Invasion of the Daleks - Part 2

We walk into the base, there was a bunch of people there crowded into one area.

That's when I spotted Emiro, in the corner of the room.

Fricka: "Emiro, what the hell are you doing here?"

Emiro: "Looking for you, dumbass, where the hell have you been."

Emiro looked extremely angry.

Fricka: "Well it's a long story, wouldn't bother with you the details."

Emiro: "Do you know what bothers me? You running off in the middle of the night to never be seen again, and look where I am now, in a war."

Fricka: "I didn't run off, I was teleported to a different location as a captive, I managed to escape though. Ah, I've seen Gex has recovered since I got teleported."

Emiro: "Well, took quite long but we made it I guess."

Fricka: "Where's Carlos?"

Emiro: "In custody because of you."

Fricka: "WHAT?!"

Emiro: "Oh yeah, have you already forgotten you had to attend court a week ago?"

Fricka: "I mean, he was the drug dealer here was he not? I didn't do anything wrong to get arrested, the charges are all false."

Emiro: "But he only became a drug dealer out of force, I know he wouldn't do it if he didn't have to."

Fricka: "And how do you know that?"

Emiro: "I'm sorry?"

The Doctor then yells in the crowd.

The Doctor: "Excuse me, everyone!"

Fricka: "Here he goes on another speech, hooray."

Emiro: "Wait so you know that guy?"

Fricka: "Unfortunately."

The Doctor: "Hello, I'm the Doctor, nice to meet you all, I'm a time lord and if any of you know a thing about Daleks, you would know I'm their biggest enemy, and if you don't then maybe I should fill you all in! The Daleks are a race created by a man named Davros, he doesn't seem to be on their big boy ship in the middle of marioverse, instead, there is an emperor Dalek, speaking of which, we need to get on that ship without being seen. Luckily enough, I have a machine that will teleport us there with ease, but some things to keep in mind: Daleks have a sort of force field around their body protecting them from bullets so don't bother shooting at them as they're pretty much indestructible, your only choice is to run as Daleks are quite slow but their aim is quite good, so if you find something to hide behind that is a good place to go when encountering a Dalek. Dalek's themselves are sort of programmed to think in a sort of way and if you've encountered one then you already know but I should summarise it in one word: exterminate. This is one of the only things they ever think, so that emperor Dalek is there to feed them commands and thoughts of operations, and seeing as this whole attack is quite co-ordinated and planned out, if we manage to destroy the Emperor Dalek, the Dalek's won't have any commands and will have to resort to exterminating, which may sound bad but it'll all be scrambled and messy making them vulnerable. If you need me to repeat that all, too bad, we're getting in the Tardis whether you like it or not, and before you ask who made me in charge: I did."

Emiro: "Ah, for a second I thought you finally got a friend who had respect for you, congrats you found quite a bossy one this time."

Fricka: "You may think he's bossy, I think he's intelligent, that's his only power correct?"

The majority of us are taken into the Tardis, while some stayed skeptical about the Doctor.

Emiro: "It's bigger on the inside."

Fricka: "Yeah, you'll get used to it."

The Doctor: "Fricka where the hell have you been wandering off to- oh hey look you're making friends! Good job!"

Fricka: "Oh shut up."

Emiro: "Hello, we haven't met, also he isn't my friend, we just know each other. We also insult each other from time to time for fun, but that's not important."

The Doctor: "Oh don't worry, right come on Fricka, we have to scout out the area we teleported to in the ship before anyone leaves the Tardis, you, Fricka's frenemy, can you keep watch that no one wanders off? Cheers!"

Fricka: "Doctor, I adore your intelligence, but I don't like how you just walked in and acted like you were the big boss there in charge."

The Doctor: "Well, what I'm trying to do is save their lives."

Fricka: "Come on then, save their lives then."

The Doctor: "We won't get anywhere if you don't come with me right now!"

We leave the Tardis and watch the area.

