Daniel’s Letter

Daniel Everight, M-Dade City, August 17th, 2019

To Cara Stell, M-Dade General ICU

Dear Cara, My closest companion

Everyone typically grows a shade or two tanner or darker over the summer, your body seems to want to defy that notion. I believe you've gotten a few shades lighter, almost as if the sun has completely avoided you and I guess that is the case. Every time I write or visit, I am reminded of how you're locked away both mind and body. I am overjoyed to share with you the fact that we did absolutely nothing our first week of Junior year, so you didn't miss anything. That isn't quite right, a few of my classes had pop quizzes, which I found strange as we had barely learned anything in any class yet. Your nigh porcelain skin would be tickled pink if you were awake yesterday. You were awarded for your efforts as a junior reporter and aspiring investigative reporter by the mayor and chief of police, they granted you the best honor they could on short notice, a golden plaque with signatures from all the city officials. You also got the most prestigious writing award the school has to offer… I made sure to put them by your bed for you. You woke up on Monday. You were lucid for like twenty minutes. We talked about my summer and the things we'd do when you got out. Seeing you like that reminded me of how we were, we could sit for hours and not have to say a word, the company was enough, but being deprived of your attention and voice I struggled not to explode with everything I've wanted to tell you, I restrained myself as I did not want to overwhelm you. This brings me to the main reason why I've wrote you today. Unfortunately, this letter isn't all jovial news. I did it, I found him, the one that did this to you. He did it again, they'll get him… I'll make sure they do so don't worry your pretty head about it. Everyone would agree that we just want you to focus on recovering. I've been talking with everyone that'll listen and talking at everyone that won't. I'll prevent this from ever happening again… for us. I wish there was more I could do. I'll figure it out, like I always do, like we always did and will continue to. I love you Cara.

Love, Your Partner in Crime Forever

Danniel Everight

P.S. When you wake up next time you've got to try the ice cream here, each delicious lick of the gorgeous mouthwatering ice cream is to kill for, not literally, don't want to see you on the news for something like that.