The Charming Instigator

Before I had to play hero at that robbery, I was ready to be a normal kid again.

…Daniel's Story Present…

The outfit I had lined up for myself today was a bright red Spider-man tee shirt, dark blue joggers, long black socks and a satin dark red and black and red leather jacket. I looked into the mirror, "come on man you have to do better. I looked like a zombie whose partly dead skin hadn't fallen off yet. I had little squares on my face from the key board and what appeared to be dried drool on top of the tic-tac-toe game that had yet to begin on the right side of my face.

I took a very long shower, almost an hour long, in fact I remember listening to three chapters of an audio book while in there. The warm water raining on to my skin, flowing and washing down my back; I stood there the water running down the creases of my face reminded me of all the blood spilled that I couldn't stop and that was my fault. I wont let you down Cara. I'll fix this, I'll fix this, I'll fix this, I'll beat this. Face grew hot with anger but when I opened my eyes I saw that blood and not water had covered me and my shower. As soon as i saw it… it was gone. then your voice Vickie… came into my mind. the same soft, sing song tone you always use when you would cam other patients. After that my shower had become so relaxing I almost fell asleep in there, and I would have if it weren't for that meddling alarm. I had to turn it off for real this time. When I turned it off I didn't pay too much attention to the screen. When I had finally gotten out of the shower, I was awake but dehydrated, I almost died in there; it was a literal sauna in the bathroom. I went through my normal routine which consisted of: put lotion on, put on clothes, brush my teeth, combed my hair. I was in and out, well if you don't include the shower. I threw on some basketball shoes and ran down the hall to my mother's door. Knock! Knock! Knock! "Yo Jay I'm coming in." I had shouted to my sister with no regard for my younger brother who was still sleeping.

I heard the low, and for the most part quiet, sound of the bed creasing; she had sat up. "What do you want? What's up?" She said as I opened the door.

"Oh I'm-" I paused. Wait that can't be right, that clock reads five thirty it's supposed to be six thirty. It had finally donned on me. No wonder I was too tired to turn the alarm off. I woke up an hour early. Well then, I guess I have a bunch of free time. I smiled and said, "Well I was going to say I'm off to school but looks like I'm a bit early sorry." I need to go now hurry legs make a break for it.

I turned and went to shut the door but as I went to close it she halted me. "Wait, I need a picture. It's your first day back at school." She grinned.

I hadn't liked the idea of taking pictures of myself, I was quite photogenic but unfortunately, I was blessed with the wrong talent. I don't care for photos and I get frustrated when people waste their time on taking a picture of me. I smiled and posed quickly for the photo then I went to the living room and spent the next fifty-nine minutes watching YouTube on the tv and eating junk food like pizza, chips and soda. Then at six twenty-nine I shot up, grabbed my bag and my keys. That brings us to the robbery which ruined an otherwise perfectly normal day.

…Victoria's POV…

I paused his story. "Do you always see things like that?"

"When you're on nerve all the time it can start to do things to your mind, luckily I have the purest kind which limits those effects but… it's been three months since the last time I was… sober."

I nodded at that, "I see… I'm glad my voice was able to soothe you." i smiled as he rolled his eyes trying to suppress his grin. i let him continue

…Danniel's Story…

I went to school. I walked in to first period. There were three seats left in the back the class room was moderate in size fitting twenty some students and our desks, the teacher and her much bigger desk off to the left hand side of the class, the front white dry erase marker board and a bunch of posters as well as four water sprinklers at the top of the class. I sat down in the back in the corner. I had to use my own leg strength to stop myself from actually sitting on the seat and crushing it. The teacher stood up and walked to the front of the class.

She spoke in a projecting voice, loud and slow…well fast for regular standards and she had a peppy and happy tone as if she was a child on the verge of complete over excitement because her birthday was tomorrow. "Don't think I forgot about those research papers. My name is," she wrote on the board in dark blue marker, "Mrs.Blake. I like teaching and comic books. We'll take turns and since you came in late you can go first."

