I just avoided Alvis for a moment . But I don't know why? I just took my phone and again started to listen to my song . John stayed with me after a while some people came their for help so he leave first. After so many hours I finished my rehearsal in my mind and went to my room and took a bath and came out . I knocked his door Alvis opened the door and immediately shut it. I exclaimed hey !

He didn't respond ,so I called him on the phone he ignored it . Without delay I just left the place immediately and went to have dinner . I saw John doing some work I just went their and helped him to set the stage . He was soo moved and We both went to a have dinner after his work . We just grabbed some veggies ,rice and a desert and we sat with the other people who set the stage we were chatting. In a sudden Alvis came for dinner and saw us laughing and he mistook us and he went off with anger with out having dinner . After seeing this I followed him and John accompained me . I tried to call him but I dare not. We just followed him John tried to question me but I don't have answers to tell him so I walked very silent and he too hesitated to ask me . at that moment John told me that he was so envious . I told him don't misunderstand me he is my bestfriend too so I want to help him because he didn't have lunch . John stopped me from talking and told me that he will help me.

He reached his room and saw us following him and he called me . I rushed to him and John followed me. We went in Alvis put a long face and I just stood up tight without a word and John was standing beside me and John told me to sit on the chair . Alvis was sitting on a bean bag with a long face removing his shoes . I told John it's okay . But John insisted me . So I sat on the chair very uncomfortably. Meanwhile John told us that he will get us some coffee and he went into the kitchen . As soon as he went into the kitchen I asked Alvis what happened ?? he said nothing ,instead he asked me what's your relation with John? . I told him he is my friend . John brought us some coffee. I grabbed a cup and drank it so fast even it burnt my tongue and immediately I ran out and went to my room.

Early morning I dresses up and went to the rehearsal room . There is no one in it. So I dropped my bag and locked the room from inside and started to dance with my eyes closed . Meanwhile the other dancers came there and was watching my dance over the window . My alarm ranged so I opened my eyes and I saw them I felt awkward for a moment .

Then I realised that we came here for practice so it's nothing .  Immediately I opened the door they were mesmerised with my dance . All started to practice their songs . Alvis came to the rehearsal room I was with his crew and was having some talk with them ,he came their and looked at me with anger ,I just smiled at them and I left . John was busy with the stage decorations , I saw that he was working very hard . So I bought some coffee and I gave it to all the people who are working very hard and I chated with them for a while . John told me that Alvis is looking at us . I just peeked at him . He was like a cat looking at a fish to theft it . Hahaha it's so funny . So I just stood up and went to him . He tried to avoid me but I didn't give him a chance ,and I told him I want to talk to you . He said okay , we just went out we both are silent no one is talking . I am thinking should I talk first ? If I talk to him ,what should I ask first ? I don't know what to ask him . So I kept quiet , he asked me do you want some chips ? I said yes . We went in to a super market and he bought some cold drinks for his team mates and I bought so many chips and I also bought so many cold drinks . He asked me why are you purchasing so much? I told him these are for all the other members . He said why ? They are unknown to you . I told him I don't know . He was in silent . I paid the bill for him too . I just grabbed all the things I purchased . He insisted to help me . So I gave him a package . We returned to the rehearsal room . All of them are practicing so hard . So I gave them the drinks and snacks , but I forgot to buy my drink . John came to me and gave me a drink and told me that I know you will forget about yourself. I said thank you . He smiled at me and I smiled at him . I opened the bottle he gave me ,Alvis took my bottle from my hand and I was like what the ??? John shouted at him . But Alvis left without saying a word . We starred at eachother and someone called John for help ,so he to left . Again I went out to buy a drink bottle . Alvis came to me and gave me his drink bottle I just took it rashly and I left. He smiled at me .

I went back to my place and started to rehearsal after drinking it. I practiced for so many hours . The other teams came to me and asked me to have lunch with them ,but I told them that I  have no appetite ,so they left . I just started to practice again. John came with lunch, this time I looked around for Alvis my goodness ! He was not there . So I took the lunch box John bought for me and started to eat . My bad luck is following me like a oxygen gas without it I can't survive . Because Alvis too bought lunch for me and after seeing me he left with anger . Oh shed ! What should I do now ? With all this aside I am enjoying these moments because for a girl these are the best moments to enjoy and also to show off.