The Doctor: "Looks like we landed in one of the cupboards electricians have, didn't know Daleks needed cupboards, or had electricians in the first place."

Fricka: "Probably prisoners working as slaves."

The Doctor: "Right so this place is fairly safe, if we get spotted it will be by a slave, they'll let us past."

Fricka: "Yeah as if the Daleks won't notice a whole school trip leaving a cupboard out of thin air."

The Doctor: "Well they're electricians, can't they just bug the cameras?"

Fricka: "There aren't any electricians here right now though."

The Doctor: "Really, Sherlock?"

Fricka: "You don't make any sense, you said the electricians will-"

The Doctor: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't care."

Fricka: "You're not the Doctor I know."

The Doctor: "You don't say, you're from my future."

Fricka: "That's not what I meant."

The Doctor: "Don't you dare say what I think you're saying right now."

Fricka: "The Doctor I know is a hero, he saves lives at any chance he can. He's kind, caring, and here you are insulting me while I try to help you."

The Doctor: "Well, maybe I don't need help? Maybe I'm fine on my own? Ever thought that, huh?"

Fricka: "Don't even lie for a second that you're fine on your own, every time you are you get depressed, I know you've lost people you care about, they helped keep you sane."

The Doctor: "YES AND THEY'RE GONE NOW! THEY'RE GONE FOREVER! I no longer need a companion because I know that when something bad happens to them it's because of ME. IT'S ALWAYS ME! You may think I'm a kind and caring man but I'm more kind and caring when I don't take people in my time machine and KILL THEM!"

The Doctor smashes a piece of metal making a loud bang.

Fricka: "Shut the fuck you're making too much noise we'll get caught!"

The Doctor: "I said I don't need your advice, I've lived for over 900 years, I know very well what is right and wrong."

Fricka: "You know what is right and wrong, don't get me wrong, but you don't know when to stop."

The Doctor: "Fine then. I'll stop. I'll go back in my Tardis and let you do all the work if you're so clever. I'll stop doing the right thing, I won't save anyone's lives when I know deep down it's the right thing. And when you're about to die, I won't help you, because I stopped."

The Doctor enters the Tardis and slams the door.

It seems someone had heard all the noise, as someone entered the room.

It was one of the slaves, as predicted.

Fricka: "Hello, anyone there?"

The slave appears before me with a gun pointed at me.

Fricka: "Chill out dude, I'm not with the Daleks, so you don't have to point that thing at me."

He keeps pointing.

Fricka: "I get you're scared, but I can help free you from the Daleks."

He slowly lowered the gun.

Fricka: "Ok good now, what's your name?"

He said nothing.

Fricka: "Right, guess you're not a talker, well me and my mates over in that blue box over there are about to infiltrate this place, and since I assume you're a technician, you could help us right?"

He nods.

I enter the Tardis to inform them all.

Fricka: "Right, everyone out! I found someone who can help us take down the Daleks."

Everyone left the Tardis.

Fricka: "Ok buddy, you know this place in and out, right? Do what you do, but in a way that benefits our plan, if you know what I mean."

He nods again.

Stealthfully, he leads us to another storage room, where he accesses a computer, however, I don't know what he was typing.

The Doctor: "What exactly are we doing here, in another storage room?"

Emperor Dalek: "We are here for the Doctor."

Fricka: "Oh shi-"

A crowd of Daleks surrounds the room and within it.

Emperor Dalek: "You will surrender the Doctor now or you will all be exterminated!"

Fricka: "You'll kill us either way."

Emperor Dalek: "Your statement is not false, who are you again?"

Fricka: "Just passing by."

Emperor Dalek: "No one is just passing by with a crowd of peasants."

Emiro: "We're not peasants!"

Emperor Dalek: "Speak again and you will be exterminated!"

Emiro: "Hold on so he can speak but not me-"

Emperor Dalek: "EXTERMINATE!"

Fricka: "HOLD ON! HOLD ON! Don't exterminate him."

Emperor Dalek: "Why not?"

