The Fall

Wolfang: "So, I guess we're going to fall here forever, huh?"

Fricka: "Nope, this hole isn't endless, in Portal 2 it actually leads to Old Aperture."

Wolfang: "Spoilers."

Fricka: "Oh come on the game is 10 years old!"

Wolfang: "Wouldn't that be in Glados' database though?"

Fricka: "Probably deleted it after learning the truth."

Wolfang: "Anyways, thanks for getting us here."

Fricka: "I'm sorry, this is my fault?"

Wolfang: "Yeah, Glados literally said you let her do it."

Fricka: "Even if she knew some truth of Alice, doesn't mean she isn't still a rogue AI who wants the worst for us."

Wolfang: "You could've done something, don't try to shake off that fact because I know damn well you let her do it."

Fricka: "How was I supposed to know she will turn rotten? She seemed fine, I could've never seen it coming."

Wolfang: "So you did let her, did you?"

Fricka: "It's not my fault."

Wolfang: "Did you or did you not?"

Fricka: "Wolfang, stop, look, what would you have done, tell me?"

Wolfang: "I would've pressed the button and let my friends live."

Fricka: "Oh come on, do you not see my point of view here?!"

Wolfang: "Not at all. The fact you don't have the courage to admit you fucked up says it all for me."

Fricka: "I've learnt from my mistakes from this trip I took with the Doctor, I think I told you before."

Wolfang: "Well, you've clearly haven't, you do know one event doesn't change a person entirely to be good and a saint because oh boy do you have a lot to learn."

Fricka: "Fine then, it's my fault for this mess."

Wolfang: "Well you can't fix it now. It's ironic really, that you refuse to press the button so that you can stop running in life, but all that's caused you is more running."

Fricka: "This is the part where you say I deserved all of it huh? That I'm some demon."

Wolfang: "Oh not at all. You think I'm saying you're flawed, but you're just misguided, which just leads to flaws."

Fricka: "So I'm flawed."

Wolfang: "Yeah pretty much."

Fricka: "So, what are we gonna do when we get back up there to Alice?"

Wolfang: "IF we get back up."

Fricka: "Kill her? Replace her? De-active her?"

Wolfang: "No. Considering it's impossible to kill her, I don't want to do that. I can tell she's angry and she hates me but I want to understand why and solve it with her."

Fricka: "This doesn't look like a situation that can be solved with words, we tried it before and look where it ended us up. It's not her to answer why she hates you, it's for you to answer that for yourself."

Wolfang: "What if there isn't an answer? What if she's a lunatic?"

Fricka: "If she was I'd of thought the other people would've stopped her, but they didn't, so it has to be true."

Wolfang: "They were afraid of her."

Fricka: "All that power may have made her a lunatic but it was like filling a bubble of thoughts with poison making it erupt. Her feelings were there beforehand, she just didn't have the strength or the mental capacity to unleash them or fulfil them."

All of a sudden, we hear someone else falling next to us.

Glados: "Oh hi! So how are you holding up?"

Fricka: "You said this line before, stop."

Glados: "Because I'm-"

Fricka: "-a potato. Did you or did you not delete your memories of going down this place because this is the exact same scenario as in Portal 2."

Glados: "Now that I think about it... potatoes do have a rather small memory capacity, so I may have short term memory loss."

Wolfang: "How does a robot have short term memory loss?"

Glados: "I have to delete previous memories to have enough storage for new memories, does it automatically."

There was silence for a few minutes as we fell.

Fricka: "Ok I'm starting to feel like this pit is actually endless and we're going down the wrong one."

Glados: "Oh hi! So how are you holding up?"

Wolfang: "There she goes again."

Glados: "I'm terribly sorry, what?"

Fricka: "Short term memory, anyways Glados, I'd like to ask you a question."

Glados: "Yes?"

Fricka: "Were the buttons faulty? Were you going to kill us if we made the deal?"

Glados: "I am not required to answer that, just because I'm at my weakest point doesn't mean we aren't still enemies."

Fricka: "Well that's funny because you actually brought this on yourself, being cool and quirky and exciting making us take a decision only for it to lead to you being turned into a potato."

Glados: "I wish I understood irony again, a downside after deleting Caroline."

Wolfang: "Can you stop talking about deleting Caroline? We get it."

Then, I hear a split second of a crashing noise, and then it goes black.