Journal Excerpts by Daniel: Unlocked

In the year 2021, a Boy took the stage by storm. He offered the world a solution to intelligence and learning. The ability to know and do anything. An unblocker of sorts, he had only just started clinical trials and he was still a child but he had gotten a patent for it. Some proof of concept was there even if testing wasn't complete.

"I have a dream, kudos to Doctor King for that line, all great thinkers have dreams, but what separates the passive dreamers from the successful is ambition and drive. I dream to be the greatest thinker of all time.

Imagine reaching for full mental and physical potential. I'm not talking about reaching 100% of your mind or anything. I mean the ability to multitask perfectly, to use that divided attention to tap into your subconsciousness.

To be able to tell your heart to beat harder or to tell your body a better corse of action for dealing with a peculiar disease. To tell your cells not to fight an incoming foreign object or to fight harder than it's ever been. To consciously know your limits and remove them, causing feats of strength that are normally impossible. To be able to stop the limiting of growth. To be able to change your hair color or force your neurons to fire faster. Imagine something that could make you smart than you've even been and think faster than you ever have, that could give you that kind of access. That is what I want to do, awaken myself and awaken everyone.

The human body and mind is only limited by it's own fear of pushing to hard. Eliminate the risk and you gain a state of being beyond compression… The Enigma.

I am the enigma."

-Daniel Everight

That same day his idea was challenged by a monster of a man in the news, a murderer.

"If you could do anything with no repercussions, if you had absolute control of everything in your life, if you could think of the solution to anything, if no one was strong enough to stop you, what could u be capable of? What desire would you unleash on to the world? What would you choose to hold back? Could you even stop yourself? Would you even want to? I say we find out… together."
