they saw inside that blue box."

Palpatine: "Yes, yes, I was told. And your friend here, Fricka, told us your box has very powerful energy we can harvest, so I suggest handing it over."

Darth Alice: "He also said that this energy is capable of opening a hole in time that can destroy the entire universe."

John Smith: "So he did, eh?"

Fricka: "I did."

John Smith: "You didn't have to tell me that you did."

Palpatine: "So, you came to tell us a 'better method', you must hate your friend a lot huh?"

John Smith: "I do. But the only problem with that is you don't know who I am."

Palpatine: "I'm sorry? Is that a threat?"

Fricka: "Just ask who he is it'll be super badass."

Darth Alice: "Don't ask."

Palpatine: "Shut up, I want to know, who in the fuck are you?"

John Smith: "I'm the Doctor."

Palpatine: "Doctor Who?"


The Doctor pulls out his sonic screwdriver releasing me from the force as I bolt in the Tardis with him, locking the door behind.

The Tardis begins to shake, presumably by Palpatine trying to open it.

Fricka: "I knew you would come back to save me, though a part of me felt you actually left me for dead."

John Smith: "I was tuning in for the entire execution, those idiots broadcast each one."

Fricka: "So was it my passionate words that motivated you to save me?"

John Smith: "No, but I was wrong about you in a way. You're a terrible person, but you're a great learner, you knew I wasn't watching but you said sorry not in hope but in prayer to send yourself off. I thought you didn't care about this place, but if that were the case you would've never try to stop Alice from opening a hole in time. This doesn't justify you running away, not at all, but I see you have a heart in there just like me or anyone, but I got two hearts so that doesn't really apply here."

Fricka: "So what's the plan?"

John Smith: "We can't obviously take down an entire army on our own, can we? Just our luck that there's a potential army we can form down here."

Fricka: "You talking about the prisoners?"

John Smith: "Yes, most of them are being cornered down into this floor, if we clear that area of soldiers we can be able to co-ordinate ourselves."

Fricka: "Well then, let's go."

In a few seconds, the Tardis teleports to that floor, and we step out. The crowd was packed.

Wait a minute... if I'm in an alternate universe, the spell on my powers is gone and I can use them!

So I used my powers to hold back many stormtroopers from entering.

Fricka: "I'll hold these lot back, you do what you need to do."

John Smith: "Right so apparently this sonic screwdriver has a couple billion functions including it being a microphone so that'll come in handy."

Fricka: "JUST DO IT!!"

The Doctor turns on his microphone.


The prisoners stop for a second to take a glimpse, and the area becomes quieter.

I could hear mutters like "who the fuck is this guy" or "just keep moving don't listen he's probably homeless".

John Smith: "If you want to live, I suggest you listen very carefully."

Their attention was taken now, the mutters stopped.

John Smith: "First let's ask a couple of questions, alright? Raise your hand if you don't want to survive."

No one raises their hand.

John Smith: "Now, raise your hand if you want to live."

Everyone raises their hand.

John Smith: "That's surprising because all of you look like you don't want to, running around bumping into each other with no sort of plan expecting a result for doing absolutely nothing of worth. This is a dysfunctional rebellion, shameful if we even called it one, that's why I AM TALKING."

There was complete and utter silence. There was no movement.

John Smith: "Now, you're lucky I know the ins and outs of this place else you've got no shot at escaping, so I think I'll make this regularly simple that of which a toddler can understand and follow."

The Doctor points to the top left part of the room, next to the stairs, where I was.

John Smith: "You lot in that part of the room have to stay and stop anyone from entering, do not be greedy and selfish, because if you do as asked everyone will survive. Good?"

He then points to the right part of the room by a big gate that won't open.

John Smith: "Through that gate is a bunch of ships, enough of them to take us out of this place. Everyone will need to be on a ship before we open the force field so we can fly away. Once I open that gate, those who aren't fighting away stormtroopers have to head towards the ship calmly, don't go scrambling over each other, go in one specific direction, not diagonal, not down or up, and don't even think of trying to meet with a person you know in the crowd as that'll just delay our escape, this isn't a love story, this is life or death, treat it like one. Hope you were listening, since your life depends on it. Good luck."

He points his sonic screwdriver towards the gate opening it. Everyone starts walking to the ships, but I had to stay to fight off the stormtroopers.

One of the guys next to me decides to try to sneak away into the crowd towards the ship, but I stop him.

Fricka: "Oi! What do you think you're doing?!"

He acts like he doesn't hear me and keeps walking, but I drag him towards me with my powers.


Fricka: "Why are you running away?"

???: "Bro you do realize this guy don't have a plan for us, who is gonna hold them back when we go to the ships huh? I'm out!"

Fricka: "Selfish cunt, you're human and you have a responsibility so don't you dare."

???: "Bro I'm not even human what you talkin' about???"

Fricka: "I made a mistake once of running away from the fight, and I nearly ended up opening a hole in time."

???: "I'm sorry, a what now?"

The whole crowd has gotten on a ship now, and the Doctor walks over to us.

