Invasion of the Daleks - Part 1

The Doctor: "Whoever you are, I'm not leaving until I know what's out there."

Fricka: "You go out and you die."

The Doctor: "Tell me! That's an order or I'll kick you out of this Tardis!"

Fricka: "A Dalek."

The Doctor's face went white as if he just died of shock.

The Doctor: "Not possible, I wiped them all out."

Fricka: "Not possible? How about you have a look outside then."

The Doctor opens the door to see the face of a Dalek right outside yelling 'EXTERMINATE THE DOCTOR!' until he closes it split seconds after.

Fricka: "By the way, my name is Fricka."

The Doctor: "I don't care."

Fricka: "Fair enough."

The Doctor: "I've only beaten the Daleks ever once really, and it costed an entire race, if that's not enough then I have no clue what is."

Fricka: "Well then, if you can't beat the Daleks, get the hell out of here!"

The Doctor: "No, that wouldn't be right on the people here in marioverse."

Fricka: "Don't you dare go straight on the spaceship."

The Doctor: "Well I'm not a complete lunatic now am I? We need to find out what the Daleks are doing here and what their demands are."

Fricka: "I thought you can never negotiate with a Dalek."

The Doctor: "We're not negotiating, we're understanding our enemy, but most probably the reason they'll give is 'exterminate' but it's worth the short."

The Doctor puts up the Emperor Dalek on his screen.


The Doctor: "I know you say more than exterminate, I heard all of the Daleks begging for mercy when I burnt them all with Gallifrey. Why are they alive?"

Emperor Dalek: "Doctor, if you really think that silly move would wipe out us all, you are greatly underestimating the Daleks!"

The Doctor: "So what? Off to commit mass genocide on another race again for no reason? Tell me because you've got to have a good reason!"

Emperor Dalek: "We got a message from a woman saying you would be here Doctor, available to be exterminated!"

The Doctor: "Well I'm not available to be exterminated, not any time in the universe, so you've been tricked by whoever called you."

Fricka: "Oh piss I think the witches called the Daleks, fuck they already know everything about you!"

Emperor Dalek: "That is why we invaded this place, as bait for the Doctor, because he always comes to save the day, doesn't he?"

The Doctor: "Why are you talking about me in third person?"

Emperor Dalek: "We will not hold back our invasion until you present yourself in front of us."

The Doctor: "A Dalek never makes a promise, that's for sure. If you want to see me, oh you'll see me, when I explode every ship in your fleet and wipe all of you out once again!"

Emperor Dalek: "I'll have fun watching you fail and then be exterminated!"

The call ends.

Fricka: "And how exactly will you do that, Doctor? Kill an entire race again?"

The Doctor: "Don't you ever say that again to me."

Fricka: "Why don't you just go back in time and stop this from ever happening?"

The Doctor: "Perhaps but I'd rather face them head-on, I'm not a coward."

Fricka: "You're not a coward, you're an idiot in a blue box, you have no other choice."

The Doctor: "Well, looking outside they have invaded the majority of marioverse, however, there are two towns they seem to be having a struggle with invading, but there is one more village which hasn't been invaded yet and it's in the middle of marioverse. It's the most vulnerable of them all."

Fricka: "And you think it's a trap?"

The Doctor: "Yup, I think they want me to go to that village in the middle, but we're going to the one they're having a struggle invading."

The Tardis teleports to the town, as we hear loud noises everywhere, but I didn't have time to translate the noises.

The Doctor: "Right, let's get the hell out of there, chop chop!"

Fricka: "So what, are we gonna rally up all of these townspeople like some army general."

The Doctor: "I'm not an army general, I'm the Doctor of War."

Fricka: "That doesn't help very much, does it?"

We bump into a lady creeping around.

The Doctor: "Excuse me, we're new here, you know where we can find the commander of operations?"

The Lady then pulls a gun on us.

???: "You're Daleks spies."

Fricka: "I don't think we are."

The Doctor: "No, Fricka, we KNOW we aren't Daleks, stop joking around!"

???: "You can't be new around, you go in and out of this town you die by the Daleks, there's only one way you could've gotten in."

The Doctor: "Listen I'm not a Dalek, if I was I would be yelling 'Exterminate! Exterminate' like some man who's lost his mind, do I look like a man who's lost his mind?!"

???: "Yes."

The Doctor: "Now that I think about it *ahem* like what do you want? You can touch my organs to check I'm real, hey I got two hearts so-"

Fricka: "Doctor stop flirting with her, this is not the time you asshole."

The Doctor: "Sorry, wasn't trying to do that, listen what way do you check if someone is a Dalek?"

???: "Well if you want to see the commander, you've come to the right place, haven't you?"

The Doctor: "I don't get the whole Dalek-Human hybrid thing, it's a bit rubbish when they already are big tins who want to exterminate-"

Commander: "Name your race and intention."

The Doctor: "Well the guy to my left, he's Fricka, human, bit of an idiot who's lost, then there's me, the Doctor, time lord, the man who ended the time war and wiped out the Daleks, well almost, until they decided to pop up again."

Commander: "Enough babbling, I'll take you to our base, you make a move out of line and I'll shoot you both, is that clear?"

Fricka: "Yes ma'am."

The Doctor: "Heh you look so frightened now like you've seen a ghost, cheer up soldier!"

The commander looks at the Doctor menacingly.

The Doctor: "Right forgot what you said, sure then, I'll try to stay in 'line' whatever that is."

We walk over to the base.