I slept hard at night because of the situations that happened . I woke up so late and I searched for my mobile all over ,atlast I found it in the sofa . Oh noo !! it's too late! even there are so many missed calls, how could I sleep like this !! What should I do now ? I just packed all my things and changed my dress and stepped out of my room . There is no one in the corridor . Alvis and John they already vaccated their room. I just went downstairs and vaccated my room and got out . Everyone are waiting in the bus ,I feel so embarassed, for making them wait so long . The other teams came to give me a send-off, I make them wait too . I felt so ashamed of my behaviour . Some of them burst into tears for sending me off. They took so many photos . After that I got into the bus both John and Alvis kept a place for me . What the earth I should do now ?? What a tough situation for me ? Why God ? Why me? Why my besties? I made my mind and I sat with other members of the team . They both put a long face . But this time ,I can't help them with this situation .

I started to enjoy their long faces after a while I went to sleep without my knowledge . After few hours of time the bus just bumped . I woke up with a huge shout . Everyone are asking me what happened ? Alvis and john standing beside me holding my hand asking me, what happened ? Dove , dove what happened ? I was not in my conscience then I realised that it's just a bad dream. Ufff!! what a relief ! I made a big sigh ! I made an apology to everyone . But suddenly the bus bumped again this time it's for real . Everyone in the bus bumped as well . Alvis and John are still holding my hand , they fell down after seeing all this I was unconscious. They took me to a hospital and the doctor gave me an injection , after a while, I woke up shouting Glory and I was crying so hard . Alvis and John tried to reason me and were asking who is Glory ? Then the doctor gave me another injection ,I was unconscious again . After so many hours of time I gain my conscience and wokeup as nothing had happened. Alvis and john were so confused . I asked them what happened in the bus they told me that there is a small accident the bus stepped on a stone and the tires went flat and everyone in the bus just bumped and you were unconscious we admitted you in the hospital . Ohh I see !! I gave you so much of trouble , sorry . I apologized . They said it's alright . Alvis asked me are you really alright ? Yes I am alright now . I asked them did you see my phone . John told me that he had my phone and he gave it to me . Meanwhile doctor came to check . I asked him about the medication he gave me . He told me all the medicines he gave me while I was unconscious . I was typing them on my phone . Alvis and john were watching suspiciously .

I thanked doctor, he told me that I can discharge now . I just stepped out of my bed Alvis and John were still in shock, I asked them, shall we go . I walked so fast and filled all the papers for discharge. They were soo confused . As soon as I came out of the hospital, I went nearby medical store and took a medicine . Alvis and John asked me what the medicine is for . I told them it's a vitamin pill . They said okay, but they were more suspicious now . As I came out of the medical store John went into the store and was talking to them, I saw the whole thing . I asked him what are you talking with them ? He said nothing I had a strain while doing the stage work, so I asked them for some relief packs. but they said they don't have the relief packs, so I came out . I said okay, I had some in my backpack ,I will give you .ohh ! I forgot where is my bag ? They said they gave my bag to Su . Su when did she came ?? I asked them curiously . They said the day when we admitted you . ohh noo!! My head is very paining, I didn't understand anything I asked them what's today's date?? They said it's 27th . 27th ? I was really in shock . I realised that I was in hospital for more than 2days . Means I was unconcious for more than 2days . My head is paining so much . Alvis and john holded my hand . I was too head struck . After a while I tried hard to get my conscience and I told them that I was okay now, I just want some more rest . They dropped me at my dorm .

They informed Su about my arrival . She came immediately after listening about my arrival. When she reached the dorm I was already asleep . She sat beside my bed . After so many hours of time, I woke up . I saw Su sitting beside my bed and was worrying a lot . As soon I woke up she started to cry a lot holding me . I told her I was alright now. I also asked her about my medication she told me everything and told me that I was there when you are hospitalized and I just came back to bring you some food and they called me and said you are awake . I said oh okay ! I am relieved so much , that you are there, I was so afraid of being exposed of my past , thank god ! you are there for me . She said , it's okay don't feel worried ,but there is one thing that I want to tell you. I saw her in delusion . I said don't worry you can tell me , I can take it . She told me that when you are unconscious, you shouted her name from then onwards Alvis and John are continuously asking about her, but I didn't say anything . But you should tell them about your past or else they will definitely find out on their own . I told her I was waiting for the right time . If it comes I will definitely tell them . But now they both proposed me , first ,I should get down to the situation after that I will definitely tell them .

She gave me a hug and we went to cafeteria . As usual John is waiting for us downstairs for a change Alvis also waiting for me . I asked him , why are you here ? He said I just came to see you . Now John hold a long face . I just don't know what to do ? I thought for a second and decided to clarify two things with them so I decided to talk to them . We stood silent for a while John and Alvis are so curious about what I am going to talk about also su . I started to talk, firstly ,I told Alvis that John had proposed me a long time ago he was so in shock and asked me when it was happened ? I told him on the day when I first met granny and also you for the third time . He was in shock meanwhile I told John that Alvis too proposed me ,John told me that he had already sensed it . After a bit of silence they both asked me now what's your decision ? I told them I don't know ? And I know that I can't keep this for a long time and whenever I face both of you I feel somehow very difficult . And I also feel that I am betraying you two . So , now I decided to tell you about you both . They starred at eachother . They themselves talked for a while and came to me and told me that we both like you ,it's okay ,it's upto your decision to choose among us, what ever your decision will be we will stick to it and will always support you in other ways . By listening this I feel somewhat a relief . My mind feels very free but my brain started to over think in that happy moment about my past . From last few days my past is chasing me like a shadow . I should tell them one day . I was in my thoughts John and Alvis interrupted my thoughts and asked me very curiously that, is there anything else to tell us ? I told them nothing . They made a big sigh . Su interrupted us and told us that I am very hungry let's go for lunch then we can have a talk. We started to walk , I feel somewhat suspicious among Alvis and John. We went to the cafeteria everyone in the cafeteria had a strange look after seeing me . I felt so uncomfortable . The crowd in the cafeteria are mumbling something after seeing me . I want to avoid them but I can't . I grab a plate and started to eat the food .