John Smith: "Ok good job you lot, go get on a ship I'll hold them back!"

Everyone runs away but I stay.

John Smith: "That includes you, Fricka!"

I run away and take a glimpse behind me... Alice had come downstairs.

John Smith: "Oh look who's back, little old Alice."

Darth Alice: "Don't call me little!"

Alice stabs the Doctor in the heart.

Fricka: "FUCK NOOOO!"

The Doctor screams in pain for a few seconds, until he bursts out into laughter.

John Smith: "You should've done your research lady because if you did, you would know a time lord has two hearts."

The Doctor takes the saber out of his left heart and tackles Alice away.

They fight for a bit until Alice stabs his other heart.

John Smith: "Right, you got the other heart, oh goddamn that hurts more than I expected."

Darth Alice: "This is your end."

John Smith: "Nope, because if you did your research lady you would know when a time lord dies, he regenerates, which is what I'm doing right now."

Glowing light radiates out of his body when the light covers his entire body allowing him to regenerate. The light pushes back Alice and stuns all the stormtroopers.

The light stops, and The Doctor runs away into the Tardis with me.

Fricka: "New face, huh?"

The Doctor: "Yup, wait tell me, am I ginger yet?"

Fricka: "Yes you are, Doctor."


Fricka: "Well you should open that force field quickly."

The Doctor: "Alright then! Alonsy!"

The force field opens and we start flying away.

When we start flying away, all the ships are surrounded by a fleet of ships, as everyone stops flying.

The Doctor: "Oh no, this isn't good."

All of a second, a loud voice comes from the fleet of ships, via a large microphone.

Palpatine: "Surrender now! You are surrounded, if you surrender please enter back into the docking area you came from, otherwise, we shall open fire!"

A few ships go back, but the rest stay.

Palpatine: "Good, good, now the rest of you will burn-"

The Doctor: "Sorry, that won't be happening."

All of a sudden, his voice comes from the microphone. The Doctor starts speaking now connected to the microphone.

Palpatine: "What in the?! How did you get control of the mic?"

The Doctor: "Not the current topic, but I'd like to remind you who I am, I am the Doctor, a madman who lives in a blue box that travels through time and space, protecting it from no good people like you, and trust me you're not getting away with this."

Palpatine: "I'd be inclined not to believe but after the stuff I've seen, I'd have to agree, you madman."

The Doctor: "I take that as a compliment. Fine, all of you, shoot at the Tardis, take a shot!"

Palpatine: "DO IT!"

The fleet opens fire on the Tardis for a minute, until they slowly stop.

Palpatine: "My god there isn't a single scratch.."

The Doctor: "Learn your enemy before you face them, I was told, and I've been travelling for so many lives that I know all of you, I know your weaknesses and strengths, so show me, SHOOT AT ME!"

Palpatine: "Activate the blaster."

Fricka: "Oh my God you're going to make him shoot at the Tardis to power it up!"

The Doctor: "(off mic) Precisely!"

The blaster then shoots at the Tardis for a couple of seconds, and it keeps shooting for a while.

Slowly the fuel tank and the energy in the middle becomes brighter and larger.

The Doctor: "It's working!"

Palpatine: "WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!"

The blast becomes stronger, but now it's making the Tardis shake.

The Doctor: "Right that's enough, anymore and this thing will blow!"

The blast stops, but not by command, as we see it...

A huge hole in time opens in the middle of the Death Star.

I could see the Death Star slowly be sucked inside itself, inwards.

The Doctor: "Now look what you've done! Opened a hole in time, happy now?"

Palpatine: "CURSE YOUUUUU!!"

The mic cuts out, as the fleet of ship scurries in random directions to escape.

Fricka: "We need to close that thing right now."

The Doctor: "Really, Sherlock? Not that you act like him, met him several times, nice guy."

Fricka: "FOCUS!"

The Tardis then shoots a ray of energy at the hole in time, weakening its strength. The hole in time no longer made the Tardis move towards it.

The Doctor: "We can weaken it but we can't destroy it!"

I guess this was it.

The Doctor: "But, there's one way."

Fricka: "What? Tell me! Tell me!"

The Doctor: "We need to take the Tardis inside it, making the hole in time implode and cease from existence, but so will we and the Tardis."

Fricka: "So, we have to sacrifice ourselves, huh? Well, it was a fun ride."

The Doctor: "Nope, just me."

The Tardis teleports back to our alternate universe, and I'm shoved out the Tardis.

Fricka: "DOCTOR NO!"

The Doctor: "I have to do this. I'm sorry."

Fricka: "Why would you let me go."

The Doctor: "Just run. That's what you're good at. RUN!"

The Tardis teleports away, as I never see it again.

--In an alternate universe--

The Doctor: "Alright then, time to finish this off."

The Tardis moves towards the hole in time slowly, as it grows in strength, the Tardis enters the hole in time.

The Doctor: "It was an honour."

BANG! A loud deafening noise comes from the hole in time, destroying it once and for all.

Now, it was just quiet.