Research Paper

Our teacher had the most amazing idea, well it was overall terrible for other students but it was good to have a sound board to bounce ideas off, she had us all write research papers. Not just any research papers, conspiracy theory based papers. So after introductions we had to present them.

"Since you were first for introductions why don't you start first Danniel." My Brilliant and gracious teacher called on me to go first.

I stood, went to the front of the class, presented my project to the class as if I were a Vanna White from wheel of fortune, and then recited my entire paper from memory, with a few changes.

"If you have any questions feel free to ask. Though the Coca-Citri company wasn't bought till 1888 and further founded in 1892 as stated by coca-citri, the drink Coca-citri was surprisingly created in 1886 by Atlanta pharmacist John Perlamo explained my researcher Pemberton. The drink was sold out of a pharmacy and has been said to be modeled after a popular French thirst-quenching beverage called coca wine as Pemberton goes on to explain. To get around alcohol laws and restrictions, he substituted the alcohol for a syrup he created and caffeine and citrus giving it the name Citri, but almost 100 years later the formula for cola was turned on its head giving birth to Coke 2.0 as stated by coca-citri. The new beverage did so poorly that when Coke 1.0 was released, and cokes sales skyrocketed, some people theorized that the release of Coke 2.0 was a marketing ploy.

There is much evidence to support this theory, that is why it was theorized in the first place. Though Coca-Citri, has denied all claims that this is the case Coca-Citri hasn't had the best track record with honesty. According to Lifescicence author Victoria Pemberton, Coca-citri had previously denied having cocaine and meth in any of their products yet there is overwhelming evidence that more than suggests otherwise. This is another one of the reasons many began to believe that coke was up to more than they told everyone as this wouldn't be the first time.

According to the data on Macrotrends Coca-citri had Its largest increase in stock price and sales after the release of Coke 1.0. At the time Coca-citri's worth was dropping significantly, dropping almost 34% as shown on Macrotrends. This was due to Heads up's Campagne based on the most recent research. 'Its lemon-and-limeflavored beverage is preferable to other soft drinks because it does not contain caffeine. Understandably, this has upset the manufacturers of Coca-Citri, pepper-Cola and Dr cola, which do contain caffeine.' As author Burros states it. The proof used to back up their claim came from a reputable source, "In 1978, when an advisory committee to the Food and Drug Administration reported that too much caffeine might have a deleterious effect on central nervous Caffeine addiction." Burros went on to explain. At this time the coca leaves were slowly becoming illegal and drugs like heroin and particularly meth were being cracked down on, with greater and greater restrictions being placed on them up until their eventual banning in 1989 as said by Blickman.

Clearly people are willing to believe this theory because of the extreme growth of Coca-Citri's worth and the sudden disagreement with the treatment of cola and citri based products. There were many reasons for them to attempt some thing like that. If the popularity of their drink went up they wouldn't have to change the formula. Though coca was stilled banned later on after repeated media based attacks to the drug and Coca-citri for using it Clifford says in his article, it seemed as the public turned a blind eye to Coca-Citri's past with cocaine because they liked it enough which is evidenced by their large growth in popularity and worth."

"I'm impressed." Mrs.Blake told me with wide eyes.

"I don't like to hold back in research." That's when a short, Latina, brunette, my best friend ever besides Eric, You and… Cara, walked in. Sure she curvy and had a reasonably large chest, and pretty but that was ultimately unimportant as I couldn't ever see her in such a way, not that if I could looks would matter that significantly.

… Victoria's pov…

"If you talk about another girls chest or body again I might get jealous" I teased.

He seemed to shrug off the comment. "I can't help it if I'm a pig, my mind is always analyzing every inch of every environment."

"So you've been analyzing every inch of me?" I felt fuzzy inside with that knowledge but he seemed to ignore the question entirely and continue.

… Danny's story present…

Lorra sat in the desk next to mine and I smiled. "Look who's late for once. On the first day too, even after I gave you a ride. What the hell happened be between here and class." Her face flushed red and she looked away from me. "Oh? Who happened then?"

"José. Just… we'll talk about it later. I also met some guy in the hall, he said something about being late because his aunt got called in today and when she texted him it seemed like some vigilante showed up at a bank and stopped it from being robbed."

"You don't say. That's insane what did he look like?" I said with genuine curiosity as if I didn't know it was me.

Our teacher though just had to jump in but that was to be expected. "Since you were late come up here and introduce yourself, and tell us something about yourself." I could see in Lorra's eyes when her heart seized up. She wasn't shy per say but, she could never usually handle being put on the spot, but her eyes shown more force than normal, this wasn't going to be one of those times. She stood and walked with pride, all 5 feet of her. "My name is Lorra Rodriguez, I'm 16 years old and I moved to this area recently. I'm 15th place for grades in our grade and I have a YouTube channel with that one over there." She pointed to me. I looked around as if I couldn't tell where she was pointing. "Don't be silly Daniel."

"Me… silly? Never." I exaggerated and stretched out almost each syllable. Class wrapped up without a hitch.