I stood up slowly, looking around, the girl I was sitting next to had silky jet black hair, she had shiny eyes that matched her skin in color, and caramel skin, she was wearing black jeans and a red velvet tee shirt with a dark blue cotton jacket. The guy sitting next to her had slightly darker skin and was wearing a navy blue shorts sleeve hoodie and gray joggers. His eyes were brown, his hair was curly and long like mine but shorter and more up in the air rather than a short, silky, ebony mullet. He seemed to whisper something to her as he glanced at me. She turn to look at me and giggled. I could hear what he said, I don't look like an asshole do I. I hope I don't come off that way, and I do think she thinks I look cute. I spoke with a Similar tone complimenting Mrs.Blake's tone, "My name is Danniel Everight… but you can call me Danny." I smiled brightly at her, "My favorite color is gold, it's the same color as eyes, but my eyes in a certain light, kinda like this light, have a hint of green and orange on the edges of the irises."

The teacher stepped forward looking at my eyes. "Really." She took a couple more steps forward and waved her hand signaling me to come to the front of the class, "That's interesting I've never seen eyes like these." She was curious, which is understandable not everyday you see eyes like these. normally eyes similar in color to these would be the result of jaundice but mine is due the the adrenaline imbalance in my blood due to the drug.

She was much closer now, inside my personal space bubble, but I didn't mind. She stared up into my eyes. I could see her much better now she was two or three inches smaller than me and she was very young, like in her lower twenties. Her eyes were blue her eyebrows were almost and thick as mine but not nearly as wild. Everything about her seemed tame except the way she dressed. It was almost as if she were another student. She had a flannel shirt, it was checkered black and red, she wore glasses on the top of her head, she had navy blue jeans, and she had a necklace that had a ruby in the middle of a diamond pendent. The moment seemed dragged on but that probably meant in reality it wasn't very long. She was getting a bit closer, we were five inches away from nose to nose.

Suddenly a gunshot like sound booms through out the class room. I had clapped in the distance between our faces. She was startled and jumped back a step. "Gotcha, it's a mutation." I lied, "So I guess you could say I'm a mutant. Never know what other cool mutations I could be hiding."

The girl I was sitting next to spoke out, "So you must think you're very cool."

To her I answered immediately. "Nope, I'm hot but I'm sure I'm still the coolest person you'll you'll have a chance to be friends if you keep up that attitude. Though someone as cute as you is sure to meet some interesting people in their life." I spoke in a flirty tone with a mix of sarcasm and arrogance, emphasizing a few choice words. To weaken someones mental shell they use as protection, mix them up, confuse them, but make sure it's positive. This way her attention was mine.

She was taken aback. "That was fast, you know you're kind of a flirt. You think you're hot, you think you can handle me." She stared into my eyes. The words seemed to slowly cascade off of the walls of her mouth like calm water sliding off from her tongue to my ears, the sass dripping off of her tongue. . Is she flirting with me, and with a tune like that she might be able to hold a note. Curious and curiouser.

Honestly it took me a while, by my standards, to think of that one but to them it seemed automatic to them I guess. I need to slow down a bit. "Well why don't you share with the class then what makes you so sure." I crossed my arms.

She stood up slowly with a half smirk. I could tell she wasn't exactly prepared for my challenge. "Okay my names Janet and I'm in a musical, that's in theaters-" my smile went still to a and indifferent pose. I wasn't sure how to feel at firs, then I smiled.

"You can sing." I said as not as a question but as an observation. I studied her mouth neck and chest with my eyes ignoring her well endowed, her big top, her… well you get the point I didn't notice before but I didn't she was voluptuous. She looked fit and the way her chest was structured I could tell she could hold her breath casually for two minuets with out passing out. She could probably hold a note for a long while.

"Of course, what's it to you?" She said defensively.

"Nothing it's just that I think singers are pretty cool, especially those that can really act." I said in an honest, bordering innocent child like tone. There was no retort, no witty remark, instead her face started to turn red slowly. In a split second I scanned the room and noticed the class looking at us. They had judging eyes and I could tell that some of them were shipping us already. "Ha!-ha!-ha!-he!-he!-ha!" I had burst out laughing, "Well this has been one very awkward start to class."