The Blue Box

Witch 1: "Welcome back!"

Fricka: "Don't you dare welcome me back, where were you to taunt me all of this time?"

Witch 3: "Well, after our last encounter, we've become a bit weak~"

Witch 2: "No worries, we are more powerful now than we ever have been with the power of friendship!"

Witch 3: "Just because we were vulnerable doesn't mean we haven't been watching you, hehe~"

Witch 1: "You've personally come to us for a reason, haven't you? What is it? I thought you were running from us. Oh, I see you've come to kill us, ahaha!"

Fricka: "I need you for a favour."

Witch 1: "Are you joking?"

Witch 2: "No, hear him out, we need a favour too actually, isn't that right?"

Witch 3: "Very true, yes yes."

Fricka: "I-"

Witch 2: "Shush, we will ask our favour first then you will say yours so we can come to an agreement."

Fricka: "I'm sure the order doesn't affect the agreement..."

Witch 3: "We've been watching you down there, and we saw you with this man, you called him the Doctor correct?"

Witch 2: "Yes, you went inside his blue box didn't you?"

Fricka: "What about the blue box?"

Witch 1: "Once you had entered that blue box we lost track of you completely, as if you vanished from time and space, as if you never existed."

Witch 2: "Explain."

I nearly said it was time travel, but I realized they would use that time travel to revive Hiro Ryuske.

Witch 3: "She said explain so you WILL explain."

Fricka: "It's a fancy teleporter."

Witch 2: "A fancy teleporter?"

Fricka: "It's used by the space lords to travel the universe anywhere at the snap of a second."

Witch 1: "A space lord? Haven't heard such a thing, have you been on drugs too?"

Witch 3: "I mean, if we lost track of him he might be telling the truth."

Witch 2: "Yes but we caught track of you 20 seconds after you entered the box, and that was when you left the box."

Witch 1: "Yes, yes, I doubt you'd teleport somewhere and go back in immediately."

Fricka: "When teleporting it sort of goes through this other dimension, like a wibbly wobbly pocket of space where it can go anywhere in seconds, however, there's potential it can crash in there."

Witch 1: "Well that isn't a very effective 'teleporter' now is it?"

Fricka: "When we crashed on the side of the pocket, we immediately tried to go back, and out of fear for what a terrible fucking driver the Doctor was, I ran off."

Witch 1: "It's a very nice story, you know."

Witch 2: "From the sound of it, I'd love to try out that teleporter."

Witch 3: "If it wasn't a bunch of bullshit."

Witch 2: "I want you to repeat what you said, but we'll know if you're lying."

Fricka: "Oh okay then. The blue box is a machine used by the Doctor to travel through space, and he took me on a trip to marioverse with it, until it crashed and I left the Tardis after the event."

Witch 1: "He isn't lying."

Witch 3: "Ugh, fine then, tell us your favour."

Fricka: "I'm looking for someone."

I drop an image before them of the person I'm looking for.

Witch 2: "You're looking for them? Is that seriously what you asked us for?"

Fricka: "Yes, I'm dead serious."

Witch 3: "If you give us your-"

Fricka: "Oh shush! We're not gonna do this for 7 millionth time are we now? 'Give us your power' as if I'd be willing to do that! Oh yeah, cheers, here you go, bon appetit and go fucking unleash chaos on the world! However, what I can do for you greedy bitches is pay off the favour."

Witch 1: "With what, your blood?"

Witch 3: "Actually yes, your blood, good suggestion, can we have a sample?"

I went over to the first witch and whispered in their ear what I would do.

Witch 1: "Deal."

Witch 2: "What did he say?"

Witch 1: "I'll tell you after he leaves."

Fricka: "It's good doing business with you. Adios!"

I walk out of the cave the witches are in and get out my new phone.

I put in a number, and call it.

???: "Hello, who is this? How did you get my number?"

Fricka: "Hello, Doctor."

The Doctor: "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

Fricka: "I'm from your future, and I'm calling to save your life."

There was silence in the call until I heard the noise of the Tardis appearing before me.

The Tardis opened, and I went inside.

The Doctor: "Hey, hey! Don't enter, I didn't invite you in!"

Fricka: "You're currently being hunted down by three witches who have been watching me for some time now, the Tardis is the only place they can't track me in."

The Doctor: "Three witches?!"

Fricka: "Yes and since they couldn't track me in it, they want to find the Tardis, and I suspect they know it's a time machine."

The Doctor: "What will they do with the Tardis that you're so scared of?"

Fricka: "First thing I can think of is them travelling back in time before Hiro Ryuske, a person I knew, died and bring him to the future preventing his death."

The Doctor: "That doesn't sound too good, but where have we met?"

Fricka: "That'd be spoiling, as that's in your future."

The Doctor: "Did you see me get killed by those witches?"

Fricka: "No, me entering the Tardis in the future has changed the course of history, and I believe you have a history of fixed points in time."

The Doctor: "So you travelled with me in the Tardis in the future, which made the witches aware it's a time machine, possibly opening a chain of events where I get killed by them, creating a paradox and destroying time."

Fricka: "Pretty much, also can you take me to Marioverse, if they see the blue box outside their cave they might try to get in."

The Doctor: "Oh wow didn't tell me you were metres away from them."

The Tardis shifted and took a couple of seconds to teleport.

However, when we arrived, we heard loud noises outside the Tardis.

The Doctor: "Don't leave, there's something awfully wrong."

Fricka: "You sure you took us to Marioverse, sounds like a war zone."

The Doctor takes a look at his screen.


We heard a bang hitting the Tardis, making it shake, then we heard knocking on the outside.

The Doctor: "Don't you dare."

Fricka: "Hold on, I'll go next to the door to hear who's out there."

I creep towards the door and stand beside it.

Then I heard it.


The Doctor: "What is it?"

Fricka: "This isn't just a warzone."

The Doctor: "Then what is it?"

Fricka: "We need to get out of here, and quick."