I left the place immediately after having my lunch without telling anything to john ,Alvis and su. I went back to my dorm and I was again drowned into my thoughts this time I had so many questions in my mind . My first question is that when should I tell John and Alvis about my past? And next I questioned myself that who do I like is it John or Alvis ? If it is Alvis what about John ? If it's John what about Alvis ? Oh no my brain ! And next what's the thing all the people in the campus whispering about? Oh my god !! All this questions making me crazy ! Su came to the room, she consoled me . I turned to have a good mood after chating with Su . Su is always my mood changer more than that she is my energy drink . With all this circumstances around I am very happy with her around and also John and Alvis but in some situations they are burden for me ,with other things I am happy with them too.

With all the things aside I was dozed off. When I woke up it's already night Su asked me about having dinner in the cafeteria ,but I was not so sure . I told her shall we had our dinner outside .she said yes sure, she asked me shall I invite John and Alvis too. I said okay . We prepared ourselves and we came downstairs Alvis and john already are waiting for us. We went out in Alvis car . We went to a restaurant it's very far from the college . But I enjoyed the ride and also the dinner we had after the dinner we went back to the dorm . Alvis and John are starring me I don't know why ? Su left the place as she was in a hurry to go to the restroom. I was standing infront of them Alvis asked me , are you feeling well and John joined him . I said I am alright . John asked me when will you come to the college. I told him tomorrow . Alvis interrupted me and told me that you are very weak, you should have more rest . I told him sure, I will take care of me, but I am so back in classes ,and I told him it's too late ,you should go back now nani will be waiting for you . He said okay , by the way I forgot to tell you that nani is missing you so much . I asked him did she know about my hospitalization ? He said no . Thank god ! Don't tell her ? And tell her that I will visit her this weekend . He said okay, then I will come to pick you up , and take care of yourself by saying this he left the place. John and I starred at eachother, he told me that you look so tired take a good rest I will take a leave , good night . I too told him good night .

I was too happy, I went to sleep without any thoughts for the first time.

I woke up early in the morning, I am too excited to go back to college after so many days . But something is upto my mind but I can't get it. I went back to the college, after seeing me everyone started to whisper again, I asked shira what happened to everyone . She said, all of us came to know about your relation with John and Alvis so everyone are gossiping . I made a big sigh. I can't get rid of that and I can't change their mind too so I decided to avoid them. And I went to the department, HOD congratulated me for getting a third place and he also asked me about my health . I said I am alright sir. He also told me that our vice president is looking for you , go to his department and take the decision wisely, I support you with your decision. I didn't understand anything . I was so confused more than I am . He told me goon don't waste your time . I said okay sir and I left the place . I went to the dance department ,but no one is there so I waited for him . In a while Princy came to the department she was very angry ,after seeing me . She scolded me with so many harsh words . I was not able to unbare those harsh words for another minute .she was talking rubbish about me ,John and Alvis . That I just grabbed the two handsome guys, oh shed ! What nonsense she was talking . I didn't grab them ,they proposed me she didn't know anything at all , but talking nonsense ,I was thinking all these things. Meanwhile vice president came so Princy was stood silent after his arrival I thought why did he came so late if he came fast she would stop earlier.

He was surprised to see me and asked me are you alright now? Yes sir I replied . He said I want to ask you something very important ? Yes sir what's the thing . He told Princy to go to her class .she said okay sir , and she left immediately . After her leave sir told me to have a seat ,so I sat infront of him . He even offered me coffee . After a while of silence , He told me that Can you join in our major ? I was shocked to listen to that . Even I am soo surprised , confused what not everything . He also asked me do you have interest in change your major . I saw you more shining in dance than in arts so that's why I came up with this idea. He also gave me some time to think about it. I was not so sure about it. If my family knows about it ,I would be in grave danger. Because they forced me to apply for arts major , because they are worried about my past . I left the place in a very dire situation. I went back to the dorm . I was fully occupied with my thoughts I called Su , John and also Alvis to give me some advice . Su already knows my past so she told me to change my major also John and Alvis because they saw me so happy when I dance . But how could I tell this to my parents . I don't know ? But to be frank I too want to change my major . But I was so confused and also strained . My head was hurt and stomach is complaining for not giving food to it . Su ,John and Alvis took me to a restaurant and we had a delicious delight . I finished my food and also we all had a walk it's so refreshing . They make me put all the things aside when I am with them . I think without them my college life will be so incomplete and will be very boring . I am so happy when I am with them .



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