
Everything was still black, but it felt as if I was still conscious, drifting in a dream. That or I'm dead and this is the afterlife.

???: "What's this?"

I could hear two people having a conversation, I don't know who but it was near me. It was all just confusing.

???: "Well, some travellers came from a pipe."

???: "AHHHHHHH!"

???: "Here, take this."

Though the conversation was all nonsense, it made no sense.

???: "Fricka?"

???: "Fricka?"

They were both now calling my name, what the fuck is this wild dream?

I try to respond, but I can't, as if I have no power or energy to move at all, only my mind functions.

???: "Quick question."

???: "Shut up there!"

???: "Is he dead?"

???: "Yes."

What the hell? The conversation makes no logical sense but now it makes more and more sense... like puzzle blocks falling into place for a greater meaning behind this dream.

???: "Oh, okay."

???: "You're acting like you saw a ghost!"

???: "I'm looking at one now."

???: "Fricka."

???: "Fricka."

They called my name once again, but it was more demanding and confident.

???: "You know, they close their eyes forever."

???: "Oh, okay."

Christ, I don't know what drugs I've been on to dream this kind of shit mate.

???: "Mind telling me where this pipe is?"

???: "In hell, with him."

???: "Okay, thanks."

I just found it amusing at this point, it was so ridiculous I just couldn't take it seriously. You can't deny my imagination is something unheard of.

Even though it's amusing, I want to at least get some sense of it while the dream lasts, I might forget it as soon as I wake up, I did take a pretty big fall after all.

They're mentioning my name, and about this guy who's dead, in hell, or whatever, I presume that's me huh?

So, this is a dream of someone talking about me dying.

This must be a vision from when I was still in my coma, probably scrambled since well, I was in a fucking coma. And obviously, I'm not dead so that's been altered, however, Dr Toad did say he thought I was...

I didn't even know you could hear other people talk while in a coma. Like there is some literature on the concept but I feel real-life events of it is fiction.

That or this is completely not real, and I was not hearing anyone while I was in a coma, which is the most reasonable explanation, that I was imagining people talking around me to have comfort and warmth, illusion powers and stuff.

Not that I'd get an answer, Dr Toad is probably dead and there is the uncertainty that I'd not even get out of this hole I've fallen down, hell I might not even wake up from this dream.

This makes me realize how shit life has become and how crazy it is like I was just chilling living a life of luxury in a well-built house in Marioverse.

Then all of a sudden, I decide to be brave and adventurous, wanting to make a 'change' in the world to try to make myself feel better, by putting that illusion on that town.

Did I have to? No. Did I want to? Truly, not for them, but for my own pride. I don't know if I deserved to be put in a coma for that act but at the very least I did make a change in peoples lives to guide them in a suitable direction.

Suitable at least in my eyes, which I think the whole feud came from in the first place, not that he wasn't already abusive to his people, he had his own illusion on his people.

Wouldn't it be better if all these illusions and misleading lies were all gone? Why does it have to be one lie or the other? Why can't it just be none?

It's a battle I started, so I feel I must end it.

Right, the dream. Should probably get out of this.

If I keep wandering in my thoughts I might wander too far and sleep forever. That or I go into another coma which probably isn't the best decision considering Alice is probably going on a rampage upstairs.