
With our gas masks on, we enter Glados' chamber. It was huge, with Glados in the corner looking at a camera muttering to herself.

Glados: "Why won't these idiots go away? What have I done to them? Oh right."

We see the two buttons to de-activate Glados and signal each other to go to them as Glados isn't watching.

We creep over, ready to press the buttons when Glados turns around.

Glados: "Oh. You're here, so that was your plan, huh? To distract me? Too bad, because those buttons are faulty."

We both press the button, for nothing to happen.

Glados: "Oh my, oh my, how stupid of you to think it would be that easy. Is it just me or does the air in here feel a bit thick?"

Neurotoxin is released into the room, but it takes her a minute to realise we have gas masks.

Glados: "Wait why did I only just realise you are wearing some sort of device on your face, I haven't seen such thing used here before, what in the world...? Wait a second, a gas mask, is that what you're wearing? Where in the world did you find one of them because I most certainly don't make them down here."

Alice: "None of your business."

Fricka: "Oh yeah Alice I should've mentioned this before but Glados has been listening in to every conversation you've had with the others."

Alice: "I'm sorry, WHAT? YOU ONLY MENTION THIS NOW????????"

Glados: "You left no sort of defence, plus I own this facility, I have access to every room."

Alice: "Then why didn't you just capture us? Or everyone down here, for that matter."

Glados: "You see, I'm also studying psychology, how the human mind works."

Fricka: "I thought you were a human at once."

Glados: "I know how emotions work, but I've deleted Caroline. I want to see how humans decide in tight situations. Like this one."

Two buttons are raised.

Glados: "These ones aren't faulty, but before you click them, I have an offer."

Alice: "Not interested."

Alice rapidly clicks the button but I don't.

Alice: "What are you doing? Click the button!"

Fricka: "I want to listen her out."

Glados: "From listening in I now know that you both are hunted down, correct? Even if you were let go, there'd still be a bounty forever on your head."

Fricka: "What are you trying to say?"

Glados: "If you disable me, then they'll come to the surface alongside you, however, if you don't disable me, I'm willing to make an exception. If you let me continue running this facility, I will eliminate all your enemies down here and let you both go. For a price, however."

A screen behind her turns on, showing Wolfang and Sombra captured by Glados.

Fricka: "I'm in."

Wolfang and Sombra look petrified.

Fricka: "We have to do it, to be honest."

Alice: "No..."

Glados: "You both have to agree for this to settle. Now, this is exciting, two people with different ideologies battling it out for the same goal."

Alice: "This is cruel."

Glados: "Life is always cruel, that's how you progress, Alice."

Alice: "Fricka, we can just eliminate them on our own."

Fricka: "Does this include people on the surface, Glados?"

Glados: "Yes."


Fricka: "And what if these buttons are faulty? What if either decision we make ends up in us getting killed? We have to take a risk, Alice."

Alice: "And I'm taking one, that's all I ever wanted to do, take risks in life."

Glados: "I'm giving you five minutes to decide, so that's your third option, to sit here and die since that's how arguments always end, it'll start with two sides with different opinions, and it'll end with two sides with different opinions."

Alice: "Quickly, Fricka, those two are counting on you."

Fricka: "I... I don't want to run away from them but if it's the only thing we can do..."

Alice: "It ISN'T the only thing you can do! You said once you're on the run on the surface right, then we can keep running."

Fricka: "I don't want to run for my entire life, that's not life."

Alice: "But this is all I ever wanted in life, to run."

The clock kept ticking.

Fricka: "Ok, we're going in circles, I don't know about you but I'm staying on this decision I've made."

Alice: "Fricka, no, stop."

There was silence.

Alice: "What if there was a fourth option?"

Glados: "I beg your pardon? Either those two die, you run forever, or you die here."

Fricka: "Are you proposing an option where they don't die, we don't run forever, and we don't die here?"

Glados: "Impossible, you have to make sacrifices to move on, your actions have consequences."

Fricka: "I agree, and that is why I'm pressing the button."

Glados: "What? Are you a lunatic? How did your opinion change so quickly? This doesn't compute or fit with any of my research! Computing, computing..."

Fricka: "Oh no, my opinion didn't change. I'm just distracting you bitch."

Glados: "Wh-"

All of a sudden, Glados shuts down, and the room goes pitch black for a few seconds.

Then, light shines throughout the room, as Alice appears now in Glados' place.

Fricka: "So that was your plan? To replace Glados and run the facility?"

Alice: "Temporarily. After all our enemies are vanquished I will step down from this position quite literally. Now, where were those two."

Wolfang and Sombra are taken to the room we're in, and so is the rest of the rebellion.

Alice: "I will let you all go now, but I'll have to do some cleaning up here for some time, I request your patience."

Glados: "You shouldn't of let her be in charge."

Fricka: "I'm sorry? How are you not dead she plugged you out!"

Glados: "My mind lives inside my core, which is the thing detached, so I can still talk."

Alice: "You're nothing but a rogue AI, with no sympathy for human life and your only goal is to make people suffer."

Glados: "My goal is for science."

Sombra: "You've gone too far with Science, I have to agree."

Glados: "Do you not see what you have done, Fricka? You should've pressed the button beforehand for god sake because this is worse... too much worse..."

Fricka: "In what way?"

Alice: "Don't listen to her, I think unplugging her made her lose her path of thought."

Glados: "Oh no, but I haven't Alice, I am still fully sane. Fricka, you've let someone who is always 2nd in command be 1st in command."

I realised now, the alternate universe...

Glados: "Her purpose as a human was always to be 2nd in command, but look what you've done, broken the laws of nature and awakened a beast ready to erupt."

Alice: "I'm listening, they're not listening, so SHUT UP!"

Glados: "Your hatred and anger have been swelling for some time now, and now no one can stop you, absolutely no one."

Fricka: "Hatred and anger for who exactly?"

Alice: "Glados of course-"

Glados: "The 1st in command, Wolfang."

Wolfang: "Wait, you hate me?"

Sombra: "Don't listen to that robot, she talks nonsense."


Wolfang: "I'm starting to believe she's right."

Alice: "Oh great you've lost your mind too, haven't you, because you know what, I DO HATE YOU!"

Fricka: "Wait what?"

Alice: "YOU'RE AN IDIOT WHO IS SELFISH AND WANTS TO BE IMPORTANT! THIS WHOLE REBELLION WAS BUILT NOT OUT OF HATRED AGAINST GLADOS BUT OUT OF JEALOUSY OF KNIGHT ESCAPING LEAVING YOU BEHIND! You take us for granted. Like pawns. And you, Fricka, as if it couldn't get worse, confused how he feels, are you going to abandon your friends or not? You just waltz in and because you 'knew' Wolfang you're basically 2nd in command."

Wolfang: "It's just a title."


Wolfang: "Alice, stop, I'm sorry."

Alice: "You apologise now, begging for mercy, on your knees like I'm a God, GOOD! YOU SHOULD HAVE REMORSE FOR YOUR ACTIONS BUT I'M NOT SHOWING ANY MERCY OR PITY FOR YOU, AS YOU ONLY SHOW IT IN TIMES IT'S NEEDED! I bet you didn't care before, did you? DID YOU?!"

Wolfang: "I'M SORRY, PLEASE!"

Alice: "Goodbye Wolfang, and you too, Fricka."

She grabs us up by claws and hangs us over a hole.

Alice: "Databases say this hole never ends."

She lowers us down.

Alice: "Have fun. You won't be missed."

She drops us into the hole, making us fall, faster and faster and faster and faster.