Fricka: "Because I can tell you where the Doctor is, I know where he is right now."

The Dalek scans my emotions.

Emperor Dalek: "You are not lying, you will tell us now or be exterminated!"

Fricka: "Well you can't exterminate me since I'm your only source of info at the moment, so let's make a deal: let me and that guy live and I'll tell you where the Doctor is."

The Doctor gives me a nasty look, disgusted at me.

Emperor Dalek: "Very well, you will tell us where the Doctor is."

Fricka: "Swear on your entire race that you will let us both live."

There is silence for a moment.

Emperor Dalek: "I swear."

Fricka: "Well then."

Emperor Dalek: "You will tell us now! The agreement is as such."

Fricka: "Well if you're looking for the Doctor... you're looking right at him."

There are confused looks from everyone in there, mutters could be heard.

Emperor Dalek: "SILENCE ALL OF YOU! That is impossible, you are not the Doctor...!"

Fricka: "Oh, but I am, new face new me, just regenerated earlier today. And before you start shooting your lasers at me, don't forget what you swore on."

There is silence.

Fricka: "I'm on my last regeneration, so go on, do it! Kill your greatest enemy once and for all!"

All of the Daleks start to shout 'EXTERMINATE!' and shoot at me, but their blasters don't work.

Fricka: "What's wrong, Emperor? Had a change in heart did you?"

Dalek: "Why are our blasters not working? Emperor? Emperor?"

They all started calling the Emperor's name.

Fricka: "The Emperor Dalek controls all of the Daleks, that's what I know for sure, and here you are protecting a man you despise."

Emperor Dalek: "I'm not protecting you!"

Fricka: "If that weren't the case, I'd be dead, and no I don't think you've had a change in heart, you just awakened something deep within it."

Emperor Dalek: "We Daleks do not show emotion! Emotion is weakness!"

Fricka: "If you count emotion as sympathy and empathy, probably since you wiped out my entire race, but there are some emotions you've forgotten, Emperor. Lust, greed, pride, wrath. And I can tell you, that's pretty much your moral code, so if you were to break your pride, who knows what could happen, right?"

Emperor Dalek: "If you don't surrender we will exterminate your people with you over there."

Fricka: "Don't know if that's a good idea, as all that'll do is make me angry. And you know how I am when I am angry."

The Emperor emitted signs of fear, even though they couldn't portray emotion.

Fricka: "You remember the last time I was angry? I wiped out your entire race. Don't think I won't do it again. So, what are you going to do Emperor, because right now this is a lose-lose situation."

Emperor Dalek: "What do you want, Doctor?"

Fricka: "I don't want anything. Doesn't that make you scared?"

The Emperor backs away slowly.

Fricka: "Here's a suggestion."

I go over to the Emperor and whisper.

Fricka: "Run."

The Emperor Dalek repeatedly starts shouting 'RETREAT! RETREAT!'

The ship starts falling apart, lights are flashing, and we all run towards the Tardis, however that part of the ship suddenly falls off.

The ship starts to tilt, and I trip and fall, but I manage to grab the side of the ship somehow, but I couldn't hold on for long.

Above me, I saw the Doctor looking over me.

Fricka: "You don't have to help me if you don't want to, just remember I was the one who saved your ass!"

The Doctor: "I know."

The Doctor then grabs my hand and pulls me up.

Fricka: "We good now?"

The Doctor: "Now, doesn't mean we won't go at each other in the future."

Fricka: "The future? You mean..."

The Doctor: "Maybe I was wrong. I need someone."

Emiro: "Right, maybe we should focus on the situation at hand?!"

The Doctor: "Right, nearly forgot about that, I need to find the control room."

Emiro: "You're going to control a broken ship? Are you insane?!"

The Doctor: "Yes I am, that's what I'm pretty much known for."

Fricka: "Here!"

We enter the control room, and the Doctor tries to figure out how to control the thing.

Fricka: "Don't tell me you don't know how to fly a ship, you fly a time machine for god's sake!"