I ignored him for a while and ate my lunch because if I follow him John will get upset . If I ignore John my bestie I will feel somehow uncomfortable . So I want to make both of them happy as a bestie . So after eating lunch with John , he went off to work and I went to see Alvis , he was sitting on a bench putting a long face . I apologized to him and accompained him to have his lunch. We talked so many things about the competition , our practice etc.., I wanted to ask him why he was jealous of John ? But I dare not to ask him . After his lunch we again started to practice . On a sudden a girl from the other team had twisted her ankle and even it's bleeding while practicing . We took her to a hospital ,there team are soo worried , so I volunteered myself to help their team ,at first they hesitated, but I insisted alot to help them . Atlast they accepted, but I told them that I will wear a mask to not to show my face because there is my performance too . If my face is exposed the judges will get confused and the whole practice and competition will go in vain and I also told them to not to tell anyone that I am helping them . They accepted all my requests . Because they are afraid of not participating as she is the main in their group .

Alvis was looking into the formalities to join her in the hospital . I went to him and told him that I had some work to do I'll leave first . He said okay and I left the place . I went to the rehearsal room everyone asked me about her and I told them some information about her . And I started to practice my song without a break all the other members left the place . But still ,I am practicing . John and Alvis are worried about me but they to left the place . Soon the member of that group came to the rehearsal room , so I stopped the practice and told him to teach me their performance . He started to teach me the whole night , I learned the whole performance after that he left the place and I still practiced and I just stopped and looked at the time it's already 7:00am, so I went to my room. Alvis came out of the room but he didn't ask me any question . But he reminded me that today evening the rehearsal is conducted on the stage don't be late and he left. I just went into my room and took a bath and I put on alarm and slept for a while and someone knocked my door I wokeup from my deep sleep and opened the door, it's Alvis and John . Am I dreaming ! Is it a dream or what ! They jointly came to me . I asked them is it real ! Or am I dreaming . They both pinched me on my hand hmmmmm!!!! Then told to get ready and we will go to have lunch . I saw the time it's lunch time . So I just went in and got ready and came out . They are waiting for me and talking to each other . It's like awww!! Moment . But I am still in confusion how they become so close ? Having lunch with them, I asked them how you both become so close ? They are like what ? I told them means you always fight with each other so I was sooo confused how did you become so close?

I was in trauma after seeing them like that . And the rehearsal programme is started everyone is doing well, John is controlling the audio system with others. The team that I want to support is performing without main character so everyone is looking down on them. I told them to keep it a secret so they avoided me for rehearsal . After that Alvis group is on the stage they are marvelous all the other teams praised them and even declared that they will definitely win this time. And next one is mine John was encouraging me so much . Although I am nervous I managed to dance well . I don't know everyone's thoughts I just performed my song and came back and sat in a chair . Alvis told me that I was looking forward for your performance with costume . After the rehearsal we went to our room ,on the way back, Alvis told us that he will treat us for dinner after the final stage show, John and me agreed and we went back to our rooms .The final day has come we all woke up early morning and gathered for breakfast we all discussed about our show ,John went back stage and working very hard and helping all back stage .

