
After our debate concluded I walked off and sat in my seat. I looked around in boredom and saw a very familiar face sitting across from me. She was glaring at me but for what I couldn't tell. Maybe I should know this person. She had crimson red roots that blended into hot red hair that then shifted into fire red tips. Her hair was short, it was down to her chin in the front being cut higher and higher till it was and the bottom off her ears all the way in the back. She had bangs the went off to the right side of her face. She was cute and way too familiar, I knew her, but the girl I knew had freckles, long hair and glasses. She had less freckles, one dimple instead of two and her eyes, though still fiery brown, were different. They had purple in them now. She was four maybe five inches taller than the last time I saw her which I couldn't remember when that was. Who is she? Her glare intensified but now it also had a bit of confusion, as if she couldn't believe I had forgotten her.

Mister H started speaking. I shifted my eyebrows around to try and convey my confusion who are you? It seemed to work.

Apparently, she got the message because her half-confused, half aggravated faces told me, what do you mean?

I shifted my face again like I though maybe she was stupid, I meant what I said. She rolled her eyes, you can't be serious. The action said clearly.

"You're right, I remember you random person. And my name is not I'm Danny." I said sarcastically. Either I forgot the teacher was talking or I couldn't hold my voice in any longer but either way I spoke out loud.

"Quiet Danny I'm still speaking." Mister H commanded. The girl giggled and after and moment I did too. When I look back on it, that was a pretty weird moment, but life is strange.

She whispered with a smile as if she were genuinely happy, but her words reeked of sarcasm. "Good job buddy."

"Who are you? I know I know you but from where?" I whispered back a bit curiously, I honestly felt frustrated. I couldn't place her. My memory was often selective; some days I could forget a person's name briefly, some days I could forget my chores and some days I might forget my home work. Luckily, I had developed some thing for that, I'd set alarms, I'd place things in areas I knew I'd look and have to go to and I'd also go above and beyond to start and plan how I'd do these activities and then hide those as well. I'd begin to separate the two of us, actually thanking my past self who I had called… Daniel. Unfortunately, Daniel hadn't told me or reminded me of her.

"You seriously don't remember me. Well you never did have the best memory, I think you used to say it was sel…"

I cut her off, my eyes narrowed, but I wasn't mad I was just surprised and well… curious. "Selective. How'd you know that?"

She raised her voice a bit. "Because-"

I cut her off but she didn't notice "Cara."

"We were best friends in elementary school…" she finally registered what I said. "You remember me? We lived like a minute away from each other. You, Lorra and I used to be thick as thieves. I've been talking to you through snapcat."

"Holy crap!" My voice got away from me, mister H shot me a look that made me shut up instantly, it almost took away from the moment that realization struck. "I've never forgotten a name of a friend, why'd I forget your's? Well it's nice to see you again, Cara."

Her face contorted into what seemed to be a human question mark. "Cara? My name is Carly."

I was embarrassed, no, I don't get embarrassed. Confused, uncertain, suspicious, yes that would sum up what I felt in that moment. "You've got to be kidding me, you're joking right. There's no way that I've messed up this badly, I'm the pinnacle of recall right now." I was doubting my self. How could I mess up? Is she lying to me? My expression straightened up as if to tell say sarcastically, sure it is and I'm Clark Kent.

She smirked, which made me most relived. "Wow, how long did it take you to tell I was lying, that was pretty fast." We had often played this game. She'd say a lie surrounded in truths and things I didn't know, and I'd have to find the little white lie. She was a very good liar, I'm not sure wether that's good or bad.

This time was much different. "Well not too long, but I'm honestly sorry it took me so long to remember you entirely."

"Yeah I can't believe you right now. You forgot me that such a jerk move."

"Not my fault, maybe my brain just decided…" I stopped, can't say that.

As if she read my mind, she questioned me and suddenly looked mad at me. "No go ahead, continue, finish what you were saying so I can properly end your existence." She jested, I think.

"I was gonna say that my brain might have thought your name and face were unnecessary to keep prevalent in my long-term memory."

She rolled her eyes and turned from me. "Just keep digging deeper and deeper." She gave an exaggerated fake smile.

I spent the next twenty minutes of class apologizing and annoying her till I got her attention. We spent rest of class talking. Next was lunch. Luckily, we had the same lunch, so we decided to play divide and conquer. We went to the tables with our friends and tried to reserve seats at the different tables. Finally, we found refuge at Gabby's table. was there along with Simon and…BJ who had already become friends with them. That was the extent of our table. I introduced everyone to Kara. She got along well with BJ, she was smart, she kept him on his toes. Every time he'd say something smart or he would correct someone she'd explain what he meant or correct him on a small, minor in-correction. Almost making him afraid to speak around her, but he got over that, in fact he started to do the same to her. They're testing each other. Just thinking about her face brings me to the verge of tears. But back to the present. School this year seemed like shit.