The Doctor: "No I do, it's just it seems this ship can only be flown by a Dalek, which requires their stick to be inserted. Good thing I have my own stick!"

The Doctor pulls out his sonic screwdriver and gains access.

The Doctor: "Hold on you two, and I guess the rest of you!"

The ship was tilting side to side like crazy, we weren't surviving, were we?

Fricka: "Jesus christ your flying is shit, no wonder you crashed-"

The Doctor: "I'm sorry, when did I last crash my Tardis?"

Fricka: "Sorry did I say crash? No I mean, you sort of uh, it was a bit rocky with your flying."

The Doctor: "Bullshit, no way my flying became worse in the future."

Emiro: "You're from his future?"

Fricka: "Long story, that won't be told."

Emiro: "Right so what's the plan? Are we just gonna crash headfirst into Marioverse and die? Since that seems like the only option, we don't have fucking Groot to say 'We are Groot' and save our asses!"

The Doctor: "Imagine letting your life rely on a plant, no I'm going to drive this ship to this rural mountain, no one lives there so it should be fine. There are enough life pods to eject yourselves out, completely safe."

Fricka: "We should be the last to leave, OI ALL OF YOU! HEARD A SINGLE THING HE SAID?! GO ON A LIFE POD AND GET THE FUCK OUT!"

Emiro: "Way to put it bluntly."

Fricka: "Life or death situation, it's called a life pod for a fucking reason."

Everyone slowly runs to every life pod, only one is left.

The Doctor: "Right, should be aimed well enough, let's go to the life pod!"

We enter the life pod and eject ourselves.

We watched as the ship slowly crashed into the mountains and made a huge explosion.

The Doctor: "Let's hope the Daleks are wiped out for good now."

We finally crashed in a desert.

The Doctor: "Out, all of you! We need to find the Tardis."

Fricka: "Where should we look?"

The Doctor: "Well, I did see it was falling near some houses in Marioverse, so we should look there."

--2 hours of walking later--


Emiro: "Wait, that's your house? AHAHAHAHAHH! What a shithole!"

Fricka: "No wonder it's a shithole, THE TARDIS CRASHED IN IT!"

The Doctor: "Great, doesn't mean I have to knock on some doors to find the Tardis, social interactions are quite awkward for me."

We all went inside and got in the Tardis.

Fricka: "Oh right, let's just go on a space adventure and not fix my house."

The Doctor: "I'm sure you'll find time to fix your house, after all this baby travels through time."

Fricka: "I already fucking know that."

Emiro then comes to me and whispers to me so the Doctor couldn't hear.

Emiro: "You were going to say something about how the Doctor is from the future, what's that all about?"

Fricka: "Emiro, I actually need to ask you a question regarding that. Please, could you not do anything that may permanently affect the Doctor's future, don't even let him try to sacrifice himself even if he insists."

Emiro: "And why is that? What is so important in his future with you?"

Fricka: "Please, Emiro, if anything bad happens to him, it'll open a hole in time due to a paradox, because if he dies now, I wouldn't have met him in the past, therefore I couldn't have met him now and therefore he couldn't die."

Emiro: "Bit complicated, where'd you learn all that?"

Fricka: "Listen to me Emiro, I've seen the effects of messing with time, an entire universe almost got sucked up like a vacuum because of my stupid actions."

Emiro: "Tell me what happens."

Fricka: "Do you understand me?"

Emiro: "Yes I do, I just need to know-"

I went to Emiro's ear and whispered.

Fricka: "If you really don't believe me, I saw him die. And I did nothing to change it."

Emiro gives me a cold look.

The Doctor: "What are you two talking about?"

Fricka: "Nothing."

The Doctor: "Well then, where are we going first? If you're in my future I guess we've already traveled together, so Emiro, where do you want to go?"

Emiro: "Take me to whatever is cool and interesting."

Fricka: "*yawn*"

The Doctor: "It'll be done."