
So that was it. The Tardis was gone and I was back on my journey. I thought it would just be a trip to have some fun but really it was a life lesson.

With that life lesson taught... I'm not going to abandon my friends. I'm going to get Wolfang out of that test chamber course!

I ran across the bridge towards the big red sign saying 'testing course', how convenient.

Once inside the door, I heard her voice again.

Glados: "Hello Fricka, I'm so very happy you came back, ready to test again?"

Fricka: "Shut up, I didn't come for you, where is Wolfang?"

Glados: "Do you seriously think I'm going to tell you where she is? Are you her prince charming?"

Fricka: "I'd rather kill myself than make her my girlfriend, wait I think I'm having Deja Vu."

All of a sudden, a couple of lights turn on, revealing Wolfang in a cage.

Wolfang: "Never in a million years, Glados, just to make that clear."

Fricka: "Oh cool she's just sitting there what happened to the testing course for vital science research?"

Glados: "Oh no she already beat it, very quickly actually, oh how stupid humans are to think there will always be a prize when you reach a goal. Now that she's completed it, I decided instead of killing her I can use her as bait to lure you back here. For Science."

Fricka: "For science my ass"

Wolfang: "Don't bother saving me, get the fuck out of here."

Fricka: "Hey I got a clue for what you should do."

Wolfang: "What?"

Fricka: "Ok let's play a game, I spy with my little eye, a thing in your hand that starts with G."

She looks at the reality gun she has in her hand.

Glados: "Oops forgot to remove that from her, strange how I always forget to do that..."

Wolfang shoots her gun at the bars releasing her.

Glados: "Get back here! Why did I say that, I've examined 7 million occasions where the specific phrase was said and approximately 0 endings resulted in them coming back. Now that I've stated the facts- aaaaaaand they're gone."

We were sprinting back the way Sonic was going, so we went around a few buildings, running up some stairs until we reach a room saying 'Neurotoxin generator'.

Fricka: "I've played Portal 2 several trillion times I know what we do during this."

Wolfang: "Maybe we shouldn't occupy fucking gas over disabling Glados."

Fricka: "No but like-"

Wolfang: "-when I already have 4 gas masks during the battle, one for you, one for me, one for Alice, and one for Sombra."

Fricka: "Wait Alice and Sombra are going to be there at the battle?"

Wolfang: "No I told them to wait at a specific place in the facility for us to group up and plot right before."

Fricka: "WAIT WHAT? So there's another way to get in that you know of but no fuck it let's do the harder one for climatic emphasis!"

Wolfang: "Precisely."


Wolfang: "Right the place we decided to meet up at is uh... let's see... the neurotoxin generator."

Fricka: "Oh wow isn't that so convenient it's as if that was added to reduce time wasted during the plot."

Wolfang: "The what now?"

Fricka: "Oh nothing, anyways, there they are over there!"

We see those two upstairs, so we circle around towards them.