The team members went back to the rooms to get ready for the show . After so much of time I came out of my room Alvis was waiting for me outside the door. He came to me and accompained me to go to the stage . We went back stage then all in a sudden there comes a stunning beauty she looks dazzling in her attire the show has started with her arrival. Ohh!! she was the anchor . She started the show she was soo good looking and her voice is just like a bird that is chirping woww!! I was so envy of her . I went to the team that I promised and I wore a mask secretly. Our turn has finally come we went to the stage and stood at centre everyone are shocked to see a girl in centre . We finished our performance and went back stage I rushed to a room to get changed I changed my attire and went back to the stage . Alvis group is performing on the stage . He was soo good looking he was dancing like a peacock that is dancing before the rain. I was spellbound,awe struck by his performance on the stage. And it's my turn she announced my name i went to the stage and looked all over the stage our vice president is there I didn't notice him before that I got so much of nervous, tension etc.., the music has begun with the music I forgot all my tensions and started to dance and finally I completed my task . I went down stage and rushed to vice president he blessed me and didn't say anything Because he was one of the judge . All the performances came to an end and the judges are ready to give their judgement . We were all so curious about the results. All the team members joined together for the result. And the anchor with the help of the judges she is about to announce the winner . As we all thought Alvis team was in first place soon they climbed the stairs of the stage and the anchor she congratulated them and gave him a hug , I was so jealous after seeing that but I don't understand what was going on with me . I explained myself . And soon she announced the second place it's for the team I supported wowww. I congratulated them they too went on to the stage but the judges asked them about the teams centre girl they were quiet for a while and the person in the team told them that the girl went back to the room because she is in some rush . The anchor came front and announced the last and final winner the final winner is me I was so happy and I too went on to the stage vice president sir congratulated me and the other teams also congratulated me . But my eyes were searching for Alvis but he was nowhere . John came on to the stage and congratulated me . Soon Alvis came to the stage with other dress . He came up to the stage and congratulated me . The judges gave us the shields and momentos to the gift prizes . We took so many photos . After that the media came to us and ask us for the group photo of everyone who participated on the stage I invited John but other questioned me but I told them that because of them we danced on the stage they worked very hard for us why not to join them in our photo I too questioned them . They think for a while and invited the others who helped us with all the chores . Alvis stood with the anchor ,anchor insisted him even she hold his hand I got so much of anger Alvis called me to stand on the other side but I got so much of anger because of jealous and I stood with the team I helped and on the otherside with John . John was so happy after all the photos and everything John went back to the stage to remove all the things I insisted to help him . Alvis was looking at us so angrily I walked with John and helped him to clean the stage and to remove the backdrop . While we were doing the chores the team that I helped came to me and stood steadily I looked all over no one is there they thanked me whole heartedly I said it's okay the girl came from the hospital she was sitting on a wheel chair she shed into tears she gave me a chain to thank me it was soo good I told them that it's to costly I can't accept it ? But they insisted me to take the chain . They to joined their hands to help us remove the stage. I started to removing the partition of the backstage and the front stage . Then all of a sudden I twisted my leg and I fell down on someone on the backstage my heart is beating soo fast but why? Who was it I fell?? I can't see anything because the partition was in between us . Everyone around me came to help me John lift me up and others take out the partition curtain it's Alvis !I fell on Alvis ! Ohh shed what should I do . It's so embarrassing  . He to was wounded the anchor she came to me and scolded me for a while I stood silent everyone tried to help me But she was not listening to anyone but scolding me even louder Alvis tried to stop her atlast she mutted for a while I told her that it's my mistake and I apologized both of them and john brought chairs we both sat on chairs. But the anchor again started scolding me I said Alvis sorry and I stood up and walked towards my room . Alvis followed me to the room he called me I turned back he said don't feel bad I was alright she was just an outsider she don't know how I feel . I asked him in a louder voice tell me how it feels. He told me I was so happy . But I don't understand anything and asked him what?? He told me with a slight smile it's my first hug I feel your heartbeat it told me everything . I was mutted and caught on my thoughts that what? What is he talking about ? Why is he telling lies it's not his first hug the anchor hugged him , I saw it right ?is this all my illusion ar anything ? Is he proposing me ? Did I fell for him ? Why I was being so jealous ? I was soo confused in all my thoughts . Suddenly Alvis hugged me ohh noo!! What's he thinking ? I just dragged him away and went into my room I closed the door with so much of force . My heart is still beating soo fast . It happened soo sudden . He was knocking my door continuously. I was so embarrassing more than that i was having a different feeling that I can't even explain to myself . I opened the door he came in without any word he just came in I was still standing at the door we were in silent for a while . Mean while John was coming shouting my name . Alvis suddenly closed the door . My heart it's raising like its in a race . I was terrified to death . He told me dont scare I won't do anything to you I just want to give you a reason that's all. John was knocking my door so I said I am taking rest will talk to you at dinner . He said okay then have some good rest if anything you want just call me okay . I said okay . He went into his room.

I stood still he too we starred at each other . And we both felt a crazy feeling that no one dares to tell about. I told him to sit on the chair and I went to grab some biscuits and also prepared some coffee for both of us . Meanwhile he was starring at me and also trying to tell something. I brought  the snacks and coffee to him and grabbed a chair and sat infront of him . Before he starts I told him that it's a misunderstanding I really don't know it's you that I fell on and I really take that as a bestfriends hug and I will not take that to heart okay . He said what are you talking ? I said you told me that you want to give me a reason right so I am telling you that it's okay I will not misunderstand you . He immediately stood up and proposed me that I like you ,  I like you so much , I like you from the moment I saw you at the airport I scolded you to know about your information . I really love you to my heart . I was in shock and really didn't understand what was going on he was giving me so many reasons. But I was so confused and didn't say a word . He  kept on saying things and atlast he told me to take your own time to give an answer . And he also requested me keep a distance from John . And he opened the door and went to his room . I was still in shock , and it's a very tough situation I was so much into my thoughts . I don't know what to do . I was thinking how the tv series or webseries or in movies face the situation . What am I thinking I beat my brain for being so dumb . And I also told sorry to my brain for straining it and making it so worse day by day. And with all the toughts I went to sleep.