What it’s Like to be a Vigilante

…Present Danny's story…

This isn't about before I met you. You want to know what happened after. Well you'd be pleased to know that I became what you said I would, a hero. On the way to school, I heard on my police radio a robbery in the area. I saw a detective calling for back up at a bank robbery with several hostages and four, armed, masked robbers. After I met you… well you can say I never stopped taking Nerve. Being a real vigilante means you never stop fighting for your cause, I give up and I'm worse than the cops, I take a break and I'm worse than the cops, fail… and I'm worse than the cops. 

And after all… if my enemies can take it to stay ahead then why not take it to catch up. I saw the criminals and noticed their perfect postures and dead-eye accuracy, they were on Nerve. As my responsibility I chose to help this detective, but I couldn't let myself be caught. I pulled my classic, 1969, refurbished hot rod, over and put on a mask, grabbed some gear and suited up in a basic heavy duty outfit. I jumped out and ran faster than what would be normal, adrenaline filling my veins. I ran up to and jumped over her. 

I landed in front of the steps, dropped my disposable phone as accidentally as I could make it look of the building then immediately ran around the building I turned up my wireless earbuds and listened to the confusion and chaos of the screams of people. I grappled on the roof leaving no time to spare. I heard the detective list my traits and description. not all completely accurate and she was missing many. I undid the vent grate and slid into the vents. I crawled ever so quickly and silently. I waited till I heard their voices perfectly under me. They could have no idea that I ran up only to get them to talk more. 

After I pinpointed their location I shook the section of the vent until it dropped and fell out of the sky. It fell on two of the masked robbers inside. they seemed to try and get out of the way before it hit them so they only had damaged legs and were bruised. I looked around the room till I saw someone who's eyes shown bright with adrenaline and a fight reflex. I saw a woman by the dead body of a guard who's gun was free for the taking. I nodded to them before I stood.

"Well looks like we got ourselves a super hero. I'm gonna have to shoot yah up mister hero." The man shot at me. I quickly moved out of the way mimicking the way some one falls after getting shot. He seemed to notice me dodging so I let the bullet skim me.

I clicked my teeth. The first half of the plan went smoothly one of them was tackled by the brave man, while, bang, the other one was shot in the leg and fell. While the robbers were distracted, I ran up jumping high into the air, he stretched his arm back as far as he could with his elbow bent. As the man turned around, my elbow punched forward, it hit the man's temple. The man was knocked out and slammed into the ground pretty hard, but as I was still falling down, I grabbed the man's arm, pulling him self down faster and using the man's body as a human shield. The associate still on the ground but not so hurt by the bullet in their leg, slowly getting up, aimed the gun, but couldn't get a clear shot. I tossed the man onto the man's associate, then drop kicked them both, knocking down the both of them. He then picked up the all of their guns and unloaded them. Everyone was confused. I looked to the woman and the man and pumped my fist. "You are the heroes today." I notice the detective walk in. 

"Detective, Barbra Johnson, come with me." Looked to put her gun in its holster. I looked to the one the seemed to lead the operation. I grabbed him and ran. She shot at me but it was able to leave in time. I know the alley and building would be surrounded so I went to the roof I had little time. 

I slapped the man waking him up. "Who sold you the drug?" I yelled with such rage it was almost tangible. "Tell me now or I'll drop you." I pushed him to the edge of the building. 

"Chill man I don't know, give me a second to think. I pushed more and more of him off edge of the building. "Whoa man chill, I just know that the doctor is the man that makes it and that any of the gangs the sell it get it from him."

"The name of your dealer I need names." I shouted.

 "Liljay is his name." I searched his pockets. Then left him on the roof as I jumped from roof to roof down a building and I got to my car. I saw the detective cut a corner and we were face to face.

"I'd love to stay and chat detective but I've got places to be, shouldn't you be yk arresting them, I didn't do anything wrong."

"You're him, the dark knight." Her eyes looked lost as she gazed into mine. She heard the sound of a warning shot and foot steps. "We need to bring you in for questioning." We locked eyes. She was fit, and her and had a figure that could pull anyone's attention to her. We had met before but I was the dark knight then, I'm not now. 

"Sorry you have me confused with someone else, you lost me at have to. I don't do the whole get brought in for questioning thing and I don't have to do anything except clean up my mess." If you'd didn't know any better you'd say I was bipolar after the extreme changes in emotions as I spoke. I scoffed at her silence got in the car and drove off. Making sure they couldn't see my plate and I drove in as many back corners as possible to avoid street cams. I changed in my car while I was in a back alley behind the school. After, I pulled up and saw my best friend. I pull up to her while she was walking down the sidewalk. "If it isn't Lorra Rodríguez."

"Hey wanna give me a ride the rest of the way there?" She spoke softly and gave me the puppy dog eyes.

"Do I wanna?" I said as if deeply pondering the question.

"Daniel." I smirked and opened the passenger side.

"Hop in." I floored the gas, all that was heard was a feminine scream, the screeching protest of my tires on the pavement.