Vickie’s Capture

"You are unwell, take some of these will ya?" The man said. She wasn't familiar with the man they called Don, she knew him by his first name, his real one, Ramiro, but she called him uncle Ramy… until today.

He pushed a pill towards her mouth and she attempted to move out of the way, but she could barely see straight much less make an accurate slow dodge. He had been drugging her all day but she couldn't have known he'd try this on her. Two days ago she had stolen a flash drive from her uncle, it contained some compromising photos of politicians and their families as well as photos of incriminating emails and texts. She often wondered how people could be so corrupt but she could understand it being easier if everyone you work with is also corrupt. She had saved one photo to her computer, it was of the Cola-citri CEO in some sort of hotel room, it showed him standing over a bloody mess of limbs and organs on the floor with blood all over his mouth injecting a yellow viscous fluid into his arm. It looked like it was taken from a building across from his window.

Her uncle, if she could even call him that, wasn't stopping, the last thing she remembered was waking up vomiting less than an hour later. Her uncle hadn't left as he was getting rid of all the evidence he gave her the drugs. He was facing her room door down the hall while she was on the couch. She slowly slid off the couch reaching for her phone on the glass living room table. Ever so slightly she lifted her phone while moving back too her spot but she didn't notice the vomit stain on the couch, still wet. She slipped and fell causing a loud thud. she quickly held down the sos button on her phone to call the police immediately, but he was already upon her. he saw the phone with 911 in bright white text at the top of her screen. He sighed and took the phone but he didn't hang up, "Hello, my niece just tried to kill her self with some pills, she started vomiting so I turned her over but I think she needs real help."

And just like that she was hit with the baker act, she'd be put in psych ward for up to three days and if her condition deteriorated, they could hold you for longer, which was her case, he leveraged his power to keep her locked up for months. That's when she met Danny.