Three-Part Plan

Alice: "There you two are, what took you so long?"

Wolfang: "We kind of got stuck in Glados' testing course."

Sombra: "No shit, that was the plan, I'm glad you two got out though, didn't have much hope for that male over there."

Fricka: "Why the fuck does everyone act like I'm not here when they talk about me?"

Alice: "Because you're virtually useless to the conversation."

Fricka: "Oh, I have an idea, to prove I'm not useless!"

Wolfang: "Enlighten us oh great one"

Fricka: "I will then."

Wolfang: "I'm being fucking sarcastic."

Fricka: "Ok I'm thinking of a three-part plan."

Sombra: "Considering we don't have one, better you two listen."

Fricka: "One, I need Wolfang and Sombra to stay here and distract Glados by disabling the neurotoxin, two, me and Alice go to Glados' chamber while she is distracted, and three, we disable her and gain control over the facility."

Wolfang: "I don't know why you made it out to be a big deal when the plan is fairly simple, I like it though. One problem, I need to go with you instead of Alice."

Sombra: "Why? Let Alice go and let Fricka have a chance of hitting on her."

Fricka: "No that's not-argh-idiot-I wanted Wolfang to stay here because Glados wants her back to use her as bait to lure me back, that's what she did before, but even if she captures you by the time it happens she'll be disabled and you're free."

Wolfang: "Ok you know what, that actually sounds reasonable."

Alice: "For once."

Sombra: "Do we need to send any reinforcements with you lot?"

Alice: "Pfft, I'm second in command, I can handle it."

Fricka: "WE can handle it, but also yes please, actually don't that'll just attract attention to us."

Sombra: "Very well. The second we press this button Glados will find out we're in here so you two get going before that happens and good luck."

We run out and the button is pressed. I can hear the speaker in that room go on but I couldn't hear what Glados was saying.

Fricka: "Alice I wanted to ask you something."

Alice: "Go fuck yourself."

Fricka: "No no, so basically when I escaped the testing course I bumped into this guy called the Doctor, he's a 'time lord' that travels through time and space in this thing called the Tardis, I was stupid enough to get on for a ride."

Alice: "I'm sorry, is this relevant to the current situation?"

Fricka: "No not entirely-"

Alice: "Then shut up."

Fricka: "No but we ended up in an alternate universe and I saw-"


Fricka: "Fucking fine."

There was silence as we walked for a few minutes.

Fricka: "Where are you from? Like, where were you before you were teleported here? What were you doing? Like-"

Alice: "Nothing exciting."

Fricka: "What's not exciting?"

Alice: "I'd argue that this place is better than what I was doing before."

Fricka: "Hey that isn't nice, besides if that were true why do you try so hard to get out?"

Alice: "I don't know, it's just in my instinct really to keep doing something and keep moving forward, I want to accomplish something."

Fricka: "Well whatever you were doing you must've hated it a lot to say it's worse than being down here."

Alice: "I was an author, I wrote books."

Fricka: "Hey that isn't that bad."

Alice: "No. It was fun at first but then it became repetitive, page after page, chapter after chapter, book after book, it just wouldn't end."

Fricka: "That's how any job works, to be honest if you really disliked making books then why to continue to make them?"

Alice: "Because that's all I had, a paper and a pen, that was all my life valued for. I couldn't do something else, as there was no backup plan, no three-part plan, plus making books was my only source of pride and happiness, take that away and I am worthless."

Fricka: "So you hate it or do you enjoy it? I'm confused."

Alice: "I enjoy finishing books, they're my pride and a way to have a sense of accomplishment in life, but I want to accomplish more. Making books is a horrific cycle that won't end, until death."

Fricka: "Well you always have to put something in to get an end result."

Alice: "The sacrifices I've made is too much to have such a result. It just isn't worth it."

We reach towards the room Glados is in.

Alice: "You first."