Vickie’s Question

…Vickie's room: psych ward…

I looked around the room. It looked like a large storage closet. we sat at a table that was in the room and he looked at me with smoldering eyes. "We have a little more than an hour. We need to talk Victoria."

"Yes we do." I licked my lips then bit my bottom lip. I gazed at him, no gazed into him, into his very being. I wanted to make him squirm or at least feel something but as I expected, he just stared at me with such a sobering look he almost made me feel bad. his eyes told the story of a boy who traveled so far, for so long to save a friend while his body was told the tale of a man who's body was beaten and trained to be a machine. "You're cuter that the last time we talked… a bit taller and certainly more muscular." I spoke softly and each word seemed to hold weight as the left my mouth. I batted my eyelashes at him.

The corners of his mouth went up almost as if he were… smirking? so you do want to play with me. Even if that were the case, his words said something else, "Tell me about John Koke. He put you here, to control your father yes I know that much." he pause waiting for me to understand where he was going but i didn't pick up for him so he continued, "That would have been a huge risk for him. What would cause him to make that risk other than you doing something… something like knowing about what he was doing."

I smiled and felt the love I had for him strangling my heart beckoning me to answer his questions to the best of my ability, but he was just here to use me. "How's it been out there, I know we had much fun while you were here last time, we could again." I offered, my voice hypnotic and titillating, trying to tempt him to give this up and join me. 

"I have no time for games." he said with frustration that could only be caused by speaking to the brick wall which was me. But the force at which he used with his words, cracked that wall. 

"I know that he was dealing with the local gangs and cartels, and that he was working on the street version of nerve." My words got more and more serious till my final words reached a sobering tone. I paused and waited for his reaction. He didn't seem phased, but he did visibly straighten. he went to speak but i shut him down, "We have an hour so tell me how it's been on the out side then I'll tell you."

He sighed and then gave me a half smile. He reached over the table and placed a hand on mine. "I did like you, when I left I felt pained." His face became softer and his leg brushed against my leg under the table. I smiled and and then motioned for him to continue. He laughed, then did as I motioned. "I'll tell you." And so he began his story of life after he met me.